Bread of Peace attacks Paris and /r/news goes into lock down

1  2019-01-12 by SignalEvent


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I’m more concerned about heritage and historical sites getting destroyed in the process than people dying at this point for Paris. It’s hard to care about the French.

Paris is awful, and should be razed then glassed. This is a good, though inadequate, beginning.

It’s hard to care about the French.

This but unironically.

Only slightly related but I want to remind everyone that sourdough bread is the worst kind of bread and if you like it you should evaluate your safety protocols ASAP

Fuck you sourdough for life

Get back to me when you can use it for literally anything other than dipping in a bisque. Have you ever eaten a sourdough sandwich? RIP the top of your mouth and any chance of a dignified palate

dipping in a bisque

Have you considered the fact that this is the gayest thing posted on /r/Drama in at least a week?

Yes. I am doing my part to shame the breeder menace infesting this board

sourdough pizza tastes good

That's unironically disgusting I don't even want to make a stale joke

Agreed. And as a fellow American I'll actually go one step further and say fuck all bread, there's never enough sugar. I make my cheese & marshmallow spread sandwiches with jelly doughnuts.

Cheese and marshmallow spread on jelly donuts? Are you on a weight loss diet or something my fellow yank?

The bread didn't do muffin

This person knows whats up
