r/Drama meetup 2018

1  2019-01-12 by HardIsLife


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Sort of sentient I guess?

Isn't that protomagicallygirl

Don’t know what that is

That’s your own video, isn’t it.

Of course, what did you think the average drama poster looked like?

This guy....is a walking stereotype. I love the lithp.

This is not what I asked for.


That guy has no right to talk about others being cringy.

I can't tell if he's being himself or if that is a cringy persona and it bugs me. Sadly somehow if feel it's actually the real him.

Imagine being a passerby seeing this guy pacing up and down your neighbourhood ranting with his lispy voice directly into the camcorder he is violently shaking around infront of him.

He came out as plural recently, as if he couldn’t get any more mentally ill.

If you don’t know what that is, spare yourself the details.

Now i wanna know dude


Here’s his statement about it. It’s insanity.

Thats disgusting...

They believe that they have two or more personalities in their head. Basically the pop culture version of Multiple Personality Disorder (currently known officially as Dissociative Identity Disorder). Yeah, it's weird as shit and medically dubious, but so are lots of things, and if the person/people are otherwise fine to interact with, no big deal. I actually had a friend like that a number of years ago. I valued our continued harmony more than whatever I'd get out of repeatedly trying to convince him that he was deluded, so I never really made an issue of it. On the other hand, the person being discussed in this thread sounds like they would be a real pain to be around, which isn't so great.

Look at that asshole on the left totally bald and not giving a single fuck.

Please be respectful to EdButterToast.

Before meeting u/Ed_ButteredToast, Grace told friends and coworkers about the date and consulted her go-to group chat about what she should wear to fit the “cocktail chic” dress-code he gave her. She settled on “a tank-top dress and jeans.” She showed me a picture, it was a good outfit.

After arriving at his apartment in Manhattan on Monday evening, they exchanged small talk and drank wine. “It was white,” she said. “I didn’t get to choose and I prefer red, but it was white wine.” Then u/Ed_ButteredToast walked her to Grand Banks, an Oyster bar onboard a historic wooden schooner on the Hudson River just a few blocks away.

She said it was a beautiful, warm September night. They discussed NYU, comedy and a new, secret project he was working on, but she says she did most of the talking.

Grace says she sensed u/Ed_ButteredToast was eager for them to leave. “When the waiter came over he quickly asked for the check and he said like, ‘Let’s get off this boat.’” She recalls there was still wine in her glass and more left in the bottle he ordered. The abruptness surprised her. “Like, he got the check and then it was bada-boom, bada-bing, we’re out of there.”

They walked the two blocks back to his apartment building, an exclusive address on TriBeCa’s Franklin Street, where Taylor Swift has a place too. When they walked back in, she complimented his marble countertops. According to Grace, u/Ed_ButteredToast turned the compliment into an invitation.

“He said something along the lines of, ‘How about you hop up and take a seat?’” Within moments, he was kissing her. “In a second, his hand was on my breast.” Then he was undressing her, then he undressed himself. She remembers feeling uncomfortable at how quickly things escalated.

When u/Ed_ButteredToast told her he was going to grab a condom within minutes of their first kiss, Grace voiced her hesitation explicitly. “I said something like, ‘Whoa, let’s relax for a sec, let’s chill.’” She says he then resumed kissing her, briefly performed oral sex on her, and asked her to do the same thing to him. She did, but not for long. “It was really quick. Everything was pretty much touched and done within ten minutes of hooking up, except for actual sex.”

She says u/Ed_ButteredToast began making a move on her that he repeated during their encounter. “The move he kept doing was taking his two fingers in a V-shape and putting them in my mouth, in my throat to wet his fingers, because the moment he’d stick his fingers in my throat he’d go straight for my vagina and try to finger me.” Grace called the move “the claw.”

u/Ed_ButteredToast also physically pulled her hand towards his penis multiple times throughout the night, from the time he first kissed her on the countertop onward. “He probably moved my hand to his dick five to seven times,” she said. “He really kept doing it after I moved it away.”

But the main thing was that he wouldn’t let her move away from him. She compared the path they cut across his apartment to a football play. “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again. It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.”

Throughout the course of her short time in the apartment, she says she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate how uncomfortable and distressed she was. “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling. I know that my hand stopped moving at some points,” she said. “I stopped moving my lips and turned cold.”

Whether u/Ed_ButteredToast didn’t notice Grace’s reticence or knowingly ignored it is impossible for her to say. “I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”

u/Ed_ButteredToast wanted to have sex. She said she remembers him asking again and again, “Where do you want me to fuck you?” while she was still seated on the countertop. She says she found the question tough to answer because she says she didn’t want to fuck him at all.

