Menslib Demographic Survey results are in: Shockingly, they are mostly young, middle class, mentally ill, white males.

1  2019-01-09 by Hepu


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. This Post -,,,

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Imagine hating a sub like menslib but still cross posting their stuff when convenient. Maybe r/drama is starting to see the light.

This sub exists to mock retarded shit, of course reasonable things aren't linked here.

t. immigrant

What does t. mean?

t. doubleposter

What does t. mean?

t. newfriend

So, the same as the rest of reddit?

With a few more trannys stuffed in.

trannys stuffed in.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


7/10 are men

Why are 3/10 non-males? It's a fucking men's issue sub, why are women there? Pathetic.

Wow misogyny on the internet. I know an evil, racist cheetoh is in office, but it's 2019.

The classics always come back around.

The gender gap is real. We must raise that 3/10 to 6/10, women has been oppressed for far too long. Misogynistic pigs like you deserve to rot in prison.

Nice try cuck, I'm already rotting away inside 🤣🤣🤣🤣

rotting away instead of helping white women rise up against the constant oppression they experience every day and not telling them how beautiful they are even if they're the size of 2 firetrucks



You should see a doctor sweetie.

Yeah, so I can be euthenized 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Someone's got to keep the narrative on track.

Because everything that seems like a men's issue actually stems from a more important women's issue. Get woke, shitlord.

So the men have boots to lick.

How else are those 'men' supposed to cum?

Because they unironically believe men talking is mansplaining

The other 3 identify as women, duh.

Woman here

Use this one simple trick to end up at the top of every MensLib comment sections!

And of course the comment is about criticizing men.

Trans woman here (also disabled and black just for good measure) - I find your comment problematic because it doesn't center women of color.

Every fucking time

I remember larping In stormwind as a young female

Holy fuck you get some creepy pms and shit

All i wanted is free gold. This was like 2009 tho lmfao

Pretending to be a woman on the interent back in 2009 was a part time job. You could make some money.

Holy fuck you get some creepy pms and shit

People say this, but I've mentioned I'm a woman many times on reddit, and never one single creepy PM.

> tfw too ugly in text even for redditors.

/u/burnitdownsyndrome I got a job for you

i need more than "maybe has bergina"

and imo yo bitch was askin for it

Send me bussy. 😤

i only post hog

you want one?

Been a little over an hour now. How many have you gotten so far?

None yet - but this is /r/drama, a refuge from gussy. I'm probably invading a safe space, tbh.


Only feminine penis allowed.

Ladies, gentlemen, and all those who lie betwixt, happy new year!


Putting “prefer not to say” on an anonymous gender question. Tards.

That quote if from a Contrapoints video lol. As if we needed any more proof that the average MensLib poster is a white male succdem who gets their ideas from YouTube lefties.

Between them, KiA, and /r/JordanPeterson everyone just steals their ideas from youtube. Shit's lame


Yikes, also oof

About half of us are in relationships

Time and time again, I have said, body pillows dont count as real relationships, ya fucks.

they do though, me and Shinobu chan (12 yo version from Kizumonogatari, not her 8 yo one from the anime since I'm not sick) are very happy with each other

Leaving the degenerate closet made your shtick worse, stop trying to pull a Louis CK.

I'm not out of any closet

2D is 2D, 3D is 3D

why did hitler choose the Jews to genocide instead of degenerates like you?

he did that too though, do your research

Apparently he didn’t do a good enough job

We didn't give him enough time.

Weebs didn't exist until after two nukes.

Fuck you. I can get as much fulfillment from a daki and maybe even more than I could from a a 3D woman.

It’s missing whether or not they’re raising their wife/girlfriend’s son.

They'll be In murder suicide ticking time bomb poly triads

young, middle class, mentally ill, white males.

I feel attacked being tied to that filth sub

We don't bite, except for u-BigAngryDinosaur.


Obviously, there's overlap, but 30% women plus 20% gay/bi plus 6% would make for a nice 44% straight dude representation there, which would explain a lot

>appropriating /u/cdace 's drama culture

its time to declare dino-jihad


add in at least 30% mentally ill - so, probably only 10-20% men who aren't retarded.

I assume this is virtually identical to the /r/drama demographic

not enough pajeets

Less femoids and somehow more degenerates here.

We need to work on our racial diversity !!!

We've made particular effort to make posts about topics including black male sexuality, police brutality, HIV among LGBTQ black men. Next month is Black History Month in the USA, so watch this space.

Lmao, show me a better example of lefty-whitey mentality. I'll wait.

They're like the whites from Get Out lol

This but anti-ironically

When you're so anti-racist you still black people's skin and wear it.

These are the same people who think Get Out was b r a v e and a m a z i n g and not pure garbage.

I thought it was fun :(

We need to work on our racial diversity !!!

Consider revising the purpose of the sub then

Wh*te people have smooth brain

They don't get that the sub is so white because their brand of self-flaggelation only appeals to white "men".

