Movie Daddy Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson slams the “snowflake” generation, Reddit takes it about as well as you’d expect. Buckle up for more drama as this news spreads.

1  2019-01-11 by Warbring3r


Reddit made me conscious of the overuse of the word "slams" in political news articles and it's really been bothering me lately.

You’re now aware of your tongue and there’s nothing you can do about it 😈

I may seem fragile from my previous comment, but these kinds of physical taunts have literally never bothered me. Same deal with manually breathing or blinking.

I think it's because I'm autistic.

You’re like a supersoldier.


Cringe and bluepilled.

Blacked and cucked.

Your apathy is HORRENDOUS and Toxic!!!

And that's a good thing .

baste and slampilled

Breaking: Snowflakes Under Fire As Hollywood Celeb Slams The Internet's Outrage Culture

i like overuse of "chaos" myself

"Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson grabs the concept of Left-Wing Outrage by its legs and repeatedly swings it at a wall head-first"

and that's a good thing.

Welcome to like 2007.

But here it seems so much more appropriate.


You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You know shit is going downhill when even the Rock gets political.

I honestly don't remember The Rock ever being involved in politics really. I think the closest he ever got was singing You're Welcome in Moana.

He was hinting at running for President early last year

The guy's a Republican lmao


He’s sort of the perfect guy to run as a Republican.

You can’t insult him unless you want to be a racist, so he has absolutely no opposition now

trump/the rock ticket when ?

As far as potential republican candidates go, he's definitely one of the better ones.

Shit next thing you know James Woods will turn out to be a conservative 😿

Th Rock is openly liberitarian, iirc.

I don't ever recall hearing he was a pedo

It’s only a matter of time at this point really

10 years or less it will be known

Haven't you seen The Tooth Fairy?


It's basically confirmed.

he's the im rich now so no taxes libertarian

No, I can't say what I want without a million retarded Trumpies crawling out of the woodwork to tell me how oppressed and victimized they are and their way of life is threatened with extinction. It's really fucking tiresome.


Imagine that! A muscular, athletic man, filled with righteous testosterone, who portrays traditional, all-American heroes in action movies doesn't like pussies who whine too much. Who could have seen that coming?

A muscular, athletic man, filled with righteous testosterone, who portrays traditional, all-American heroes in action movies

You mean a drug addicted narcissist who will degrade his natural skill as an actor by playing in countless low quality movies to fuel his substance abuse problem?

  1. Everyone loves cocaine.
  2. Narcissism is an endearing quality in people who are so cool they can't help but be narcissists.
  3. With rare exception, all of the most popular actors have no acting skills. They play themselves in every movie. John Wayne always played John Wayne. Tom Hanks always plays Tom Hanks. Denzel Washington always plays Righteously Indignant Black Man.
  4. Low quality movies make more money. The more money your movies make, the more you can demand for your next movie.
  5. Dwayne Johnson is a saint. You're just jealous that you can't roid yourself into manliness and flex millions of dollars out of the box office.

Dwayne Johnson is a saint. You're just jealous that you can't roid yourself into manliness and flex millions of dollars out of the box office.

Its like youve known me my whole life and are using that knowledge to murder me with words.

I would never do such a thing. That would be rude.

call the suicide hotline before you do something drastic

This is good advice. Ill stop by /r/bitcoin and get their number from the sticky.

this is good for bitcoin

With rare exception, all of the most popular actors have no acting skills. They play themselves in every movie. John Wayne always played John Wayne. Tom Hanks always plays Tom Hanks. Denzel Washington always plays Righteously Indignant Black Man.

A good film don't require good actors. A bad film can be saved by stars, that push their retarded followers into viewing the films.

unsurpisingly all hollywood films have big actors in them.

A good film don't require good actors.

I think you mean "a good film don't require stars".

I mean it would still be in fucked up broken english but it would at least convey the sentiment you intend to communicate.

I don't think cocaine is the issue here. If you think the Rock only takes doctor prescribed TRT shots, you are absolutely retarded. It is definitely possible to be addicted to gear and that is the case for many celebrities.

Did you seriously just say Tom Hanks cant act?

