"YOU ARE NOT A WHORE" screams valiant redditors at a young asian girl caught sending nudes to strangers online

1  2019-01-12 by charming_tatum


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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That was really sad to read. I hope the girl gets out of that unhealthy situation and can be independent on her own. It sounds like she’s been sheltered to an unhealthy point.

But she took my phone and macbook (which I paid for) so I can't contact her parents' house to arrange a stay.

Mum will be back in a couple of minutes... She was hitting me and getting aggressive this morning. I'm too ashamed to do anything about it. I know objectively.. what I did wasn't "whoreish" - if my friend was in my situation, I wouldn't call her a whore.. But when I stand in front of my family, I just feel like one and a big disappointment.

Her mother is a fucking bitch! Kinda feel bad for the daughter, tbh.

i wish i could hit and get aggressive with you too every morning

She's 23 too, not exactly a little girl. Fuck that shit.

She deserves it she's making thot money and can't get her own place smh

This is actually sort of worrying.

These guys get how pathetic it is to act like this over some girl you're not fucking, right?

Are we talking about the white knights in this drama thread, too?