Grill Gamer vs SingaPOOReans

1  2019-01-13 by sea_lecture


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


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thread happened 10 hours ago but there's still some drama potential considering OP keeps going back in to edit her original post with increasingly lolcow-worthy edits

Asian servers are the most peaceful to play from my experience because I don’t know what they are saying.

Singaporeans speak English, though. Although often when they're speaking among themselves you can hardly understand a word.

Yeah, no kidding.

yeah, I'm Singaporean and the general English proficiency in this country is fucking terrible

I was reading about the Jeff Bezos divorce news and thinking ... Does the wife really deserve 66 billion USD for her efforts as a wife? That seems a little too much to me... Sure she has made efforts as a wife but 66billion ??? Talk about the most overpaid caretaker job! Also , conversely , if Jeff Bezos and her wife swapped roles (like the wife is the CEO of Amazon and he is a househusband) , I am sure no one would bat an eye if he wasn't given a single cent (Oh ya in Singapore, males are not given divorce $ or whatever any.. only females get it!).... Gender Equality baby! Wanna hear the thoughts of u guys about this!

^ no one rapes punctuation as much as Singaporeans and/or old people. to his credit, he at least knows how to spell, that's already better than most people in this country

I actually think it’s cool that you guys came up with your own way of speaking what was initially a foreign language, but I agree with you; Singaporeans should have the ability to speak and write fluent standard English when they need to.

re: Singlish, there are two camps - those who think it's an important part of our culture, and those who think it's an abomination. personally I don't think it's much to be proud of, there are better things to claim as "uniquely Singaporean".

tbf, most of those who can't speak English are better at Mandarin or dialect. it's much more disappointing when they aren't good at anything.

yeah, I could've chosen a better example, one laden with misplaced Singlish perhaps.

I am going to venture that your average Singaporean can compose better than 90% of high school "graduates" in the US.

>burgers are dumb

well, yeah

re: Singlish, there are two camps - those who think it's an important part of our culture, and those who think it's an abomination. personally I don't think it's much to be proud of, there are better things to claim as "uniquely Singaporean".

tbf, most of those who can't speak English are better at Mandarin or dialect. it's much more disappointing when they aren't good at anything.

yeah, I could've chosen a better example, one laden with misplaced Singlish perhaps.


you aren't even american you dumb cunt

>only Americans can say y'all


Anyone can say y'all but nobody should, especially non Americans

It's seriously disgusting.

It's over for sisterfuckercells

Singapore, entrepot to the worlds jungliest islands