Commie Mommy might get to probe Daddy's deep dark secrets.

1  2019-01-11 by Quietus42


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This has the potential for lots of drama. Libtards like me will argue whether she's qualified and MAGAcels will REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at Mommy for inappropriately touching Daddy's no-no places.

A new cult is always good for Dramacoin.

We need a catchy name for it. There's the Qultists and Cult45, etc for Daddy's little incels. AOCult? The Cultez?

Sisterhood of the Dancing Latina Mommies

Once this is settled lmk and I’ll put it in sidebar of r/AOC_gifs

That sub... Wtf.



That's not bad! Stick with the classics.


AOC is the hottest new token on the Dramacoin network.

Libtards like me will argue whether she's qualified

will they though

Have you spent much time around us?

I live here, do you even have a key?

I do, actually. Earned it during thebanout.

Banout with your man out bro 🤘

The sequel is going to be the T2 of Banout subs.

Holy shit, from suspense and horror to motherfucking action on an unrivaled scale, I like it

She is 100% unqualified. Not like such things matter anymore, so whatever.

She is 100% unqualified

see, her and daddy already have so much in common

Comparing yourself to a nutcase vigilante to own the cons

Extreme right-wing nutcase vigilante who's defining characteristic is an inability to compromise for the greater good.

I like her but she sure does like to stick her foot in her mouth.

Pretending to be irreverent still doesn't make you irreverent.



This shit's cringey, and why did you post a selfie for the last link?

Translation: How DARE you attack my political allies and their cringey obsession with politics while they pretend to be irreverent!

Lol seriously how salty are you right now?

LMAO you continuously posting your tears. you calling others salty.

Lol seriously do you think if you rush to this dude's defense something is going to happen?

he is just a reddit power mod of a bunch of garbage far left jerk subs.

Does defending his honor really give you this much of a boner?

Peak lolcow serious posting on /r/drama. Thinks being called a sperg for sperging is "rushing to defense"

Dude he is just pretending to be a politically motivated sperg not geting that makes YOU the sperg

~You right now

"I no sperg, you sperg, cause I care about politic" - you right now

LMAO, imagine being this autistic.

Lol I'll post the text, then:

So I've been sitting on my bitcoins for a few years now and decided to look at my blockchain history and there's a transaction on the address that doesn't appear in my wallet, and the block explorer shows significantly less than my wallet. Should I be concerned?



This guy has been pulling up my comment history for weeks and posting it as comments and all I ever respond with is "K" and he's calling us salty lol.

Easiest lolcow I've ever milked.

As always, the best drama is in the comments.

Your post volume on the subreddits I'm calling out has dropped 300% since this started.

It's clearly working to make you feel stupid for pretending to be irreverent :)









She should hook up with Trump and give birth to the worst tweeter of all time.

The Chosen One.

The Bene Gesserit have been planning for this for 32 generations.

No one man should have all that power. Not only the worst tweeter, also the capability to destroy any economy, no matter how strong it is.

Solid title OP hahah

Wouldn't trumps finances have already been investigated during the mueller investigation?

Sure but Mueller is getting info in the context of a criminal investigation, whereas if Congress wants to release his tax returns to the public they can.

The only thing you are gonna get out of that is how much of a financial failure the guy is.

He keeps living large despite failing at his businesses, which implies that someone has been bailing him out.

Or the audits he surely gets annually. Honestly I don't know why people think they're going to find a smoking gun in his tax returns. Him being an actual retard is plenty of reason to not want him to,be president, you don't need him to be a literal Machiavellian villain.

This is great. Maxine "ethnically cleansing gooks = reparations and that's a good thing!" Waters wasn't enough, the Democratic party desperately needs even more leaders who can appeal to the common man.

McCarthy style hearings incoming. I can't fucking wait for how unhinged she gets in the court.

Yeah investigating the finances of a guy who had a scam charity and a scam college is definitely the same as Mccarthyism. /s

She described how she wants to start doing the hearing more aggressively, it's really not hard to read between the lines, especially with how unhinged she normally is.

So what exactly do you think she’s going to do and how is she unhinged?

Probably try to push to have the hearings treat like inquisitions and fail because she's a junior congressperson.

If you've been listening to her nonsense political hit takes you'd either already know she's unhinged or be too separated from reality to tell anymore.