“I wasn’t really even thinking of that, I didn’t want to be engaged in that with him. But he kept asking, so I said, ‘Next time.’ And he goes, ‘Oh, you mean second date?’ and I go, ‘Oh, yeah, sure,’ and he goes, ‘Well, if I poured you another glass of wine now, would it count as our second date?’” He then poured her a glass and handed it to her. She excused herself to the bathroom soon after.

Grace says she spent around five minutes in the bathroom, collecting herself in the mirror and splashing herself with water. Then she went back to u/Ed_ButteredToast. He asked her if she was okay. “I said I don’t want to feel forced because then I’ll hate you, and I’d rather not hate you,” she said.

She told babe that at first, she was happy with how he reacted. “He said, ‘Oh, of course, it’s only fun if we’re both having fun.’ The response was technically very sweet and acknowledging the fact that I was very uncomfortable. Verbally, in that moment, he acknowledged that I needed to take it slow. Then he said, ‘Let’s just chill over here on the couch.’”

This moment is particularly significant for Grace, because she thought that would be the end of the sexual encounter — her remark about not wanting to feel “forced” had added a verbal component to the cues she was trying to give him about her discomfort. When she sat down on the floor next to u/Ed_ButteredToast, who sat on the couch, she thought he might rub her back, or play with her hair — something to calm her down.

u/Ed_ButteredToast instructed her to turn around. “He sat back and pointed to his penis and motioned for me to go down on him. And I did. I think I just felt really pressured. It was literally the most unexpected thing I thought would happen at that moment because I told him I was uncomfortable.”

Soon, he pulled her back up onto the couch. She would tell her friend via text later that night, “He [made out] with me again and says, ‘Doesn’t look like you hate me.’”

Halfway into the encounter, he led her from the couch to a different part of his apartment. He said he had to show her something. Then he brought her to a large mirror, bent her over and asked her again, “Where do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to fuck you right here?” He rammed his penis against her ass while he said it, pantomiming intercourse.

“I just remember looking in the mirror and seeing him behind me. He was very much caught up in the moment and I obviously very much wasn’t,” Grace said. “After he bent me over is when I stood up and said no, I don’t think I’m ready to do this, I really don’t think I’m going to do this. And he said, ‘How about we just chill, but this time with our clothes on?’”

They got dressed, sat side by side on the couch they’d already “chilled” on, and he turned on an episode of Seinfeld. She’d never seen it before. She said that’s when the reality of what was going on sank in. “It really hit me that I was violated. I felt really emotional all at once when we sat down there. That that whole experience was actually horrible.”

While the TV played in the background, he kissed her again, stuck his fingers down her throat again, and moved to undo her pants. She turned away. She remembers “feeling in a different mindset at that point.”

“I remember saying, ‘You guys are all the same, you guys are all the fucking same.’” u/Ed_ButteredToast asked her what she meant. When she turned to answer, she says he met her with “gross, forceful kisses.”

After that last kiss, Grace stood up from the couch, moved back to the kitchen island where she left her phone, and said she would call herself a car. He hugged her and kissed her goodbye, another “aggressive” kiss. When she pulled away, u/Ed_ButteredToast finally relented and insisted he’d call her the car. “He said, ‘It’s coming, but just tell them your name is Essence,’” she said, a name he has joked about using as a pseudonym in his sitcom.

She teared up in the hallway, outside his place, pressing the down button on the elevator. The Uber was waiting when she left the building. He asked if she was Essence, she said yes, and then she rode back to her Brooklyn apartment. “I cried the whole ride home. At that point I felt violated. That last hour was so out of my hand.”

Babe asked u/Ed_ButteredToast’s representatives if they wanted to respond to Grace’s account but they have yet to do so. [Update – 10:02pm, January 14: u/Ed_ButteredToast has released a statement, which you can read in full here. In it, he acknowledges that they “engaged in sexual activity” but says “by all indications [it] was completely consensual.”]

Grace compares u/Ed_ButteredToast’s sexual mannerisms to those of a horny, rough, entitled 18-year-old. She said so to her friends via text after the date and said the same thing to me when we spoke.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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The skullet

The curly skullet AKA skrullet

you can tell they’re all programmers

I’m a programmer 😔

I'm a progamer

which one are you

The one taking the picture

Wow, these uggos thought you were so hideous that you shouldn’t be in the pic?

