Grown man absolutely annihilates 12 year old girl with a single punch. PublicFreakout can't decide if he was honorably standing his ground, overreacted, or if the whole sub is racist.

1  2019-01-13 by Oh_hamburgers_


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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She squared up though.

The real issue here is he didnt start windmilling through the rest of the brats

There was certainly room for a little ground and pound


I for one am waiting for the Fus Ro Da remix.

If I know my blacks, and I've seen a lot of WSHH videos, this was a completely unprovoked attack by a racist MAGA man. Those young ladies did absolutely nothing to the middle aged white woman and young girl in the video, and in fact I would wager that those 2 white cave bitches were the ones that started it all by hurling racial epithets at the young queens.

Based and blackpilled.

Watch the video with sound and turn the volume up. If you really focus and block out the girls helping each other with their algebra homework in the background, you can actually hear the caveman say “this is for dylan roof you black bitch” right before he sucker punches her.

out of the billions and billions of people on earth that i don't know? you are my standout favorite.

black and basedpilled

Exactly. She was literally asking for it.

Yeah its almost like children are dumb and brain damage isn't a reasonable response to their dumbness

An example to be made of for the benefit of the other children.

Somehow I doubt it'll work out that way






I feel personally attacked

I identify as a victim.

congratz u have reading comprehension

lol brain damage

you whiny pussy.

This ain't the movies ya tard, blows to the head can fuck you up permanently in an instant

i reiterate

you whiny pussy.

She seemed pretty retarded already. Maybe that hit knocked her shit back into place.

That doesnt sound right but I don't know enough about neuroscience to dispute it

idk man i never tried to fight with adults as a kid. she probably already has brain damage, what's a little more gonna hurt?

Seems like it was already too late to avoid brain damage

I don't think squaring up counts as taking the first swing legally. People square up then don't fight all the time.

george zimmerman part 2. electric boogaloo

at first i thought "its just a shove who cares"

the punch was probably a bit over the top but the foid had it coming

She was punched into a "go-fund me" status.

I'm in a tough spot here. I legitimately think that she would make the standard "I got KTFO but you only know half of the story" $30,000~, but I can't trust anything I read on /r/drama.

It seems likely that a GoFundMe is already up, but is it?



Is "your mom will start a go-fund-me" the new "eating through a straw"? 🤔

lol holy shit that dude is going to be famous for all the wrong reasons, shouting at a group of teen girls at the mall to shut up then laying one of them out is not a good look

for the good of dramacoin I hope they find his fb page and it is filled with pro trump memes

Its a white dude living in North Carolina. Now is the time to BUY baby!

black people should start raising their kids properly and tell them to avoid screaming at people and attacking them like rabid chimps if they dont want them laid out

This but extremely ironically

oh yeah, you're just loving this shit aint ya?

just rock hard over the thought of beating up black children...fuck yeah!

this would be your fantasy come true right here, finally you could win a victory for Daddy Trump against the evil coloreds!

keep believeing. Dont give up on your dreams buddy.

Run back to SRD.

Punching obnoxious kids is literally every adults fantasy

I would pay legit money to get away with it. Like some sort of Lolita Express airlines except you punch loud teenagers.

There's nobody I know who enjoys videos of kids getting decked, falling on their ass, or slapped in the face more than elementary school teachers.

This but 100% completely, not meming, unironically


But also, how can you possibly defend that group of black females when they're obviously being aggressive and violent towards a woman with a couple of children besides her?

black females

There’s your answer


Looks to me like some children being annoying to a grown ass man who doesn't have the sense to walk away.

One of those rats punched him in the back

"punched" = pushed, but sure whatever. punching children is funny, so you do your thing.

Instant pasta.

Go on...

just rock hard over the thought of beating up black children

I'll take any color: black, yellow, heck, even normal ones.

this guy gets it.

Thank you for feeding the bots with pasta.

this would be your fantasy come true right here

Well, in my fantasy I give her a Stone Cold stunner.

i mean it is pretty funny, what did anyone think was gonna happen

black americans are so cocky and think everyones scared of them because of hip hop videos or whatever

also their parents would have done worse if theyd caught them so im not sure what youre even complaining about

This but extremely unironically

And people think that malls are going out of business because of Amazon, lol.

Imagine thinking The Cap’n was ever ironic about racism.

I don't think black people in malls is a new thing bud

This but extremely post-ironically

this but transcendental ironism

What if my statement of something being unironic is being ironic?

This guy is Captain Fucking America in my book

oh thatd make a cool edit for one of the gif subs

If I had to guess, our protagonist grew up in an area with many black teenagers and was familiar with pack tactics. For anyone saying "just walk away", that almost universally invites attacks to the back of the head. Does no one remember the whole "knock out whitey" thing that was going around a few years back? Pretty much the entire black combat MO is about distracting people then going for the sucker punch.

