Man goes undercover as woman to see what goes on in ladies room... gets sexually assaulted.

1  2019-01-09 by friend1y


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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What bathrooms do I need to go into to get sexually assaulted by women instead of having the cops called

Tfw you'll never go into a womens restroom and be fondled by two women. Why even live?

they wouldn't continue if they noticed you enjoyed it 😭😭😭

Thats when you rape ‘em ofc

That's why you've got to be a good actor.

This but VERY unironically 😫

Maybe she would if you had some standards. It shows when you don't

i'll yank your balls off like a paper towel if I catch you in the wrong bathroom

Kinky. Brb going to the bathroom.

This is why we need separate bathrooms. To protect trans women from predatory foids.

To protect trans women

How do you white knight this hard?

by reading the fucking article

retard can't even read the full post he's responding to, you expect him to read the article?

That article the other day really brought the normiest of normies to seek asylum here.

First, be white.

Gamers rise up

um sweaty do you know where you are right now?


alright, just checking. please, carry on

thanks, satan

How do you know he's covered in beads of perspiration?

Hello are you retarded?

why else would I be here?

This is a good point

Also an easy cop out for being more retarded than normal

But normies aren't welcome here.

Listen, I come here to embrace my retardation. Not be shamed for said retardation. And if I am shamed for it, I have the right to claim that you are retarded too. So there.

Fuck u retard

oof y'all yikes, buddy

from predatory foids

stop whiteknighting

Women can go pee in the alley ways. Transwomen only

This is why we need separate single-occupancy bathrooms


that counts

Get your common sense out of here

You don't already have one? I know I do.

Gender Critical is right. Rapes do happen when transwomen go into women's bathrooms

do women really grab either other's penises in the bathroom?

Something something projecting

There's only one way to find out.

ive always wondered what they do in there all day

Can we start doing that in the men's bathroom too?

Is the other side of the glory hole technically still in the men's room?

I hope so. Gussy, not even once.

its all wet and stuff, eww

that's before you get to the smell

literally every glory hole i've seen has been entirely located within a men's room, and i've seen a lot of glory holes

I always thought of it as an extra dimensional space. A pocket universe where magical sucky things live. This clearly violates space-time and does not exist within the confines of a mensroom.

What shithole country do you live in? Louisiana?

hey, rude. our glory holes don't make this place a shithole.

Although the best glory holes are shitholes...

George michael tried and they killed him for it

Unironically RIP George Michael.

The hero we needed..

I don’t know what sort of shitstain you call your home but where I live we’ve always done that

Damn I need to move to where you are then.

Was I not supposed to be doing that already?

Fine, but my bussy is for Jesus.

I thought we did already?

So you don't offer to hold it for them when you stand next to them in the urinals?

This but literally

no they showed him their female penis in the restroom because they could smell that he was a man

women do seem more colloquial about their bathroom activities ...


why did you think the line was so long?

No, the transfoid would have been unironically safer going to their assigned at birth toilet.

Yes. Source: am woman.

One on the left isn't bad. Wish she would grope me 😟😔

Well now you know her type. Get to work bud

One on the right had that fent-face tho. Probably why her bail was higher, to protect society from uggos. 😤🤢🤮

What the fuck is fent face and how does she have it? Her pupils aren't giving any indication of being on opis

Have you tried not being retarded and knowing your basic garden variety mayos?

I like the part where you weren't able to answer the question

I like how you're expecting a serious response.

I like how you're retarded enough to expect that as a serious response.

I'd smash

zu alt ... viel zu alt

same tbh

It's over for wishcels.

Maybe she would if you had some standards. It shows when you don't

implying a goblin like myself can have standards

Good one 🤣

If Lemmy can smash every ass under the sun, looks don't prevent you from having standards

I'm a manlet and I can't play bass. Also Lemmy was a fucking God how dare you

I just meant that talent, personality, and money are just as important as looks. Of course he's a god. But he's a goblin looking god.

charged with misdemeanor sexual battery and felony second-degree kidnapping, according to an arrest warrant and records filed with the City County Bureau of Identification.

one of them grabbed her genitals and asked if she had a penis, according to the 911 recording... The other woman started laughing, pulled up her shirt and asked the transgender woman if she wanted to see her breasts, the 911 caller said. One of the women also grabbed the victim’s buttocks... Once they left the restroom, at least one of the women continued to grope the victim’s buttocks and stomach

Kidnapping? Really?