They wanted it to be mayo only 😔

I understand your username now.

Speedrun much?

No, I’m one of the cool hot ones who does 10 step Korean skincare!!!

Post toes...or teeths?

Programmer. . . Pro grammar. . . Heavily in favor of grammar. . . Grammar Nazi.

Nazi confirmed.

Could be speedrunners.

hmm true

They are speedrunners, they were part of AGDQ. It was taken over by trannys.

They are, this is a bunch of tranny GDQ staff and their tranny speedrunner friends. Protomagical""""girl"""" on the middle right.

Do you know who the lady with the skullet is?

Benjamina Franklin

Imagine sitting down, writing a 16 minute rant, then deciding to go outside, ranting like a lunatic for 16 minutes, in public, then sitting down, watching it, and deciding "yes, this is a good thing to post on the internet"

All over a split second panty shot

That's the only one that looks like a fat, ugly girl rather than a man in a dress to me.

I bet they have programmer socks. What's your opinion /u/justcool393

All around me are some Mayo faces, worn out places, worn out faces.

Based Benjamin Franklin chilling out in the wrong timeline yet giving no fucks

if only he knew how bad america would get


what gold?

You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went, you can curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you snip ya dick off.

I don't think Ben Franklin had tits. I might be wrong, though?

Ben Franklin? That thing looks like Wojak.

Ben franklin with tits..poor ben

Ben Shapiro with tits though, now we're on to something

That'd be his sister, the one with the massive milkies


Not even once

I love how they evenly separate the guys from the guys dressed as women.

Witches 1

Patriarchy 0

We should burn them

Still one of my favourite subs

white people



And people seriously humor the idea that the mayos shouldn’t be totally genocided. Lmao.

I think a lot of mayos feel left out because they sent coddled like minorities. So, they need to make up shit to claim they are also marginalized. Mayos can’t even let minorities take the spotlight for a minute.

The Last Supper if Leonardo da Vinci had been WOKE.

Why does this sub hate GDQ so much? They're raising money for good charities. Maybe I'm just not centrist enough to get why that's so ridiculous

Because people who speedrun, generally spend waaaaaaay more time playing games than even most gamers who don't, and thus they tend to have more of the stereotypical "geek" side effects as a result of the lack of time away from the games. Poor hygiene and general health, piss poor social social skills, etc. The event itself isn't an issue. It's just people being mean.

Yeah I get that speedrunners definitely have a particular personality that can be made fun of easily but judging from the comments (mostly on this thread) it seems like people here think the whole event is shit.

If you're not a gamer (and lately, this subs seems to be actively against gamers in general), it's not gonna interest you. The event is just going look like a congregation of the people described.

But I'd have to think most people who know the event exists also know it's raising money for charity. For all I care they can chop their dicks off and throw them at each other to raise the $1 million+ and it'd still be a net positive.

Also, charity is a lame way to spend money.

I am a gamer and I even watch e-sports from time to time but I still think speed running is one the most pointless things ever.

I am a gamer and I even watch e-sports from time to time

i think you meant to delete this

I have no shame 😂

Slay. You slay me. 👏

This sub isnt against gaymers for being gaymers. It's against gaymers for being degenerates which 99% of them are.


If a community is shit, why would an event be a good thing when its filled with said shit community?

This is just people being mean.

Nigger do you know where you are?

Theoretically (and originally) the purpose of r/drama was just a place to post... drama. A lighter and more freewheeling version of SRD basically.

The 4chanization "haha I'm an asshole but ironically" of this sub is a relatively recent phenomenon, maybe since 2016.

Yes that's why I like it too

This, but unironically.

youre clearly not misanthropic enough for rdrama if you still think raising money for charity is good

I don't get along well with people, but I'm not that edgy

Anytime you hear something good about charities like this, there's an article 3 uncovering months later how 90% of the donations went to something else.

That's why I just skip the middleman advocate handing out syringes filled with Heroin under your local homeless bridge.

Because it's an ideological trannyfest. It's like being happy that the KKK raised money for a children's hospital.

Take this down now

It must be so cool to meet people on Reddit!

This is what you take from that picture? You need to get out and meet some real normal people.

she's a filipina. people are just nicer over there.

I am honestly at the moment in a party with friends right now. Lol

lol oh! Well, good!

I would never meet up with any of you losers.

The wise man is king in the valley of transcels

What is it with trans gamers and barely even trying to pass? My god not a one of them is even close. Do they not feel embarrassed to look like this?

