I hate this sub.

1  2019-01-11 by Quietus42

Other subs just seem boring now. They're just so...safe? I don't know how to explain it.

So yeah, fuck this sub. Y'all ruined Reddit. Way to fucking go. Bunch of idiots, all of you. Especially me.

Anyways, really sad what happened to Masterlawlz, huh? I'm going to miss his shitposting. I'm unironically a fan.


What happened to him?

Gone to that great shitpost in the sky. Very sad. He will be missed.

Press F to pay Respects.















Press S to spit

A brave soldier is down have some respect man.

I'm hoping r/Drama has a no man left behind policy. Otherwise I'm gonna start feeling about as nervous as a fresh 2nd lieutenant in 1974.

Legit crushed there wasn't a photo of a half-eaten sub in the OP.

I am ashamed of my failure.

Lawlz literally posted earlier, you spergwrapper

Prove otherwise

This image is days old

That's just his stupid face with lame captions.

Prove otherwise.

You can't.

It seems that way sometimes doesn’t it?

that is how it be tbqh

really sad what happened to Masterlawlz


I come here because reddit's sense of humor is AIDS pretty much across the board. This is one of the only subs where there's no pretense or tryhard cleverness.

Nah. The admins will shut it down not long the for science crowd shows up and you all start spamming the n word and calling them a bunch of worthless faggots who need to go back to reddit.

n word

K and Y words.

This is one of the only subs where there's no pretense or tryhard cleverness.

Or "Look at this cat doing the same thing you've seen every other cat do hundreds of times".

I come here because reddit is AIDS pretty much across the board.


The "this is good for dramacoin" thing is pretty "Hitler was a good guy, he killed Hitler xdddddd"-tier

RIP REDDIT 2009 - 2014

This is one of the only subs where there's no pretense or tryhard cleverness.

there's tons of tryhards here, they just don't even attempt to be clever

That's because they can't

Masterlawz’s spirit lives on inside our hearts

I can see the sticky on your soul friend.

I have no idea what this masterlawz thing about but it’s geeyting near the lol narwhal bacon levels of retarded.

Can I recommend a subreddit more to your liking perhaps /r/chapotraphouse









lawlz is still here thou

In our hearts

Other subs just seem boring now.

I 卐 don't 卐 know 卐 how 卐 to 卐 explain 卐 it.

Hidden fascist tendencies

Fight your urges to enjoy drama for the good of the world

It's too late for me. Save yourself.


I'm Floridaman.


Can you fucking autists stop jerking yourself off about how different and special you are and post actual drama?

You're going to make me actually do work? 😤

Fine. Here's some developing drama in r/movies.

Happy now?

After this post, I’m not gonna be happy til you keep yourself safe. But thanks for the drama anyways.

provided drama

Still not happy


As all good subreddits. This will eventually get more popular and thus will become shit again. Until a brave band of dramacels create a new subreddit called dramafags thus repeating the never ending cycle.

I agree though. The rest of Reddit is awful now for the most part.