It sounds dramatic, but kidnapping can include preventing a person from leaving a certain place. Some jurisdictions call this "unlawful detention" which may also be a lesser included offense under felony kidnapping.

Kidnapping. It's more than luring kids to your van with promises of candy. The more you know!

But they were encouraging him to leave the place if anything.

Making someone want to leave by grabbing their franks and beans is not the same as actually letting them leave the room.

I mean if he wanted to leave there’s just 2 washed up gussies so what’s stopping him?

Hormones and his twink upbringing.

Yea I mean, while we're at it, every kidnapping victim wants to leave...

Damn I haven't heard the term franks and beans in a long time, I appreciate you <3

Lol do you even read?

Don’t ever ask me if I’m autistic again fuckboy of course i didn’t.

I think the kidnapping charge is bullshit. Just some tranny group putting pressure on the cops

Even women can't resist some sweet bussy.

the women starting talking to his friend in what appeared to be a friendly conversation until one of them grabbed her genitals and asked if she had a penis

Honestly, what the fuck is happening to the world? Since when has it been wrong for a woman to grab someone by the dick? This gender shit is getting out of hand, and by that I mean there are not enough women's hands grabbing penises.

I mean there are not enough women's hands grabbing penises.

Is that why ur mom is so busy

My mom died when I was 9 years old asshole.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to live with a child like you too

Wow, you hit it out of the park asshole - I just learned last year she committed suicide (I was always told she died of cancer).

Maybe change your username to as-an-orphan then

orphan is included in XXX.

What do you think she's doing in hell, playing with Legos?

As soon as a dude puts a dress on, he becomes a delicate flower in need of protection

Dude what? That's always been wrong

You'd almost think a very famous and important person had been bragging about grabbing people by the genitals or something...

I get hard fantasizing about being able to ping FB commenters at the bottom of these articles

Ultimate aphrodisiac

.....raw oysters?

I get hard fantasizing about being able to ping FB commenters at the bottom of these articles

I have the same thoughts about pinging twatter users, but alas both these sites suck

Two women face charges after police say they groped a transgender patron in the restroom

The Milk Bar

Can't make this shit up.

Is that a lesbian bar? Do lesbian have bars?

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happy reading

Can't on mobile

not using archive links provided by snappy/bussybot

What did you expect me to do, read it?

just open in incognito tryhard

putting this much effort in to reading internet garbage

reading Internet garbage in the first place

Absolutely disgusting pig that grabbed those women with it's penis.


/r/raleigh has a hot take.

They probably are living in Trumps world.

Obviously this is Trumps fault, have to blame a man for this somehow.

Grab her by the dick!

Tbf who wouldn't want to grab a femine benis.

Last time Fowler voted was in '14. She is a registered libertarian.

I can't find a voter that matches Harrell. There are two Amber Nicole Harrell's registered in N.C., but neither in Wake. She could be either one, or neither.

Trump has really broken these people. What sort of psychopath looks that shit up?

I laughed at the title of the post because I thought that really happened (A man disguised himself as a woman to peep at women peeing or idn) but I clicked on the news and it was a transgender woman. Not funny dude. Those women found out she was transgender and humiliated her. Gross.

but that makes it funny in the narrative-contradicting way

but 'he' isn't really a 'he' because 'he' considers 'himself' a woman so it's not a 'man undercover as a woman,' it's just a woman or a transgender woman, however you want to say it. The transgender woman suffered a homophobic abuse and humiliation by two dickheads. My original laughter turned into sad cringe because of clickbait. And the title 'joke' is just another homophobic remark.

He absolutely is a he. What he considers himself has no bearing on actual physical reality.

But the “actual physical reality” you’re talking about has no bearing on pronouns

It has plenty of bearing on pronouns but that doesn't actually matter because nobody gives a shit about pronouns.

It has plenty of bearing on pronouns

fucking how

People call you the pronouns associated with your physical sex.

