PLOT TWIST: The wall is needed to keep Americans in rather than to keep Mexicans out

1  2019-01-11 by ConservativesRBIGgay


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Plot twist2 : the opiates are coming from inside the country

Daddy isn't stuck with fake news, fake news is stuck with him.

This city is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "covfefe"

Hay una razón que estoy aprendiendo Español.

Yo, por mi parte, doy la bienvenida a nuestros señores mexicanos.

❤️️Daddy❤️️ was just trying to protect the world from burgers all along 😭

wtf i love Trump now

When the antagonist was the good guy all along

Hes trying to talk about drug overdoses right? I am not entirely sure he doesn't think 300 people a week are moving to mexico

Yes it's his drug overdose talking point but somehow even more garbled

It's either drug overdoses or Daddy is mis-remembering illegal immigration vs. burger murder statistics by a couple orders of magnitude.

hotshots 4 hillary is a program designed to eliminate nodder-american voters.

Guys calm down Irena mistake. My elderly dad with dementia does the same thing. Calm down.

Daddy is taking a page out of the Soviet handbook when it comes to wall building. Who knew he was a secret tankie all along?

Next we'll reinvade Afghanistan.

what country tried to stop anyone from escaping using a physical barrier because they were afraid, righfully so, that they are going to lose all the populace, so they put a wall on their border to prevent them from doing that? gee i don't know, i am too historically illiterate

We lose 300 Americans a week

Did you check at the buffet? Amerifats do love a buffet.

The clowns that write essays back to his tweets are such clowns

Everyone knows Daddy is barely literate

I miss the Q shit honestly

Same 😔

When America sends it's people, they're not sending they're best.

I think he might need his nurse

Guys, I'm starting to think that maybe ❤️️Dementia Daddy❤️️ isn't playing 4D chess this time.

❤️️Dementia Daddy❤️️