reddit and destroying the credibility of people who come forward against their favorite athletes, name a more iconic duo.
Does srd purposely chose the most banal reddit phrases and comment structures for their little jerk seshes? Its impossible to read anything they write without imagining some skinny-fat college kid pining for the next Marvel movie, playing Smash with the other dorm-dwellers, and posting five Onion headlines of fb everyday. They are truly repulsive to me, and I think in a way that transcends ideology. If /r/drama posters talked like this I would hop straight over to Chapo.
Does srd purposely chose the most banal reddit phrases and comment templates for their little jerk seshes? I have a difficult time reading anything they write without imagining a skinny-fat college kid pining for the next Marvel movie, playing Smash with the other dorm-dwellers, and posting five Onion headlines on fb everyday.
That is literally, unironically what they are, except they're also disproportionally NEETs.
I have never seen a man get his life ruined because of a liar. I have, however, seen countless women get their lives destroyed by the men who abuse them and by the men who call them liars.
SRD: Horse shoe don't real
Also SRD: the exact same as the other side just with two or three words swapping places
1 SnapshillBot 2019-01-10
womp womp
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1 CrosbyStillzandSwag 2019-01-10
Does srd purposely chose the most banal reddit phrases and comment structures for their little jerk seshes? Its impossible to read anything they write without imagining some skinny-fat college kid pining for the next Marvel movie, playing Smash with the other dorm-dwellers, and posting five Onion headlines of fb everyday. They are truly repulsive to me, and I think in a way that transcends ideology. If /r/drama posters talked like this I would hop straight over to Chapo.
1 POST_BUSSY 2019-01-10
SRDines and being fucking boring, name a more ironic duo.
1 demotecontrol 2019-01-10
Dude and bussy. Name a more iconic duo. Lmao.
1 notcyberpope 2019-01-10
Being over and -cells obviously
1 NormanImmanuel 2019-01-10
That is literally, unironically what they are, except they're also disproportionally NEETs.
1 WombTattoo 2019-01-10
SRD: Horse shoe don't real
Also SRD: the exact same as the other side just with two or three words swapping places
1 LightUmbra 2019-01-10
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-01-10