The sheer number of manlets in the comments

1  2019-01-10 by MonotonyOfLife


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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There are lots of girls with genetic disorders and abnormalities who would love to date you.


It's over for manlets.

It never even began

There's lots of girls with genetic abnormalities that would love to date you

Cope. They only want Chad. I asked out a girl with a tooth gap, and the freak said no. Therefore, no woman will date me. Roasties BTFO with science 😎😎😎

You're reaching too high. You need to go after someone in your own league, which means a clubfoot and a few extra chromosomes MINIMUM.

I've tried. Still rejected. It's over

I know it sounds bad, but you might have to think about going after TrollX subscribers now.

I'd rather stay volcel tbh

Date girls in your league.

Lame. Date girls just below your league. Feed them enough self-esteem to keep them around but not enough to get complacent.

There you go,. You just found the secret to life.

being short means youre in the same league as deformed women

lol, straight from the horse's mouth

Hard truth.

manlets rise up

One chance at life


Just gas me already.

πŸ’₯πŸ”« that should do it sweaty


We all know that feel

I get jealous as shit from pics like that, i thought drama was a safe space 😭

Its kinda cute that she thinks her height matters when she's just looking to get pumped and dumped

So when people ask her she can say she was fucked by a tall guy who never called her back rather than a short guy who never called back. It’s a status thing.

Or a tall guy is easier to find when they make you a single mom

jesus christ I'm so glad I'm not short. seems like hell

I got a lil weiner and a hairy ass, and I can't grow a beard... and I wouldn't trade any of those for being short. it seems like hell

Damn you weren't kidding