Jesus, Hitler, Trump killing LGBT video game outrage

1  2019-01-09 by AnyWitness3


video game called "Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day" which sees Jesus, Hitler, Trump, Putin, Mussolini, Bolselnaro, Napoleon, etc, teaming up to defeat the "new world order" (LGBT, feminists, SJWs, illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton, socialist politicians called "Ocosia Cortiz", etc) has caused internet outrage.

The article that started it all:

Above video:

Petition to ban:




That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


  1. - Outline

  2. - Outline

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The characters names are tweaked to resemble their actual names like “Dolph,” “Tromp,” or “Pootin.” Tromp

Zoo Wee Mama

If you play this game, you're probably a retard on KiA that no one likes. If you complain about this game you're probably a retard on Ghazi that no one likes.

If you hold anything but a centrist view on this issue, your IQ is smaller than your dick, and no one likes you.

I doubt anyone has ever played the game.

Doom came out almost 3 years ago bro

Truly the most centralist, r/drama accurate, and correct statement on this pressing topic.

I can’t honestly wait for the shit storm this will bring about. It’s on the horizon. I can only imagine seeing the threads on KIA, Resetera, Anti SJW youtubers, and Chapo.

[DISCLAIMER: Due to various false news pieces surrounding Jesus strikes back judgement day (JSB: JD) recently (as a result of “internet memes”, misinformation, and “fake news” stories), it has become necessary to explain below what should have been blatantly obvious. JSB JD is a SATIRICAL PARODY. This cannot be emphasized enough. JSB JD is not a political statement, testament or propaganda. JSB: JD satirizes political culture not through direct dialogue or humorous speech, but by allowing the player to play from the viewpoint of a collection of fictional characters representing satirical, “straw-man” depictions of political culture. The website “”, the video game Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day alongside all individuals involved in the development of the game, and all associated third-party services, companies and partners DO NOT: i) engage in, encourage, promote or celebrate unlawful violence or physical harm to any person or property ii) engage in, encourage, promote or celebrate unlawful violence toward any group based on race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other immutable characteristic All individuals and characters that are featured in Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day are purely fictional, and any resemblance to real-world figures alive or dead is purely coincidental. Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day is simply a comedic video game and does not promote, advocate, condone or incite violence against any individual(s) based on gender, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, or sexual orientation. THIS IS A GAME! This video game does NOT advocate support or endorse ANY political group, ideology, movement, entity or individual(s). This video game makes NO comments whatsoever on political affairs, race, religion, sexuality, gender or real-world individuals or organizations at any time during gameplay.](DISCLAIMER: Due to various false news pieces surrounding Jesus strikes back judgement day (JSB: JD) recently (as a result of “internet memes”, misinformation, and “fake news” stories), it has become necessary to explain below what should have been blatantly obvious. JSB JD is a SATIRICAL PARODY. This cannot be emphasized enough. JSB JD is not a political statement, testament or propaganda. JSB: JD satirizes political culture not through direct dialogue or humorous speech, but by allowing the player to play from the viewpoint of a collection of fictional characters representing satirical, “straw-man” depictions of political culture. The website “”, the video game Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day alongside all individuals involved in the development of the game, and all associated third-party services, companies and partners DO NOT: i) engage in, encourage, promote or celebrate unlawful violence or physical harm to any person or property ii) engage in, encourage, promote or celebrate unlawful violence toward any group based on race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other immutable characteristic All individuals and characters that are featured in Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day are purely fictional, and any resemblance to real-world figures alive or dead is purely coincidental. Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day is simply a comedic video game and does not promote, advocate, condone or incite violence against any individual(s) based on gender, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, or sexual orientation. THIS IS A GAME! This video game does NOT advocate support or endorse ANY political group, ideology, movement, entity or individual(s). This video game makes NO comments whatsoever on political affairs, race, religion, sexuality, gender or real-world individuals or organizations at any time during gameplay.)

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Anyone who signed that petition should be euthanised.