"I am a white nationalist. AMA."

1  2019-01-10 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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It's over for ethno-state-cels

More like “it’s-over-for-white-Amerimutts-that-have-no-ethnic-identity-so-they-just-identify-as-white-cels.”

OP - Here's my edgy political opinion

Reply - I'm going to kill you

Honestly, reddit's political discussions are turning around these days

As it should be

Yeah, much more civil than I expected it to be.

How is this different from real life? Black Friday is a good example of how a good portion of Americans act when in private.

You talking 'bout the country that gave diseased blankets to natives as they marched them to death.

Its why I think a good portion of Americans fear immigrants, cause they know how white invasions end for natives.

Most people just live normal, calm lives.

I wouldn't say Ice Cube and Chris Tucker's characters were living calm lives though, they were up to some serious shenanigans.

Lol sure

Black Friday is a good example of how a good portion of Americans act when in private.

A "good portion" of Americans either shop online or don't participate at all and complain about how gross it is. Black Friday represents the few worst of us.

Chapotards and MAGAtards like to act like the worst few among us represent the vast majority, because they're retarded. Most college students don't hyperventilate if you say something politically incorrect and most white Southerners aren't racist homophobes. Like the other poster said, most people just live normal, calm lives.

On /r/drama, I like to act like there are only tankies, trumpies, and trannies. Its way more fun.

Indians btfo by blankies. y i k e s

You talking 'bout the country that gave diseased blankets to natives as they marched them to death.

I say we should have taken after the Belgian and just cut off arms

You talking 'bout the country that gave diseased blankets to natives as they marched them to death.

That was the British, and it's very dubious that it actually happened or if it was an idea that never was put into practice.

Bro mayos are so insidious that they weaponized the germ theory of disease centuries before it existed.

Learned it from the mongols

I mean sure they didn't know exactly how diseases spread but they had theory's of their. one for example was that smell was contagious. iirc the Mongols thought that evil ghosts live in water that must be cooked to kill them. that's not that far from the Truth.

Damn, you beat me to it.


read something, that was the british and 100 years before the trail of tears.

Scary and funny. Excellent drama quality, OP.

so, you’re okay with pro-racist edge but not anti-racist edge?

cool cool cool


so you're ok with being a moron?

I'm not saying that we should be nice to white supremacists, but I think it's hilarious that everyone in this AMA is at a level 10 maximum triggered, but when a pedophile does an AMA it's nothing about comments about what a beautiful soul he is and how he's so brave for not diddling kids even though he really really wants to.

TBH, I don't particularly want either in my neighborhood, but if I had to live next door to one I'd probably pick the white nationalist over the pedo. Let's be real, this isn't American History X, they don't actually do shit but sit in their basements and post online about how it's the Jews' fault they're not billionaires with trad wives. Whereas pedophiles tend to actually end up diddling fucking kids.

I'm not saying that we should be nice to white supremacists, but


You're the worst fucking poster on this sub

thank u

I hope you get hit by a fucking bus, your parents would be so relieved

you can be nice to white supremacists, but not to your old pal GH22? smh

gay mayos (gayostm ) will be the first to the gulags

I'm not joking, I hate your fucking guts

I can tell lmao

dude level 10 maximum triggered lmao

Imagine being this upset lol

Just kiss him and get it over with, jeez

tbh defending fatties is more disgusting than being a mayo apologist

nothing is more disgusting than being a mayo

"i wish I was white"

Why would anyone want a mental illness

Ask our tranny mods :/

Very few things are, and one of them is being a fatty chaser.

P-please don't f-fight guys 😢😢

Your daddies fighting has NOTHING to do with you sweetpea, you're still our special boy

Based cope

Who’re you calling triggered, we just want to see that aryan 3-incher of his. And anyway child molesters and nazis both belong up against the wall, it ain’t either-or.

With every other classification of lolcow, it's a delight when they show up here, but I gotta be honest, with you Chapotards it's mostly just annoying.

Also, if you want to see a dick so bad, why do your mods always delete them when we oblige? https://imgur.com/a/octAuop

I'm so disappointed that wasn't ur hog dude, do better


Oh boy, a furfag chapo. Your parents must be proud of you.

What makes you think I’m not serious about wanting to see some cock

Because you're an edgy little straight boy just repeating a catchphrase

I’m literally none of those things, and I do want more nazi dick pics. I print them out, I’m making a scrapbook.

