India-Pakistan drama when tranny+thot=trot gets patrolled by sharia police

1  2019-01-09 by ArcaneHilt


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Didn’t pornhub year end review say they were looking at trans porn or was that Saudi?

No, ur mom

I would have thought the trans would thrive in Allah-palooza land because of the anonymity of the Burka

Depends where, some of the countries are full blown free operation all accepting cause the gays are killed and it's a good loophole to get more woman to rape and avoid being killed. But that's only a few woke countries, the rest hate them both just as much.

Yeah I don't believe this, fake. This is the religion of peace we're talking about, they'd never do this.

One of the twitter replies:

First of all I apologize, I didn't knew I was talking to a Lady, I would never disrespect you.


What a shame he didn't let them get to the end of the routine, where in sync they all face the audience, raise a sword, and cut their dicks off. That being said, shitholes gonna do shithole things. I remember the last time I got into an argument about Pakistan being a shithole on reddit, a white guy tried to tell me I was wrong because he went there and saw pretty places.

If you have to boil a country down to a hiking trail and a mountain, and literally pretend that people don't exist in it, that says more about that country than any other argument could.

Pakis are the worst people on earth.

Based and redpilled 😎😎😎

We should do that in the US

These aren’t trans people they’re bacha bazi, young teen boys used for prostitution

It’s not gay if we pretend they’re women.