Nope, he did the right thing, hit the leader hard and the rest scatter.

Don't forget showing up in a large group to jump the other person if their buddy starts losing. The larger the group, the more likely he's gonna lose and you're gonna have multiple people stomping you

Yeah, for a culture that's supposed to be about machismo they have some decidedly cowardly tendencies. In this case he was lucky it was women and the single punch rocked her hard enough to break the nerve of the crowd.

For someone under pressure, he did a nice job controlling the escalation of force and using the minimum necessary to stop his attacker. He starts with a verbal warning, shoves to make a point about their strength dispairty, then stops her cold with one punch Saitama style.

Unlike these NFL videos, the girl he punches isn't related to him, doesn't have to live with him or see him again, and if she left, the guy wouldn't have chased her. Probably gonna end poorly for the guy, but the kid was in no danger until she chose to be in danger.

one punch Saitama style.

Fucking weebo, get out of here.

I didn't want to write that down, but I knew as soon as I wrote "one punch" some asshat was going to make a reference, and I would rather it be done in a controlled manner than earn an actual weeb some karma.

ONE PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.....Had to do it....

^ mods deal with this thing before it lays eggs.

Go fuck yourself, inbred piece of shit.

yeah dont be racist and heres a stereotype i made up about your race!

lol calm down you fag its just black people


A fatherless rate of 70% says this will never happen.

Exactly, they had so many opportunities to stab that old fuck in the kidneys after the first push, it's criminal that he was even able to punch at all. Did none of them have a gun? Every one of those kids should have had a gun

Nah it's an excellent look

I fucking hate teens so goddammed much

Teens are absolutely, positively the worst people on the planet.

Should just kill all teens tbh.

Gen-Zenocide when?

Apparently, the white women and kid to the left of him are his family. Slightly more justifiable if a pack of retarded kids are surrounding your wife and kids for you to jump into the middle of them.

Slightly more justifiable if a pack of retarded kids are surrounding your wife and kids for you to jump into the middle of them.

Yeah totally justified to jump into the middle of a pack of teenage girls rather than just, you know, leave.

Yeah, just leave your wife and kids to the baying mob of potentially violent teenagers and walk away.

Pardon me, I forgot modern men = cucked nowadays.

Yeah, just leave your wife and kids to the baying mob of potentially violent teenagers and walk away.

Pardon me, I forgot modern men = cucked nowadays.

this but unironically

Yes, we could all tell you were a cuck the moment you started typing.

takes one to know one heh

Got em

Not his wife and kids just some randoms.

Hahahaha How Are Angry Mobs Real Hahahaha Like Nigga Just Close Your Eyes Hahahahahahaha Just Walk Away Hahahahaha

lmao how fucking white and suburban are you where 'just leave' is a viable option

lmao how fucking white and suburban are you where 'just leave' is a viable option

Its kind of interesting you would type this out after describing a bunch of pre teen girls talking loudly as an angry mob.

here's just three random stories of mobs of teenagers killing or attacking adults.

if you don't think teenagers in large groups of any age are capable of real, actual damage to you, again i say, how fucking white and suburban are you where turning your back on a mob of people is just a totally safe and ok thing to do

So your assertion is that every group of teenagers is a potential lynch mob? Kind of like how every man is a potential rapist?

So your assertion is that every group of teenagers is a potential lynch mob?

no, you smooth-brained dipshit, because this would be just as retarded as what you think, which is apparently "all groups of teenagers are completely innocent and not dangerous or a threat to anyone at all, ever"

Kind of like how every man is a potential rapist?

oh god are you some kind of MRA retard

no, you smooth-brained dipshit, because this would be just as retarded as what you think, which is apparently "all groups of teenagers are completely innocent and not dangerous or a threat to anyone at all, ever"

Oh no, sorry I upset you! I hardly think that justifies a strawman argument such as this.

oh god are you some kind of MRA retard

Whats wrong with the Mens Rights Movement?

reee don't make a strawman for me after i made a strawman for you


Whats wrong with the Mens Rights Movement?



Wow, thats hardly a respectful way to refer to a movement that is particularly concerned about you and people like you.

Well for a start, your plan to defend a hypothetical wife and daughter from an angry mob is to leave them to the wolves. Lucky you'll never be in that situation I guess.

angry mob

This is such a hilarious way of describing a few teenage girls talking loudly. How fragile must you be to find that to be a life threatening situation?

