Orcs did nothing wrong

1  2019-01-12 by Inceltiers




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White man sympathizes with genocide and slavers.

ManOrclets smh

Um, why is the first picture at Minas Tirith, which is the capital of Gondor, when in the second picture Gandalf is clearly talking to Theoden, the ruler of Rohan, at Meduseld?


Fuck off nerd.

Did he not read the part in the book where Sam sees a dead enemy soldier and wonders what caused him to go to war for Mordor?

Seriously, did he? Cuz I don’t have a Times subscription.

It's also The "Lord Haw Haw was railroaded" Times


That was an Easterling sir, not an Orc.

I know, but I think the crux of the argument that the guy quoted in the article was making is that Tolkien was saying that certain races are naturally evil and we should never try to understand their motivations. I think that that scene in the book contradicts that point of view.

But Easterlings were meant to represent Arabs, and Arabs are naturally evil.

It’s over for Rohirrimcels.

"Do you want to read more?"

No, The Times, I do not

Fuck elves tbh.

Fëanor did nothing wrong

Orcs are inbred elves who want to industrialize, are probably cannibalistic, and enslave people. In what way could you read them as minorities without some racist ideology running through your head?

There are different ethnic groups/cultures represented in Tolkien with the human races none of them are really treated differently than the others, the orcs aren't meant to be anything other than an evil group, they aren't connected to any actual culture at all.

Orcs are a race/religion of peace.