Reminds me of the Kavanaugh debate when they had some post like "Actually, white dudes, only black men are mistreated by the justice system". MensLib will always throw men under the bus for lib intersectional posturing.


only appeals to white "men".

Correction: only appeals to middle class men. And in America black people are largely in the lower class - I've seen people argue that America has more of a race divide as opposed to a class divide to some extent.

Sure, if you ignore the fact that poor America is still predominately white. Anyway, this sort of extreme self-hatred still only appeals to whitey. Oh and hapas.

I meant lower class including white Americans that fit into that. And dunno what it’s like in the US, but in the UK class =! money.

yeah non-white males are not browbeaten pussies in large enough numbers to populate that sub.

We need to work on our racial diversity !!!

What are they going to do? Walk around black neighborhoods and hand out flyers?

No minorities want to hang out with these losers and I don't blame them.

We've made particular effort to make posts about topics including black male sexuality, police brutality, HIV among LGBTQ black men. Next month is Black History Month in the USA, so watch this space.

Things black people like to talk about: police brutality, AIDS, being queer... the list goes on and on.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer black men

Yes just because a nonbinary black man has a wenis doesn't mean she can't be a besbian.

mfw when menslib needs more black friends to point to as an example of them not being racist

Im sure black man who are trying to make something of themselves would love to listen to white effeminate man about toxic masculinity.

We need to work on our racial diversity !!!

We've made particular effort to make posts about topics including black male sexuality, police brutality, HIV among LGBTQ black men. Next month is Black History Month in the USA, so watch this space.

Lmao, show me a better example of lefty-whitey mentality. I'll wait.

"We need to get more darkies in here, but they wont come no matter how much we talk about how they're a bunch of AIDS ridden criminals and show them our Kendrick playlists! It doesn't make sense!"

Seriously, doesn't fucking /pol/ have much stronger "diversity" (as in less white people) than woke reddit? Aside from a couple of communities like /r/Blackfellas - which, iirc only "woke" on some fronts as opposed to swallowing the whole pill - woke reddit is as white as it gets.

Reddit in general is white as hell though. Also how would you know the racial demographic of 4chan? It's all anon

Damn who's that qt3.14 on the left and what's she doing there

What does “black male sexuality” even mean? Black people don’t have different sexual instincts.

I mean, compared to the general population of soyboys that's pretty high, so I expect most of those """PoC""" are whiter than Warren.

Lesbian black men???


The only funny novelty acc

81.5% atheists

33% have mental issues

35% lgbtbbq

Literally indistinguishable from the caricatures Christfags were mocked for making 10-15 years ago. American leftists are a treasure

“Menslib: 10 Times Gayer Than Average” is a great tag line

And they're 10 times more trans than the highest estimate I've seen for the general population.

Isn't it more like 20 times?

The original estimate back in the day was .3%, but the media has been citing a .6% estimate from the Williams Institute lately. They're basically an LGBTQBBQIT legal advocacy group though, so I assume their estimate is inflated to normalize it. So it's at least 10x trannier.

We've really gone full circle lol.

This can't be right, only 33% have mental issues?

No that says 35% have mental issues

And what percentage of that 35% have self-diagnosed their mental illness?

They still have a mental illness, just not the one they've diagnosed themself with.

We need to work harder on racial diversity.

You WILL join our forum, African American. We WILL have you. Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.

Alternatively, they can just implement a maximum quota on white users. That would be amusing to see.

Bot detects straight standard English.... benned

just use the program that detects reading level and ban anybody who posts >8th grade

Shi dawg dat better not come up in this hizzouse, knawmsaying?

If they ever did get enough black people in the sub, they wouldn't be able to feel guilty anymore.

Minorities like black men and latinos are actually the one keeping masculinity alive. City white men seem to have embrace becoming major pussies.

I'd love for an old school black guy or Latino to go through the """""advice"""""" menslib gives out.

Machete reads reddit NEEDS to be a full length feature film.

bring_your_blackie_to_menslib_month is coming up it seems!

That list reads like some movie script that tried to invent most bland and unlikable character in cinema history.

  • Young
  • White
  • sterile
  • self loathing
  • atheist
  • STEM lord
  • Clinton supporter

Hans dear...get me the Luger

I’d watch that movie as long as the main character got raped and murdered

Directed by Quinton Tarantino

This is the basic bitch version of a Reddit user.

Add "anxiety" and you got your starter pack.

The new normie

A lot of you are bi

Imagine my shock

We need to work harder on racial diversity.

I once had a public school administrator say that because a school was mostly white. In a mostly white area. Shocking the children would be mostly the same color as their parents.

Those are fetishist code words for desiring more black bulls.

We need to work harder

What the fuck does that even mean? Work harder how? It's a subreddit for Christ's sake - there is no "work" involved (i.e. nothing approaching productive work).

Bring in the soy from around the globe.

We need to bus in poc from other websites

Those are also all role playing Mayos.

Unironically dog whistling to bring back slavery

What the fuck does that even mean?

You ever watch Get Out?