They are scary enough that you would tuck your tail and run like a pathetic coward. The only thing MRAs like you need is hormone therapy to make you an actual male.

They are scary enough that you would tuck your tail and run like a pathetic coward.

Yes but that is because my crippling anxiety makes approaching females very difficult. I dont think I could ever get up the nerve to ask them to keep it down.

The only thing MRAs like you need is hormone therapy to make you an actual male.

Im sorry but you should be standing up and saluting members of the Mens Rights Movement as if they were members of the military who had made the ultimate sacrifice. So many of the brave men in the MRM have been the victims of internet lynch mobs for daring to stand up against the gynocracy, to insult the MRM like this is shameful.

Not his wife and kids

Bell is married and has two children, a 20-year-old son and a teen daughter.

It’s not his wife and children in the video. David Bell’s children are grown and Ann is twice this woman’s age. The woman is a bystander.

I no longer care about this stale drama, nerd

It might be the best look tbh

my ears. Is there a volume button on insta?

The sound gives more context. It was a zoo.

Dumbass shoved and punched the wrong girl.

fucking rocked

Possibly the most predictable thread in the history of Reddit.

And you fuckers are riling everybody up in that thread. You’re a mischievous lot, you drama fuckers. It would be sickening if it weren’t so godamn hilarious, you sick mouth-breathing freaks.


I formally nominate this for a Snappy quote.

Notarized and seconded.

All those in favor vote. “Mayocide now.”

Mayocide already began sweaty

The mayocide never even ended, sweatheart.

Agreed. This is an actual good one.

shut up

fuck you make me

No one has blamed the Jews yet though. You need to get in there and handle that.

I mean you can't let a little girl make you look like a little bitch by acting like an adult, can you?

20 years of kids stepping on his lawn led him to throwing a haymaker on a 5th grade girl.

And lifetime of getting picked on by little girls.

Since he bested his opponent does he get to keep the body for his mantle?

Did he scalp her already?

5th grade? Holy fuck they really are putting drugs in the water

Supposedly he's trying to stay between the mob and the woman+child in the left of the video. That's based on the Facebook commentary of someone who says they were there.

Supposedly you suck dicks for fentanyl. That's based on the Facebook commentary of someone who says they were there.

You'll be the creepiest person I've ever had to block on social media.


So I got this fent for nothing? Wtf @cletusthefetus42069 lied to me?!

I see no denial here

Why do you tell someone you’re blocking them? Is it supposed to be an insult or something?

If someone's obviously trolling from their keyboard, blocking is the right thing to do in lieu of moderators not banning them.


It’s just a joke, take it in stride

He's not asking why you block them, he's asking why you tell them so first.

You're right about the brain damage and I agreed with you up until the blocked comment, which just makes you look like a weak little bitch. Even if he was being a "creepy troll" announcing that you're blocking someone is just so pathetic.


ok so what would you do for a dab a this fenny?

goys, can you fucking say



EDS smdh

literally goes right into another cope lol


Got em!

this but unironically

& bussy lmao

bruh I was there, it's all true

Can confirm as sounding true.

Do you write for the washington post?

We all know that Facebook's comments from people who claim they were at event are always 100% true

It’s not even theoretically possible for a group of black teens in a shopping mall to be in the right

This but unironically

This might be the lesson she needed at that point.

Based foid puncher

any of us would have done the same thing if we were in his position

I still don't understand what is happening in the video, why did he go outside? Was the little girl in the video his daughter and was the woman his mother? Or did he just go outside to tell them to stop talking loud or some shit?

The facebook comments are saying that the group of girls were attacking or harassing his daughter.

FB, known for being unbiased and factual

We all know black teens never get up to mischief so obviously these people are just racists smh

I would have put 2 in her chest and 1 in her head and gone for ice cream after AIR RAID HORN 100 100 100

16 in her head and one ine her hole

Bill Dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold

Now they droppin' and yellin', it's a tad bit late

Bill Dogg and his fist had to regulate

Depending on the state, yes you could absolutely do that in this situation.

There is no state that allows lethal force to be used in this situation. Reasonable force is the standard, and he was charged for the excessive force he used already.

Don’t forget to sprinkle some crack first son.

I would have put 2 in her chest and 1 in her head

How can you say that without referencing what that is called?

actually would have just walked away, ya know?

actually would have just walked away, ya know?


You've never really been at a chimp out have you?

When you walk away they start following you, even more pissed.

So what? They're literally children.

Yes, but they are also niggers

They're not gonna get you with spooky voodoo powers. How much of a pussy do you have to be to feel physically threatened by twelve year olds when you're an adult man?

Mobs are greater than just the sum of their parts

How many 12 year old girls do you think you could take in a fight? 2?

