A story from my high school and MasterLawlz

1  2019-01-11 by GonnaNutInYourButt

So when I was in high school there was this girl who was always desperate for attention.

It got really annoying really fast and so we stopped taking to her. Eventually she ended up in a mental hospital because she threatened to kill herself.

Anyway she came back to school in a week still wearing her patient bracelet and showed it to everyone, informing them she was institutionalized for some time. Everyone unanimously gave no fucks and they were like "okay."

So she escalated by starting to cut herself and show everyone. She walked right up to me and said "your problems are really small compared to mine," showing me her cut up arm. Again I was just like "okay."

In sophomore year she killed herself and everyone was just like "okay."




You should cut on the day she died as a memory of her

What does lawlz have to do with this?

That girl was /u/Masterlawlz.