Commie Mommie calls us Rethuglicans ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

1  2019-01-10 by Sasukefan99



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Never imagined a r/drama post to get such traction.

I saw it at least twice on /pol/ before I saw it on /r/drama.

/pol/tards will fall for anything

Mfw our foot fetish game is superior to 4chins.


Since when has r/drama been invaded by degenerate footfags? ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

Marco fucks dogs, Mircy (pbuh) fucked corpses, but it's feet that makes you vomit grey squares?

They're like degenerates lite and, well, we just found out weaponized fetishism >> weaponized autism.

Marco fucks dogs

Lol. Also, daily reminder that this shit website had a sub called r/sexwithdogs ๐Ÿ˜‚

but it's feet that makes you vomit grey squares?

TFW browsers in 2019 can't keep up with emojis ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„

I am going to pretend that was people having sex when a pet was in the room.

It wasn't.

It still has this bizarre shit /r/chastity.

That's just standard sex, gotta make sure you don't accidentally get raped ๐Ÿ˜˜

I hate when I go out without my chastity belt and some dude just falls onto my erection, so embarrassing


Nigger, I ain't clicking that shit.

wrong, footfags are just incredibly average and dull

you want degenerates, head over to ๐ŸคฎSRD๐Ÿคฎ

I mean, fetish degeneracy is on a spectrum. Obviously, footfags aren't that bad when you compare them to r/drama mods lmao or maybe someone like a brapfag ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ท

tfw never read the banality of evil

tfw just following orders

Feet are the breasts of the legs ed.

implying they didnt make it in the first place

The story is the debunking, not the photo.

Which happened here.

People would point out it's fake every thread it was posted, it's just an old thing that made it to reddit like the dancing video.

Yeah this pic was making the rounds a while back. Not sure why it blew up now.

Was posted on r/cumtown a month ago

Nothing r/drama will do can ever top this.

Wait till we get MasterLawlz put into the Presidency.

Autism 2020!

Memes aside, it's gonna be JEB!



More like ๐Ÿข๐ŸขSlow and Jebby๐Ÿข๐Ÿข

Will he even be 25 by then, let alone 35?

I wonder what his presidential portrait will look like.

I hope it's a digital portrait in gif format

should get that african guy that puts sperms in the paintings again like obama did

its lame tbh. this whole "we found nudes lol" "oh wait its someone else's" thing happened sometime last year and no one cared. now it happened again and people started caring.

literally the only reason people care this time around- and the reason /r/drama got all this publicity- is because foot fetishists are involved

All foot fetishists need to commit deathspacito ASAP


my sides!

now in 2k19 it happened again and retarded media is reporting on it.

I mean, have you watched the national nightly news in the US lately? (Aside: of course not; you're not a boomer.) Like 50% of the stories now are just some nonsense someone posted on social media (whether twitter culture wars, heartwarming tales of gay autistic teens making a difference from facebook, or cellphone video of a white lady doing something racist). I guess it's way cheaper than sending a correspondent to a war zone.

Aside: of course not; you're not a boomer.

Also not an American. But it makes sense you couldn't tell that since I post about retarded American politicians a lot.

Which I shouldn't, but the "socialist" movement is really triggering me. It's like 90% of the people using the word don't know what it means. Even Chapotards are praising people like horse mommy, and I thought they were supposed to be the "real" socialists of reddit lmao.

There's been a race to the bottom with network news for 20 years now.

It's incredibly expensive to do real reporting, and if you do, your opponents will just plagiarize your stories. So now everyone only reports on low hanging fruit and pays opinionators.

Good. We're retarded enough as is.

dont sell the sub short dude



Shut up Republican!

Women in leadership face more scrutiny. Period.

But at least they don't face PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!

That was some of the PEAK DADDY WHINING moments from 2018 lmao

It's daddy's new favorite word. We're gonna be hearing a lot of cope in 2019.

dumb women face more scrutiny

Thanks for the link. I found this retard replying to her at some point. I'm posting from mobile so this formatting will be fucky. I also don't care.

really makes you think๐Ÿค”

If she would just post some real nudes we wouldn't have to circulate fakes. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‹

Nudes in exchange for getting elected as POTUS? I'd say it's a fair deal tbh.

Commie Mommie 2020

She still won't be old enough to be Prez ๐Ÿ˜ญ

That's ok, we have a 2nd string


JEB! is second to none!! He's just playing the l o n g c o n

Jeb! Jeb! Jeb! Jeb! Jeb! Jeb! Bush the 'please clap' guy.

No Jeb the 'punch a BLM ho in the head' guy.

Gonna dissapoint you, t'was fake.

If he would just post a real video of him assaulting BLM we wouldn't have to circulate fakes.

It's the best thing he ever did!

This is like The Actor John Hamm getting upset when people say he has a big penis.

Jeb nudes when?

More like Jeb! nudes whenโ€ฝ

She can be Jeb's VP then

Dont worry, after the sequel to dementia daddy in 2020, our brains will be so fried that America will finally have their own sexy communist dictator.

That will be impossible for her to become prez in 2020. Fatty Daddy's got the office locked down until 2024.

Only a street shitter would think nice legs qualifies a literal female socialist to be president. Back๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟto๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟthe๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟbrap๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟhouse Ed.

