Someone in r/murderedbywords suggests all the Daddy hate is making their sub boring and annoying. Edgelord 5000 spergs out and flips his bowl of Spaghetti-O’s everywhere

1  2019-01-09 by flotus_scrotus


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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unironically that entire sub has gone to absolute shit

I thought it was gonna be fine after the first political purge, but now it's sliding back to what it used to be. r/insanepeoplefacebook is going the same route too, just batting at low hanging fruit or not understanding satire.

Those sort of ban-a-thons are always just a way to kick the can down the road.

r/insanepeoplefacebook is now super political. so is r/comedycemetary. it would be quicker to name the ones that aren't going completely liberal.

conservatives got r/unpopularopinion and you do not hear the end of it though.

conservatives got r/unpopularopinion and you do not hear the end of it though.

God they bitch about that every day too. Its not even really conservative either, just anti-reddit mob opinion.

Its not even really conservative either, just anti-reddit mob opinion.

confirmed conservative hugspace

/r/unpopularopinion seems to do its job well since people bitch about the opinions there everyday.

quite a few opinions commonly posted there arent unpopular at all though

The crumbling of r/ComedyCemetary was one of the worst things to come out of 2018. I used to spend so much time there

Yeah it used to be great and it just went to shit so quickly

I like how not one but two people spelled /r/comedycemetery wrong

I remember /r/comedycemetary's decline.

Post after post of boomer-tier Trump memes, until someone posted some Dem cringe and a mod got buttblasted and banned politics.

Now it's just people mad at jokes making fun of trannies and socialists.

its just r/policalhumor2.0 at this point

Political humor is just facebook memes for old millenials.

Not all boomers are Republicans.

The non-political posts are trash, too.

Subs tend to go to shit over time; as proof, just look at /r/drama.

We were, are, and have been shit.

And we wouldn't have it any other way.

I'd have it one other way: with pings

The perks of starting at the bottom and going no higher tbh

Ambition is for suckers

"A bad thing"


was it ever not? the only time the content fits it’s posted everywhere else

How will Braampf ever recover? Surely this is the end!




When we drag him, and his family, out of the White house and slaughter his pig corpse in front of the media while millions watch, then we can move along.


Completely normal and rational decision made by a completely normal and totally non-delusional 35 year old. C'mon guys.

Holy shit look at his account.

I just want trump to be dragged out into the street and have the general public stomp on his body until the streets run red with his blood. Then would love to stop out every single republican in office. And then put every single republican voter into education / death camps.

This guy is a huge sperg.

I can't imagine being that pathetic and not killing myself in shame.

education/death camp

Well it’s nice there’s the option of choosing education camp over death camp, at least.

Lol, S E E T H I N G

Incels don’t even hate foids that much. Dude needs help

Republicans with ODS / HDS are more absurd and they deserve death.

Ha this is a quality spergout. You have served this board well.

has that sub ever not been shit?