Okay champ. I get that you have nowhere to be tomorrow morning, but I have to go to bed. Good luck sitting up all night writing "post hog" over and over again. Eventually I'm sure it'll become funny again.

Good night :)

excuse u he's not a straight boy he's a kweer nonbinary demisexual get it right

Also none of those, I’m afraid

We know you're a dude, bruh. I was mocking you for being retarded.

Chapocels smdh, worst banter skills in the world.

Not a dude, arguably retarded though, so I’ll give you credit for that one. Though I gotta say, throwing out a bunch of lesser-known sexualities as a “joke” is a pretty generic chud line. Almost like y’all are NPCs, yeah?

You are very much a dude, my dude. Military recruiters don't come at women like that.

chud is such a terrible meme dude how do you post that shit and not just immediately want to become an hero?

Hey, it’s a pretty good movie. Real cult classic. And it’s got you upset, so I’d say it works pretty well. But honestly, even if it was bad, why would I kill myself over not sufficiently owning someone or Reddit? Is that really all you’ve got going on in your life, bud?

is ur revolution plan to make the bourgeoisie cringe so hard they die

The Cringeocaust.

Yeah his post history is full of tranny subreddits. Clearly a nonpassing homunculus tranny.

arguably retarded though

You people have the weirdest social morals of any group I've ever seen. It seems to me you'll say every offensive word in the book about gays, women, black people when they commit the egregious sin of disagreeing with you middle class little mayos, etc., but if someone dare say anything but "stunning and brave" about a tranny you have total fucking sperg outs.

It's like your PC, but just for cross dressing crust punk weirdos and everyone else can go fuck themselves. The only thing you Chapotards are good for is proving that woke white dudes are the creepiest people in the world.

Literally said nothing about any of those groups, but alright. If you’re talking about CTH fans in general, that’s just what Cumtown does to you.

i got banned for posting my hog

White supremacists are consistently violent meth addicts. They're even worse than black people, and you definitely do not want them in your neighborhood.

Well what are we defining as a white supremacist? Someone who actually goes out to rallies and flies swastika flags? Yes, probably a violent meth addict. Someone who just shit posts on 4chan all night about TEH JOOS? Meh. Dumb but harmless. Getting all worked up about a bunch of shut-in NEETs is for tankies and Chapotards.

Yes there is an important distinction to make between genuine white supremacists versus retards on /pol/. I guess it depends on the details but thankfully OP was bullied into deleting his post and I don't feel like cedditing it.

Yes there is an important distinction to make between genuine white supremacists versus retards on /pol/.

And that's the issue with tankies, everyone with shitty opinions is the equivalent of an Auschwitz guard, when the reality is that 90% of them are too pathetic to ever be a threat to anyone except themselves.

If /pol/tards want to rot their lives away shit posting about minorities in their Mommy's basement, who gives a shit. Let 'em rot.

"better than a pedophile" is probably my favorite meaninglessly low bar to pass

But white nationalists usually are closet pedos anyway. Who do you prefer, the guy who lets you know he shouldn't be trusted around your kids, or the guy who takes them by surprise?

b u s s y

I can't think of anything more autistic then having an at the ready Gish gallop to drop on a moment's notice in Reddit threads. This is like the tenth time you posted this.

I replied inshallah to like nine of them, but no more until you get new material.

This is like the tenth time you posted this


What really amuses me is I didn't even mention being gay in this post, which means he clocked me a while ago but was waiting for the perfect moment to DESTROY ME WITH FACTS AND LOGIC.


28% of homosexuals have had sex with over a thousand men.

Gay dudes know how to live life tbh

TBH, goals af, sweaty 😎

all these fags fucking like rabbits? No shit. Heterofags need to tap dance around roastie bullshit to get laid. fags just meet up and fuck.


honestly fucking dudes is like the ultimate redpill.

Hi, no_maps_no_plans!

I am just dropping by to wish you a wonderful year!


y-you too (。>﹏<。)

honestly fucking dudes is like the ultimate redpill

Okay you are the ultimate woke bae <3

Where’s longpostbot when you need him?

Imagine typing all that

Let's be honest, you are gay. Right? Just admit it dude.

