r/Catholicism schisms over Trump

1  2019-01-12 by Bigwooddeck


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Burgers can't even True Catholic properly, smh.

American 'Catholicism' is some weird cult that's its own religion really. hence many are creationists like their Evangelical countrymen when Catholic creationism otherwise is a misnomer, creationism being wholly a phenomenon of Anglosphere modernity

I totally agree. They also tend to treat our bishops and popes as if they are elected representatives that can be mercilessly attacked in social media and such. It goes above criticism in good faith.

We need a hard revival of Catholic scholasticism and spiritual traditions. I feel Bishop Robert Barron is on a good track, but it needs to spread.

Went to Catholic School, can confirm that for the more hardcore Catholics, not having unlimited power over a society = oppression. It’s frankly ridiculous having an entire classroom of high schoolers explaining how allowing gays to marry doesn’t mean we’re one step away from crucifying all Catholics.

Dude they wish we were one step away from crucifying Catholics. The desire to be persecuted is massive among hardcore Christians.