  1. Everyone here would gladly turn loose their bussy for Dwayne.

...They play themselves in every movie. John Wayne always played John Wayne. Tom Hanks always plays Tom Hanks. Denzel Washington always plays Righteously Indignant Black Man.

Add Morgan Freeman to that list.

Also Samuel L. Jackson, surely.

We are talking about an actor here: that's all implied

sounds like the most all-american thing i can imagine

Nah, until he has found a way to exploit the poor for additional profits hes just a wannabe.

He’s big in China, does that count?

Depends, has he collaborated with the Chinese government to ensure his movies are adequately pure from an ideological standpoint yet?

Do his movies have an ideology beyond doing stunts and saving his family?

An emphasis on family? That sounds quite Confucian.

Stop killing innocent animals.

-this comment was made by the buddhist gang.

You are SO mad right now.

I am its true.

I always saw it as him playing in movies that he thought were fun to be in.

Not every actor is looking for the next summer blockbuster. Some people still just want to have fun.

He must really like hamming it up for the camera because it seems like he has a new cheeseball of a movie out every other month now days.

Not that Im trying to hate on the dude for doing it though. He is getting paid in spades for all that and I dont blame him in the least.

He must really like hamming it up for the camera because it seems like he has a new cheeseball of a movie out every other month now days.

He started out as a wrester and from a family of wrestlers.

Indeed. I hope it doesnt sound like I am hating on The Rock or something. I actually like the dude and found his appearances on SNL to be hilarious. The guy actually has some pretty good comedic chops and his ability to ham it up on camera is not a bad thing.

I do however still find it astounding just how many versions of the same movie he is able to star in per year.

I like stuff

Lol, look at this guy

Wrong and wrong. He started out as a Calgary Stampeder.

“Not that I’m trying to hate”

Proceeds to sperg out all over the thread talking shit 😂😂

ToothFairy was high art, you philistine.

No, I mean a Samoan warrior who’d eat you like a pig roast if the law would let him.

Thats hot. What if I voluntarily consent to being eaten?

drug addicted

First time I've ever heard that? Source?

PEDs are drugs(in fact its right there in the name) and The Rock does fuck tons of them.

Yes he does, but that doesn't guarantee he's addicted, or that it's a problem. Also, not everyone that does them is addicted to them.

Actors are liars

Let he who is without sin cast the first Golden Globe.

I wish I was an actor.


Wanting your bussy to be penetrated by Harvey Weinstein's thick, cut, greasy cock

Weird kink but okay/

No didn't you see? I was lying when I said that.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Goes Full Trump, Calls Out Fake News

should be the next sun article lol

if this writer had balls he would pull that.

...that dude seems pretty sharp and empathetic for a wrestler.

He's actually a very genuine nice guy from everything I've seen. As soon as I saw it, I knew it had to be fake, or at least taken way out of context.

If they werent theyd be bad actors

he's a 3rd generation wrestler. also you can't fake muscles

Guess who else is a World Wrestlin Hall of Famer? Yep. 🍊👴👎

Even a broken dick is at high noon twice a day.

Imagine thinking he still produces natural testosterone 😂😂😂

He has spoken at the Republican national convention

Anyone who believes people are whining more/less than before are retarded. People always whine but what they whine about changes with time. 50-60 years ago, people were screeching at "niggers" and "faggots" on their buses and now they whine about "wypipo" etc

People have always been "snowflakes". The only problem today is that you can listen to any retard whine with the help of social media.

Exhibit A

The Rock is going to star is Jonathan Haidt in his next movie.

I was completely thinking about that Joe Rogan Experience episode when I read this.

I'm glad you got this obscure reference.

That episode was only this week.

I haven't seen it. I've just read 2 of his books and listened to his Ezra Klein interview. Now I'm excited because he talked to Joe Rogan instead of a lame soy boy and I can listen without feeling guilty.

Anyone else crash 24+ hours of JR's podcast the past week?

So much crazy shit is seriously circling around him it's fucking amazing.

Whats up freak bitches

You can think both Trumptards (including Trump) and woketards are idiots. You don't need to pick a side between two camps of morons.