I spent part of last night Photoshopping a little e-card of an inside joke to send to my boyfriend because he's stressed at work and yet I still think this guy is a bigger homo

I think it's hilarious that you're literally a degenerate faggot trying to virtue signal

Long autistic list of links that no one, absolutely no one, is ever going to click, chief


I clicked and read them all just because you said that

You're right and I hate you for it. Fuck you.

There there little fella. Let ol' Cool Beans stroke that bussy til you feel better.

Where do you live? i'm better at civil discussions in person

Wew lad

OP is very badass

OP: places head on silver platter with all the trimmings perfectly laid on display for a witty tearing apart of his ego and soul.

CTH: post hog

this is why chapotards will never amount to anything.

Dude, bussy lmao...

CTH are a bunch of hungry bottoms ofc they want to see hog

But they're not though, they're a bunch of straight boys beating a joke that wasn't that funny in the first place into the ground

I know "dude bussy lmao," but drama autists don't beat the bussy joke into the ground the same way, and besides, "bussy" is fucking funny, whereas "POST HOG" is just creepy rapey tankie white boy shit. It's like they needed to find new ways to scare off women despite already doing a pretty good job of it.

I’m a CTH poster and voracious bottom, and I want to see some fash hogs.


Nice sweater

Hog out or log out

ok sweety that's nice

Careful there, buddy. I don't think you realize you're speaking to a total fucking badass


I love that you were so proud of this retardation that you posted it twice on Chapo and once on /r/COMPLETEANARCHY.

It wasn't that clever the first time, chief

Ur work in this thread against the chapos deserves a semper fi

salutes with my penis

You absolutely ruined it with this comment.

le mission accomplished

you are probably one of those sissies too scared to go to the range for half an hour to train for the revolution because you'd kill yourself three seconds after you got your hands on a loaded gun. Stop trying to argue with adults or you might be driven over the edge.

If me telling a recruiter to fuck off makes you this mad, you’re really gonna hate it when you hear how much valor I’ve stolen.

It's not that, it's you thinking you're some kind of tough guy when you are an unironic chapo-posting leftist, most likely genderqueer white male

What makes you think I don’t support gun ownership, I 100% do

I didn't mean you specifically but the absolute wimps of your subreddit always have to say something about suicidal people when somebody tells privileged woke whities to rise up. It's pretty sad.

nigga guess who owns em all? here's a hint: it ain't you faggots

Exactly! Thank you! We can’t let the chuds like you be the only ones who are armed! It’s a big problem, I believe.

if you think youre going to use a gun on any "chud" in your lifetime you have other big problems you should probably talk to someone about

I’m not saying that I want that at all, my friend. Due to my religious beliefs I’m against extreme violence unless absolutely necessary. What I mean to say is that we ought to be able to defend ourselves if necessary, both on the left and in the working class in general. I’d rather not have to, but I’d rather be prepared for if I do.

that's good and all but can you shoot?

To be honest although I support gun ownership, I haven’t had one myself, can’t in my current residence. I’ve shot a bit with an old bolt action rifle owned by some friends, but otherwise I’ll fully admit that I’m not practicing what I preach.

not at all surprising to hear that. leftyRA is full of airsoft and larpers. what kinda guns do you think you'd like?

If me telling a recruiter to fuck off makes you this mad, you’re really gonna hate it when you hear how much valor I’ve stolen.

I remember being 13/14 and thinking it was SO EDGY!!!1!!! to try to SHOCK THE NORMIES too, bro.

Apparently it worked, if it didn’t bother you you wouldn’t still be replying.

So you're excited you got a reaction from a normie?

Not especially, and I’m not enough of a dickhead to use the word normie.

This is reddits chance to gain some insights into white nationalist (insights that could help them in their political agenda) and they blow it.

what is there to get into?

Pathetic bait 🙄

Clearly not, they devoured that shit

There's more than enough precedence to confirm that plebbitors will fall for anything.

No bait is low enough enough for them.

You say this like you didn't used to be the most easily baited person around here behind pizza and PK.

Got any good stories of him?

Less falling for and more just chapoposting. We still thirst for that damn hog.

Of course your tranny... why can’t you just admit you’re gay? You don’t have to LARP as woman to gargle on knobs.

I don't even suck dick nerd get your facts right

Oh, so you’re a ”””lesbian”””? If women didn’t want your dock before, they won’t want it now either.

Fuckin whatever man

Ooh wait I almost forgot

Post hog

Urgh, "lesbian" trannies are the fucking worst.