Trans women elsewhere are usually hyper-fixated on their appearance and put a ton of work in, to the point where they're more often identifiable by doing too much feminine stuff like excessive makeup or wearing fancy clothes in a casual setting.

Do you think nerds suddenly gain the ability to dress and groom themselves properly the moment they become trannies? And a big part is probably that their dating pool is just other haggard trannies and straight women pretending to be bull dykes so they don't even have to try. None of these heshe aberrations are trying to get fucked by straight dudes.

straight women pretending to be bull dykes so they don't even have to try.

Don't insult us actual bull dykes.

not all trans people even care about passing

Which is really weird to me. Like, I can't wrap my head around this. What's the point of saying that you're not happy with your sex and that you want to follow the behavior role of the opposite gender and then...not doing that.

I don't know man. Ask a trans person.

Yeah, am trans, I don't get it either. Well, I kind of get it. If you don't grow up female there's a ton of stuff that you have to learn in very short order, some of which is annoyingly hard to succeed at well enough to pass, especially if your bone structure is very masculine or you're kind of ugly in general, so some people just say "fuck it" and don't bother. My attitude is kind of in the space of ContraPoints, where yeah it's unfair that you have to paradoxically conform to certain gendered expectations even more if you want to be taken seriously while you're breaking down other gendered expectations and shit as a trans person, but that's the world we live in, so suck it up and at least try to get people to read you as your gender reliably and especially don't play into people's negative stereotype.

The point someone made elsewhere in the comments about nerds and fashion/grooming knowledge also stands. If you sucked at that kind of stuff beforehand, you don't magically get better at it because you identify as a woman, the expectations are just higher. In my case, I was starting from a somewhat better location than the people in the photo in terms of my body's appearance and my understanding of fashion, but I'm also giving myself an ongoing crash course in how to do makeup, clothing, and everything else. It's not easy, but I'm learning. As to why, not only do I value looking good instrumentally (i.e. because it makes people treat me better), which was one of my initial motivations for learning this stuff, and not only do I just enjoy learning new skills period, and not only does having people read my gender more or less correctly feel good (which was the other initial motivation for learning how to get read as a girl), I've actually started to find some pleasure in taking charge of my appearance in a way that I didn't or felt I couldn't as a man, and that continues to motivate me.

Oh damn, that's a way too elaborate answer than I expected. I get what you're talking about now. Thanks for your input

Show bussy

You can feel comfortable with your gender identity and not do anything with your gender expression.

I feel like I really wouldn't be comfortable though. Which is why I couldn't understand it.

Its more about feeling good with yourself more than delivering expectations to others. Noone is obligated to be ultra-manly or ultra-femme. Its like saying butch girls dont care about being girls.

Well, yeah, I wouldn't be able to feel good with myself if I were trans and didn't try to pass as much as possible. I guess different people are different?

They're speedrunners doing Male to Female Any%.

What is it with trans gamers and barely even trying to pass?

consider what cis gamers look like

Hey hey hey. I dress well and smell well and have a wife and kids. I'm a gamer. Rise up.

Pure fantasy

Imagine how disgusting you average g*mer looks

Adding mental illness is only going to make it worse

More like r/chapotraphouse meetup


You're doing Notch's work, mulatto


whenever i look at this picture i just feel sad for everyone involved

I see a full table of friends enjoying each other's company

I don't think it's them you feel sorrow for

I see a full table of friends enjoying each other's company

exactly why it's so sad

Why is the table segregated so that the black and asian have to sit with a clear divide between them and the white folk?

What is it with Drama group and posting the same shit? I was in an Encyclopedia Dramatica facebook group and they did the same exact joke.

lol you use Facebook?

Well, I also use Reddit.

To answer your question, it’s actually quite simple. A lot of us flock here because we share similar sense of humor and interests. Like I even have similar music taste with some random dudes in this subreddit. Sad realization 😔

I am not special 😔

Is this phenomenon like the frogs n sheeit from Jurassic Park? Their prospects with normal women are so terrible that some of their number begin to evolve into women?

The "gender is a spectrum" gang.

Transitioning Any%

TrollX meetup

Hmm.. 🤔🤔🤔

Ding ding! You’ve got one right. Guess the others.

No. EdButterToast is the balding one.

A group of liberal retards. All that missing is u idiots sitting in the short yellow bus taking you back to your home for the TDS sufferers.

I see two people wearing programming socks

The second on the left from the bottom is the worst, most unrealistic human suit I have ever seen.

I can't tell if this is a joke or not....

Peak mayonnaise