But... they don’t

People don’t know your physical test without testing your blood.

Not everyone lives in woquetard fantasy land where you can't assume genders, broslice. 99% of the time people can tell what sex you are from looking at you, and they will call you the pronouns for that sex.

You can assume gender (within a social context, because chinamen all look like girls by our standards), but you can’t assume sex without at LEAST a good long look at some genitals

and even that’s assuming there hasn’t been any mutilation, and that they’re not a 2%er with ambiguous genitalia

...ok you're trolling me. Good job tbh. Really played that poe's law and got me to reply a bunch of times.

nah, strictly tying gender to biology is straight up impractical. there are glaring problems with it even in the contexts where it makes the most sense.

You are absolutely right! Jokes about politically protected classes are not allowed. That's why I changed the context of the title, to protect the trans community.

.......................... lol

Maybe you think it's funny to laugh at a man that decided to be a woman because that what that person felt inside and maybe you think that transgender women are a half-shaved dude with a nasty wig deserving your laugh but they are not a disguised man and you would be surprised of what hormones can do. The title it's clickbait-sy and misleading and I'm taking this to court and Rupaul will be there and you will cry until your tiny penis comes out of your own ass and then somehow the women that did that to the trans woman will be turned into men and they are going to fucking rape you, asshole!

What about what I feel inside? Should I ignore my own feels (for Rupaul) and the desire that my bussy get feltched by two milfs in a public restroom? Should I be ashamed that I am a half shaven dude in a whore's wig? Should I cry for my unmolested tiny penis?

I detect a privileged mayo.

see? you just don't click bait people after making them laugh. You just simply don't take away what you give. You look cute on that Pretty woman's wig btw

Remember people, women can do no wrong. Possession of an X chromosome eternally absolves you of any and all responsibility for your actions.

Everyone has an X chromosome

Of course, they got a shit mod in r/news that loses their shit whenever anything trans comes up and people wrongthink. Got banned for some trans comments like "trans should not be in women's sports because they are still biologically male and have an advantage over female athletes."

ok but which one had her tits out

The one on the left is cute

Got any police sketches?

Relax. It's always the uggo.

of course it is

It's over for cisfoidcels.

Lol they crotched checked him and they displayed their gussy in arrogant dominance?

Mod these women

Its what mods do to eachother.

The other woman started laughing, pulled up her shirt and asked the transgender woman if she wanted to see her breasts, the 911 caller said. One of the women also grabbed the victim’s buttocks, according to the caller.

The victim told the women “a number of times to stop,” the caller said.

Once they left the restroom, at least one of the women continued to grope the victim’s buttocks and stomach, according to the caller, who added that the bartender asked them to stop.

Later: Only men can be incels.

All the dudes wearing lipstick and their nan's pearls say they need to use women's restrooms, locker rooms, prisons, so crazy men won't assault them. Well, guess what, women are psychos also.

How do you know that this "trans-woman" wasn't passing as a woman? My instincts tell me that this "trans-woman" was extremely passing. This is how women behave in bathrooms which explains why they always go go the ladies room together.

So, women grab each other's penises to see if they are really men? Damn, I've been going to the loo with the wrong groups of women because that sounds pretty wild and even a little hot.

How do you know that this "trans-woman" wasn't passing as a woman?


That's kind of hot, reminds me of middle school when higher grade girls would have their way with me in the gym toilets.

Remember people, women can do no wrong. Possession of an X chromosome eternally absolves you of any and all responsibility for your actions.

Goes into opposite sex bathroom gets touched on the peepee calls the police crying. Nice.

ironically sexual battery is the name of my new band

Men: locker room talk

Women: locker room action

That’s right. Hot girl on girl on tranny locker room action. Sign me up.

I gotta say, I've never been in a public bathroom and felt like it was a particularly sexy place. Clearly some people feel differently and just start grabbing whatever genitals they can.

the opportunities just happen to present themselves in such a place. wouldn't really occur anywhere else. you see it, you go for it

$30,000 bond, for flashing someone in the rest room.

$30,000 bond, for flashing someone in the rest room.

Heard you the first time

$30,000 bond, for flashing someone in the rest room.

Heard you the first time.