Women barely want to share a bathroom with you, sir, the gay ones definitely don't want you shriveled estrogen dick.

Oh are you friends with the other guy?

I've never interacted with him before, this is just what most non-insane people know to be true

Ooh okay. Tell me more! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

45% of trannies end up offing themselves, remember to keep yourself safe friend (;・∀・)

That’s against the rules, bro. Besides he doesn’t need you’re encouragement, he’ll do it any way.

fuck the rules (´・ω:;.:...

Nah, I'm actually really happy. I got some nice new sneakers today!

Great, now you can sneak into the women’s room and stroke your “feminine” penis to the sound of a lady’s shit.

What? Gross! Why do you think I'd get off to other people pooping? Do you do that?

Don't you worry about me friend, I'm doing pretty well. I just got some new sneakers today, and I've been getting really into Slay the Spire!

good for you (・∀・)イイ!!

Yeah it's really great. And I'm starting my next semester at college this Monday! I'm excited to see my friends again. What's up in your life?

i just got suspended (´;ω;`)ウッ…

Oh, that's no good. What for?

didnt give a reason but one of my accounts is currently 2 day suspended for ban evasion (´Д⊂ヽ

i also got a 3 day suspension for posting violent content, not sure what that means

please upvote me so i can reply faster (˘︶˘).。.:*♡

Aww that's a bummer. And you're so nice, too, with your suicide statistics and whatnot. Which you don't have to worry about - transitioning has been shown to drastically decrease the suicide rate!

Yes waiting 9 minutes to comment is awful

And you're so nice, too, with your suicide statistics and whatnot

just trying to help you keep yourself safe

Which you don't have to worry about - transitioning has been shown to drastically decrease the suicide rate!


I can't read Japanese, I'm afraid. I think that's Japanese, anyway - it's not Chinese or Korean at least.

it is japanese

its kind of like a cheer

I’m gonna bet you spend a lot of time imagining that, yeah? I regularly tell people to post their hogs and even I think you’re a bit too obsessed with stranger’s genitalia.

I regularly tell people to post their hogs and even I think you’re a bit too obsessed with stranger’s genitalia.

What? I'm gayer than a priest at a Cub Scouts meeting. So, yes. My phone has more dicks saved on it than numbers.

Is there a school holiday going on? Don't you all go back to regular hours after New Year's Day?



Hot take: If you want the best advertisement possible against White Nationalism, all you have to do is let them speak. Their ideology is incredibly fucked up, it goes way deeper than just run of the mill racism. People like to call them Nazis, but they're worse.

If you want the best advertisement possible against White Nationalism, all you have to do is let them speak. Their ideology is incredibly fucked up, it goes way deeper than just run of the mill racism. People like to call them Nazis, but they're worse.

Leaving shit alone just attracts flies tho

I'm pro Mayocide AMA.

It's really a testament to the autism of chapocels that watching them shitpost makes me actually side with the fucking nazi.

Their cause may be much better advanced by them not existing.

It's really a testament to the autism of chapocels that watching them shitpost makes me actually side with the fucking nazi

THIS IS WHY I RESENT TANKIES THE GODDAMN MOST. Because I'm a fucking liberal but these people make me end up saying autistic shit sentences like "y'know Ben Shapiro is right..."

Making me agree with conservatards is the most haram, may Allah strike down these infidels, Inshallah

This isn't even bait. He just threw his pole in the water and they bit anyway.

the amount of "post hog" comments really makes me believe NPCs have been memed into reality

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Stupid inside jokes existed before npcs

When they're 80% of the comments it kind of ruins the "inside" nature of the joke

And makes it an obvious brigade too

He triggered hundreds of woke redditor with just 6 words what a legend

White people caused this.

Maybe if property would have never gotten rights we would still be at peace.

there's an entire sub of asians who think exactly like white nationalists = crickets

white nationalist does AMA = "give me your address so i can kill you even though ive never been in a fight"

shut up mayo

Asians don't have a collective identity though. They're always trying to kill each other so they will never be a serious problem

The only thing whiter than his ethnostate is /r/chapotraphouse.

Elebrities were a mistake

What are you, the recruiter?

Too bad no one asked any legitimate questions. Maybe they could learn a thing or two about the level of racism most white nationalists are actually on

The "hog" meme isn't funny or original it's just a gay tits or gtfo.

Defending white nationalists to own the libs 😎

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