A voice of reason appears!

It's not generational, though. People across all demographics and belief systems have become easy to upset, which makes sense when you consider that the media and social media have been supplying us with a steady stream of outrage bait for at least the past half-decade in pursuit of attention.

the wrong side won the cold war

The Cold War should have gone hot


Sorry daddy, but mommy’s happier with Tyrone

ur not my daddy


outrage bait for at least the past half-decade

Just wait

have become easy

Not really. People have been the same, it's just that too many idiots have access to "the internet".

Just like the popularity of "reality tv" shows, whether they be the kardashians or flippng house or podcasts for children or the "intellectual dark web" (lol). It's cheap garbage entertainment for people with limited education and critical thinking skills.

Snally what's the meaning of life

imagine thinking people werent more easily offended 50 years ago

Must be a slow news day.

Every day since Sept 11, 2001 has been a slow news day.



The Sun writing like we're still in the 1980s, quelle surprise.

Common phrase in the UK, Ameritard

I'm British you twonk, no one but lobster-faced yer da types uses "luvvie" in that context anymore.

lobster-faced yer da types

Can you translate this for countries where men live?

Speak the Queen's English. Bloody Amerifats.

Why is it anytime someone calls these pussies a snowflake they over reacted and get proven to be the snowflakes they are.

Why do snowflakes act like snowflakes? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


B-but people who use the word snowflake are the real snowflakes

That makes it even juicier tbh.

The snowflake is immunized against all dangers: one may call xyr a whiner, SJW, hamplanet, dangerhair, it all runs off hem like water off a raincoat. But call sym a snowflake and you will be astonished at how xie recoils, how injured sie is, how ze suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."

Rock has been thinking about running for presidency. Maybe whit Obama as his running mate.

based dwayne laying the smackdown

He's right you know. Also, you can't even debate him because he's technically a minority and by arguing, you are revealing yourself to be a left wing white supremacist.

I love doing this. I can say the most triggering shit and the people obsessed with their hard-earned "woke" points won't say anything in return because I'm a mixed race unironic fag.

I found out I am 2% black. Can I say the n-word now?

The way I heard it, you can, and you can give other people temporary n-word privileges, but only a full black person can give permanent n-word privileges.

But you can just renew their privileges at any time so it's cool.

Dope. Quick question but does it count against me that my family owned slaves and am related to someone know as "The Indian Slayer?"

You’re paki?

Casino not call center.

Can you give me a pass to say nigger, nigger?

Hi, Wololol0w!

I am just stopping by to wish you a peaceful and prosperous year!


Fuck you. Don't tell me what to do fag

Sure thing nigger, have fun nigger

You can’t do that you nigger

Better odds than Warren <_<

I'm a half-black unironic gay.

I read half-black unicorn.

Checkmate, Atheists+.;sh=b5629aef

“You sound like a Nazi”

Jesus Christ you can’t make this shit up

Wake me up when it's a guy that hasn't played the tooth fairy.

The whole interview is fake, The Rock says -

lmao too late everyone knows The Rock is a cryptofash now.

Lmao @ journalists being held accountable.

did he actually use the word snowflake is that just the tabloid. very embarrassing if he did

Whole interview is fake -

I get what the guy in the linked comment is trying to say, but fuck is it a mess to read. Incoherent as fuck.

Can someone tell me what The Rock said? I can’t find it on that tumor of a website.

I have found the only people more sensitive than woketards is people who get upset by woketards.

This is “I was only pretending to be retarded” territory.

its like gamergate vs gamerghazi the only reason gamergate is worse is because they are gamers.

I mean it’s people with a shitty hobby versus people obsessed with people with a shitty hobby. Then there’s Drama which is one level deeper, maybe we’re the worst ones of all.

people obsessed with people with a shitty hobby

thats literally /r/drama considering that describes half of good drama posts like the recent inflation post, it would be super ironic if it was the scat community though.

Interview was fake you dumb fucks. Rocks Instagram if you don't believe me.

Doesn’t matter, still drama.

Except this entire interview was just exposed as fake and the alt right continues to be gullible idiots.

Fake and gay