1  2019-01-10 by TheBrapthorn

He's so cute. 😁


Does he know you post here?

I dont think he knows that he shits his pants tbh

Sounds like he'd belong here

Maybe but I think he'll grow out of it

He shares about 25% of your genes, so there is decent chance he doesn't.

Do you have sexual plans for him when he turns 18?

No you creep

What the fuck is wrong with you?

He's not white

Mazal tov!

at least somebody in your family is fucking

In all seriousness grats man.

Do you know if you're gonna be an aunt or an uncle yet?


Pretty sure

Babies and toddlers are so cute. Enjoy it to the fullest before they become annoying and break your things.

Ive had a lil bro

Im prepared 😡

I've got a really minor psoriasis outbreak.

Wikipedia told me that youd be gross but ptmrobablyby in thw range so where you at girl?

What up, bb? It's literally just three small dots. Only fatties get bad outbreaks.

By posting here you've ruined any chance of ever being the cool uncle.

But congrats, kids can be fun.

Good post hehe is r nephew dadwife snigle btw? xD