Funny thing is, they "forget" to account for reddit-wide demographics here, even though it's a factor a few paragraphs before.

we need to work on our diversity

Better put on my other skin then

We need to work harder on racial diversity.

When will they realize that mayo men are the only demographic that gets off on self-flagellating themselves on the internet?

I will be honest, there are a lot of problems in the black community for lack of a better term, but the death of masculinity as an idea and the self-flagellation of men is not one of them. You'll never get anything but sad, emasculated, millennial/zoomer young white men and tbh I feel bad for them.

There is a genre of bdsm where white women have sex with while racially insulting black guys. Watch if you need proof that black people can pronounce er.

Most of reddit is controlled by mayo men.

The only choice is MAYOCIDE!

I like this comment because they point out the biggest problem with the sub (narrow range of discussion due to heavy moderation disallowing any criticism of feminism), and all the replies focus on a throwaway line about women of color.

It's a matroshka of liberal guilt. MensLib bending over backwards to center women. White women bending over backwards to center black women.

Even on a comment with 24 upvotes the foids had to show up with "as a woman".

"Are you a person of colour?"

2.4% "prefer not to say" = all if this group is white

14.8% "yes" = half of this group is white.

>14.88% non-white

wtf menslib


We must secure the existence of our Funko Pops and a future for our wive's children.

I bet at least 10% of those "PoC" are Jews.

I resent how men have taken over the r/TwoXChromosomes sub once it was made a default sub. It no longer is a safe place for women to express their views without being bombarded by "not all men" posts and MRA trolls and didn't want men here to feel the same.

Are we on the same website?

Men are only allowed if they blindly support the OP, otherwise your comment will get nuked

r/MensLib seems like the kind of men who go to r/TwoXChromosomes just so they can blindly support the women there so it kind of fits they'd all have persecution complexes.


Disability and mental health problems affect a large proportion of us.

I'll say..

Many of you are bi!

Sadly masturbating in the car outside your ex-girlfriend's house imagining her being plowed by negroes does not make you bi.


MensLib broadly identifies as feminist, rather than MRA.

Jfc. You don't have to be a mouth breathing MRA but why the fuck is a sub for "men's issues" full of people who identify as feminists?

Because menslib is the feminist-approved re-education sub that far-left subreddits can herd weak-willed men into under the justification "there are places to discuss men's issues sweaty"

I love this site for confirmation bias.

wh*Tes are a mistake.

Their class options are "poverty" "lower class" "lower middle class" "middle class" "upper middle class" and "upper class". That's retarded.

"Poverty" isn't a social class, and nobody identifies as "lower class". Where is working class? Why is middle class segmented into three options?

Where is working class?


Working class is anything below upper-middle, sweetie 💅🏾

aww where's the totesmessenger post?

I wanted to see them react to this title

White guys are so adorable. Lmao, I love that sub. The self-loathing is great.

You are kind of disgusting excuse for a human being if you feel the need to phrase what was a fairly interesting poll the way you did.

wait, they’re redditors?

However, what's really interested is that about a fifth of respondents identify as either bi or pansexual - much higher than any estimate I've seen for the wider population. There's been some debate amongst the mods about whether /r/MensLib is attractive to bi/pan people or if the number of bisexual people is just underestimated in general. Tell us what you think in the comments.

Or maybe, just maybe people in your community feel the urge to adopt at least some kind of minority/lgbtqwertq label. "Hey, I've had that weird dream once, that counts right? Guess I'm bi"

There should be a Incel-a-con. Where all the incels meet, then fuck each other. No more incels!

That's how we got furries.

Those pots actually want me to kill myself. This is why I get paid big fucking money to fuck around in Python. How the fuck are you this incompetent at making a fucking graph.

No shit.

This is sad

Jesus I actually unironically feel really bad for them. 1/3 of those people have a mental illness which is genuinely not surprising at all. It is literally a group of emasculated men trying to turn their lack of masculinity into a virtue, a social/political movement and into a lifestyle, the only thing less surprising then them all being white is them being ridiculously mentally ill. I just want to grab these poor fucks by the shoulders, shake them and tell them they don't have to metaphorically castrate themselves to be good people, in fact they'd probably be better people if they DIDN'T.


Yeah, masculinity can be fucking dangerous. So can femininity, go look at the literature for both young teenage girls suicide rates since social media became popular and the literature showing female aggression is channeled through social ostracism and tell me about how its just masculinity that can be "toxic", but trust me no fucking r/menslib poster will discuss toxic femininity pushing children to paint their walls with brain because they don't want to go through the hoops required to make that men's fault.


The problem is these people aren't trying to be virtuous AND masculine, they're trying to pull a slight of hand by trying to redefine emasculation as masculinity and convincing themselves that's virtue. It isn't.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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Funny that they don't have to work on geographical diversity, class diversity, religious diversity, political diversity or ideological diversity.


bunch of mentally ill whiny tards



"Most of us are atheist or otherwise non religious"

And then they all collectively trigger when they realize they just substituted religion with feminism

The rest are surely wiccans

I didn't know white middle class males were so into getting cucked. Sissification is the next step