Holy shit what a power move that would be.

Get primaried, position yourself well, then days before the election, tweet that you'll post nudes if you win.

I can't imagine it wouldn't work. It would be such a clusterfuck of reactions from everyone but you can be damn sure it'd work.

you'll post nudes if you win.

No one likes a tease, 2 pornstars tried to pull that shit for Hillary, Hillary didn't win.

Win or lose you got to show the nudes, show integrity and character.

Don't get my hopes up

She is a bartender. There might be more than nudes out there from past partying times

I wouldn't be surprised, she seems the desperate for attention type. Proably some snaps floating around

Sheโ€™s been plotting politics sense at least college and has been in a relationship sense then as well.

In other words, no nudes.



shes also a woman so shes probably done some dumb regrettable shit she wishes she hadnt

They absolutely exist and will absolutely drop some day. Shouldn't impact her electability.

That said, I wanna know for sure how much sours she puts in a Long Island before I'd even consider voting for her.


Tbh my hate-induced prostate orgasm from beating it to the pic awakened something in me. I refuse to believe its not her just to keep this newfound spiciness in my life.

You might enjoy r/AOC_gifs to hold you over until the next fake nude starts circulating

skrrt skrrt muh dik hurt

... What the hell?

prostate orgasm

beating it

i think you're doing it wrong

/r/Drama has the best perverts. Suck it, 4chan.

TFW your comment gets unstickied ๐Ÿ˜‚

It's over for him


This AOC > Taylor Swift treason reminds me of the downfall of 4chan.

When 4chan self-imploded by declaring a new queen at the first sight of a quirky cute blonde, they betrayed the true Queen, Boxxy.

This is what you're doing with AOC, a younger, more edgy version of Taytay.

"those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" - Adolf Stalin


Boxxy 4ever <3

  • an old fag

Boxxy is 26 now. Fuck.

She also turned out how you'd expect:

Tbh I expected her to get fat.

It's worse than fat. She's a normie ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Does this look like a normie to you?

Since the gamers rose up, sadly, it does.




Gamers didnt rise up, they got gentrified.

There are overwatch legos now, so yes.

normiewatch If only you knew how bad things really were


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She also turned out how you'd expect:


Kink shaming is an evolutionary defense mechanism against degeneracy.

implying that you're not degenerate yourself.


I surrender.

She... turned out fine?

tfw you objectify womyn so much you dont read what they tweet but only look at their already tracer cosplay.

A run-of-the-mill mayo feminist?

She still looks good, but scanning through her twitter shes fucking retarded and she retweets retards.

AOC is many times more dramatic that Taytay could hope to be.

Who is Boxxy? Back in my day it was Cracky-chan.

AOC and Taytay are the same age...

ITT: People More Concerned About Me Being "Factually Correct" Than "Morally Right"!!!!!!!

The fugees have officially won. RIP radical centrism ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Hey we aren't rethuglicans. We are the brave radical centrist foot fetishists who determined the image was fake and heroically alerted the news media.

Am I living in fucking groundhog day? I seen the nude photo be disproved by footfags on /tv/ like a month ago.

Tfw daily caller is mentioned but not us.. Feels bad man

Holy fuck mommy knows we exist!!!!

furiously masturbates

It's over for orphancels.

Build the wall now, keep out the undesirables.


Mommy gibs milkie!

is that a motherfucking fluffy pony reference

she also called you a republican

It's over for rethuglicels

Tfw daily caller is mentioned but not us.. Feels bad man


Following the footsteps of Daddy.

Amazing how dumb hard line Trumptards and hard line leftist are. Dumb asses.

This but unironically

Imagine not being a centrist in r/Drama

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to my right!

/r/radicalcentrism is the way to go my friend


Only in America could a photo of feet be labeled a "a nude photo".

Oh, that, and maybe Saudi Arabia.

It's not authoritarian if the horseshoe tips only touch.

There was a reflection of titties on the tap

It had tits in the picture, tard.

I wonder what kind of porn she flicks her bean to? Probably BBC or lesbo strap-on

and where is the damn link to the nudes?????

I'm grounding all of you for annoying Commie Mommie


I hope all you Dramuglicans think about what you've done.

AOC is a sex negative reactionary, not supporting tge oppressed sex worker who posted the pic.

Why am i not surprised


speak for yourself, dipshit

God she is so awesome.

Is she not an empowered woman? Why is she slut shaming?

how is a picture of your toes become "nudes"

The reflection on the faucet showed tiddies

It really doesn't, not to normies.

I personally didn't bother to zoom in so I'm stating what others said about the pic. idk

My ass you didnโ€™t zoom in for a chance to see some bobs.

instructive lesson for the chapos around here, lightly mock your betters and be lumped in with the Nazis

Wow, thatโ€™s horrible.

Where specifically are these horrible pictures so I can avoid them?

Commie Mommie Senpai noticed us!!!!

How dare she call us Republicans?

it's time to toss that thot taytay out and put AOC's picture on /r/drama's profile

So this sub belongs to the alt-right now? I just wanted to read some drama damnit

Like I never believed that was real, did these dumb reporters think it was serious?


Whereโ€™s the nudes?

It was before this sub posted it you stupid fucks

It was on 4chan weeks ago