Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford accused of stealing millions of dollars from his company. Oh, and also holding gay paedo parties and posessing a lot of child porn.

1  2019-01-11 by youre_mum_mate


Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Those weren't children, they were loot midgets


sip yeah, borderlands was a good game

Wade Callender “abused the privilege of credit card access by charging unapproved, wholly personal expenses, including family vacations, gun club memberships and firearms accessories, and trying to get six-pack abs.”

what a chad 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

How does that even work? He just has to cut down on bodyfat and do core isolation exercises. What a fag.

of course yamete sides against the chad anti-pedo lawyer. Isn't this whole stick getting a little tired?

Doesn't compute, Chad would already have six pack abs. Also Chad wouldn't fall for phony products.

If you were capable of attraction to anything other than child prostitutes you would see the sexual value in a lawyer with a strong jawline who is willing to steal from his employer.

but he doesn't even have six pack abs, Adonis belt, and cut obliques. 0/10 would bang

Lmao imagine unironically sharing a last name with an item i hang on my toilet door

former vp of Gearbox

Oh no no no...

Can we blame this on Gamergate somehow? Do we add another name to THE LIST?

Callender’s most lurid allegation against Pitchford is an accusation surrounding an event that he says occurred in 2014. Callender says that Pitchford left a USB drive in a Dallas, Texas restaurant containing sensitive corporate documents for Gearbox and its partners including 2K Games, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, and others.Upon information and belief, Randy Pitchford’s USB drive also contained Randy Pitchford’s personal collection of ‘underage’ pornography

2014 supposed to be about video games is actually about pedophilia


don't you just hate it when you accidentally leave your USB stick with your cp collection accidentally in a restaurant?

Not just a restaurant

It was Medieval Times

When it's at Medieval TimesⓇ, it's okay.

I just looked up what the hell Medieval Times is: It's a shitty restaurant that also has medieval LARP combat for the burgers eating their subpar steaks

Correct. Like Dixie Stampede but with less Dolly Parton.

Upon information and belief

This is legalese for "we are essentially guessing and hoping it is true."

A hobo told me

Looks like Anthony Burch is in a similar boat as well. Laffin.

That rumor has been going around for a while- Holly Green of Paste Games has referenced it on her twitter account.

Here's Anthony Burch explaining why being falsely accused is not a problem - you just need to provide evidence that you didn't do it. If only we'd known!

Anyone with a sassy cartoon avatar of themselves is either autistic or a rapist

Or perhaps even an autistic rapist. There may be a fourth category (rapist who preys on the autistic) but my research hasn't been fully funded yet

Why do you NEET faggots always archive this site? Gaymer gate is over. It makes it pretty hard to read via mobile.

/u/AnnoysTheGoys, please start banning gaymers for this.

Feeding anything on the Gawker network with views is an insult to Hulk Hogan, and that's a line I just won't cross brother

HH brother

We must threaten the existence of Gawker Media and a future for games journalism.

Gawker isn’t a thing anymore. I bet you’re a regular on KIA.

If I was a regular on KIA, surely I'd be aware Gawker is no longer a thing?




You in six months

Infowars being sued into bankruptcy is an unconstitutional assault on free speach!

Shut the fuck up vampire

he was on the half life documentary and made me feel weird. makes sense

So it was him. I remember the Pitchfords couldn't find him for a while. So this guy came out of the hiding to turn the table?

I love that Gearbox is word for word calling him a "disgruntled former employee." It sounds so cartoonish.

Didn't gearbox get woke at some point?

If so this would explain it.

They did? The guys behind the ultra parody Borderlands 2?

Yup. Right after it came out.

Yea there was some chatter about it last year. I don't recall details.

Borderlands the prequal had some character that would prattle on about feminism as a "joke"

Boringlands 2 was a parody of good video games.

sounds like the opposite tbh

Didn't gearbox get woke at some point?


So this is the real reason Borderlands 3 hasn’t been made lol

Yeah the wording of all the stuff this Wade has said feels way over-lawyery... like come on

Upon information and belief

So you have no fucking proof at all?

I do however believe the whole pocketing money from the company part i bet this dude is just jealous he couldnt steal it first

To be fair, I don't think anyone really requires proof to regard Randy Pitchford as a dangerous paedophile.

lol Randy Pitchfork

Libertarians and long-form essays on the injustice of age-of-consent laws, name a more iconic duo

Randy is a fucking loser bitch so it wouldn't surprise me at all.
