Bookcels talk about their retarded book quotes they got as tattoos. Harry Potter makes an appearance.

1  2019-01-12 by CJ_from_Grove_St


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I have "dude bussy lmao" tattooed in a circle around my anus.

Begging for an awkward moment when someone recognizes the reference.

Please tell me my zero-effort shitpost didn't coincide with something some famous guy said earlier. It's gonna be a long day if everyone replies to this like "oh, I get it, you were referring to Shakespeare" when it's really an homage to Ed.

Awww ☺️️💞

... Brett?

This but literally

I intend on getting something literary once I finish my English degree (I need another for my anthropology major too) even though I'm not the best English major.

I've thought about getting something Shakespeare even though him and Tolkien are probably the most tattooed writers ever. But who cares as long as it speaks to you right? I just can't decide I've done all but one of the Shakespeare courses my school offers and there's a lot of good ones.

I'm looking at possible classic Disney too and I guess that counts since most of them were books first.

These people are parodies of themselves.

Take the book pill.

Shakespeare and Disney in the same breath

absolute state of amerilards

> popular things are good things

I'm looking at possible classic Disney too and I guess that counts since most of them were books first.

There was a litter of "Harry Potter English Majors" in my department, but I never had the misfortune to confront a Disney English Major.

Having Harry Potter English majors pack themselves into creative writing courses with me to get verbally abused on workshop days was a highlight of my college experience.

I've thought about getting something Shakespeare even though him and Tolkien are probably the most tattooed writers ever.

Imagine caring this much about what people think of you while also being a huge fucking nerd

"So it goes"

Well that's a great way of letting everyone know you're as basic as possible

God I hate Vonnegut and his LOL XD RANDOM spawn infesting English departments across the country

really? I dislike him for the nazi propaganda, but to each their own

Off topic, but in senior year I had a student teacher (some basic Mayo about to graduate college) and that motherfucker spent half a semester talking about Hunter S. Thompson. He showed us documentary footage, he passed out assignments that instructed us to write like Thompson, and insisted Thompson was the “realest” (whatever that means) author out there.

I have to thank him, because as a result of that semester, I never went through a Hunter S. Thompson phase.

This whole thread is r/cringe material


What a load of normie books. At least these literary masterminds are showing everyone around them that they have pedestrian taste and poor decision making skills.

Hamlet, Slaughterhouse 5, LotR, Harry Potter, Camus, Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Hitchhikers. I'm really surprised there's no Kafka or Lovecraft in there.

Its pretty bad when Watership Down, Dune, and Jane Eyre are the least normie ones mentioned in there.

I reckon Slaughterhouse 5 is less normie than Jane Eyre.

It seems to be the number one book to read for people who wants to brag about being well read. “So it goes” is the perfect snappy phrase for pseudo-intellectuals, so it’s repeated endlessly in these threads while stuff from Jane Eyre isn’t.

And I guess that’s why people who feel like they’ve made a bigger investment into being obnoxious than those people like to shit so much on Vonnegut.

Slaughterhouse 5 was a high school reading book for me. So was Jane Eyre but way more people read Vonnegut.

Ah, im a britbong so we get force fed shakespeare here

Jane Eyre is longer and more boring so the normy award goes to Slaughterhouse 5.

it's normie enough that every chucklefuck and his mother on reddit quotes the nazi propaganda in that book

Nazi propaganda? Denying the US did bad things too is not very centrist, sweaty 😘

no no no, the numbers vonnegut gives for dresden come directly from Herr Goebbels

Theirs literally no difference between goebbels and a reputable source you imbecile, you fucking retard.

Idk tho, i still think if people realise its fiction (shouldnt be hard) and not quotable as fact its less a tale of nazi redemption and more a tale of PTSD and a reminder that our enemies are human to.

Lovecraft is a B I G Y I K E S now

Yeah part of me thinks white college kids love Lovecraft so much because it gives then a chance to tisk tisk wacism. I was in a book club at my obnoxiously far-left college and every semester we read a Lovecraft short story. I tried to get us to read House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson (big influence on Lovecraft and imo better than anything he ever wrote), but apparently that wasn't aggressively normie enough. I like Lovecraft alright though so I was mostly okay with it. But then every discussion immediately sunk to "deet da dee, problematic". No discussion of the horror tradition, themes aside from race, devices used for macabre effect, nothing. I can't think of any other reason these pasty capeshit fans like him so much.

I unironically want the death penalty for people who say “problematic”

Death camps for y'allposters, ovens for woketards.

Wow, let’s unpack this

it would be fine talking about the author and their subtexts and how we see them today, but if that's the only thing you talk about thats some wack shit.

House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson (big influence on Lovecraft and imo better than anything he ever wrote)

Oh wow, it's one of the subhumans Lovecraft wrote about in real life!

Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!

I'm an unabashed Watership Downsie fan so I can't judge the /r/books crowd too hard. But they should really experiment with temp-banning it in discussion, along with Tolkein, Harry Potter, Orwell, Hitchhikers etc.

I have a tattoo of the name of Lovecraft's cat on my forehead if that counts.

Not even good Camus. I wanna see a tattoo depicting the renegade being stuffed with salt.

/r/books has always been trash and always will be.

They read the same 50 books then move on to a never-ending diet of YA books and fantasy.

"That which exists without my knowledge, exists without my consent" would make an unironically cool tattoo for someone white trash enough to ink themselves.

“All that gold does not glitter, Not all who wander are lost, The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roost area not reached from the frost”

Perfect for a tramp stamp.

I want to get this tattooed on my left asscheek.

I want to get that tattooed on my face.

Where is the drama tho ?

Welcome to /r/drama 2019

When pinging was removed, the sub died.

It's like after the bombs fell in threads. We're just circling the drain now.

Harry Potter is so dumb. It's the most simplistic children's book bullshit ever. The characters have no depth, no layers, they're either all PURELY GOOD or PURELY EVIL and it's why people use it to politicize a point. Because it's easy to group those you disagree with as THE EVIL LE VOLDEMORT BECAUSE THEY'RE PURE EVIL

stretched his legs

Lol what even was Voldemort’s motivation other than “be evil”?.

To get wizard pussy from magical Hogwarts thots. Why else?

And what exactly did Death Eaters do that was anything to do with eating death?

to implement the final solution for mudbloods. he did nothing wrong tbh

wow an r/books thread that's about doing something, anything, other than actually reading books? im shocked

If you don’t tattoo something by Sade you’re a coward.


OP you're a faggot

Do better sweaty

Counted 7 comments about harry potter tattoos, 1 of them has 3 that are harry potter inspired.

My friend got a tattoo and then I saw the quote on a shirt at Walmart 😂

There is something special about adults who have only ever read Harry Potter.

What is this np link faggotry in my r/drama?

Perfect datamine material :)

I remember someone on the Latin subreddit wanted a Latin translation of “abandon all hope, ye who enter” for a tattoo across their crotch.

There was also someone who wanted a Latin tattoo of “always do the right thing” until they found out the Latin translation was “semper fac rectum”

It’s over for Latin-tattoocels

Vatican II was a mistake.

Using tattoos to signal to the world how clever you are. They done played themselves.

Especially when thousands of other people have the same exact "clever" tattoo

getting banned for np links because you're an idoit


I'm back bussy boi so what's up now?

Just saying, bible quotes count too

I have Mein Kampf on my forehead