You don't understand black people at all.

That makes sense, I didn’t factor in the pitiful upper body strength of your typical mayo “man”.

Be careful, for the nigket has the most dangerous Jaws.


Did no one else see the video where the whole mob attacked this poor white man and he had no choice but to start throwing haymakers on those scary children?

As long as you are a child there are no consequences and all behavior is permitted. You can even gang up on people and cry out, "But I'm a child!" when they fight back.

The appropriate consequences for a misbehaving child are taking away her iphone and grounding her, not knocking her out cold.

I would have pulled out my katana and sclied her hand off.

Then say something cool like "Heh... that's what you get for bullying this family, you beast. Learn thy place, niglet. Also, rap music is for idiots..."

Then as the black kid is screaming, I would dip my hat, pull my scarf over my neck, then walk away in a cool manner while sheathing my cold hanzo steel.

It's not being threatened, it's the joy of hitting them

Ok, at least that makes sense. But now he has to stand up and take his assault charge like a man, and not claim some pussy self-defence bullshit.

ya of course

poor queu no los dos

Yeah but you know he's gonna puss out and claim self defense. Mayoid men always do.

Peak r/drama ☝

Imagine being so racist that you are afraid of children.

Yes, because ignoring annoying retarded children always works.

Certainly not the exact opposite.

How old are you? It's not like they're schoolyard bullies: that man is 50 fucking years old. He can get in his car (children don't own cars) and drive (children can't drive) away.

Have you actually never been near kids?

Ignoring them doesn't work if they're retards.

He's already outside the mall! If he wanted to go shopping, he could go inside the mall and the brats would get kicked out by mall security.

I used to run an after school program for 10-14 year olds. Kids can be horrible, especially in large groups, but arguing and fighting them on their own level is always the worst option. Children are stupid and you have to be (literally) the bigger man.

I used to run an after school program for 10-14 year olds. Kids can be horrible, especially in large groups, but arguing and fighting them on their own level is always the worst option. Children are stupid and you have to be (literally) the bigger man.

Oh boy being indirectly near children 5->8 hours a day has certainly given you the expertise of knowing when children focus all their tard rage into a single person.

He's already outside the mall! If he wanted to go shopping, he could go inside the mall and the brats would get kicked out by mall security.

He could go, but oh look the kids are blocking the way. Also thinking security gives a shit about these kinds of things lol.

oh look the kids are blocking the way

imagine believing this. I'm sorry you're so scared of 12 year olds. You should probably stay away from children.

If you want the final say so badly, at least make it a bit more unexpected than a "witty" retort.

Fuck you dude. Have you ever been around a young kid that thought he was hot shit? This 13 yr old little shit was being a fucker to my younger sister and kept splashing her with a water gun at a beach and the only way to get him to stop was to physically threaten him when I was 17

He ran squaling to his mommy lel like a pig

Fuck you dude. Have you ever been around a young kid that thought he was hot shit? This 13 yr old little shit was being a fucker to my younger sister and kept splashing her with a water gun at a beach and the only way to get him to stop was to physically threaten him when I was 17

He ran squaling to his mommy lel like a pig

He is just 1 autistic mayo against dozens of black foids who wouldn't react this way


Yeah jeez guys, shoulda just called 911 so they coulda shot the little bitch!

They started filming and shoving. The whole thing was seconds away from escalating one way or another.

I don't think most of us here would win in that fight

If you’re the size of that lad and don’t win a fight it’s honestly pathetic

What if it was a black dude and a white girl?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

a situation like that would never transpire. between the two.

A punch like this could legit fracture a child's skull and cause brain damage

grown men have died from brain bleed from getting hit like this and this person's skull is not yet formed.

he had other options.

his person's skull is not yet formed.

I don't think it was ever going to form.

It was always over for that fucking retard.

Yeah, i probably would of done a choke slam, or an RKO.

Suplex these hoes

I think Powerbomb off of the Titantron is the only feasible manuever in such a quick decision environment.

Maybe a massive aneurysm will calm her and her friends down.

he had other options

Yeah, like hit harder.

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they had other options too, like shutting up

cause brain damage

Eh, she seems to have it already.

This sub attracts the type of pasty white nerds who fantasize about getting to throw a punch like that after getting antagonized by some scaaaary black kids

This based white man, slayer of loud black children, is about to do some deserved jail time tho


That's why there is a sub called subredditdrama for other people. Personally, I like to come here better because yes I was a nerd who was bullied my whole life who cares, it is what it is.

slayer of loud black children


Why the fuck is this downvoted?

It’s over for 51 year old grandpas who punch kidsfoids

He’s in jail and his business revolves around teaching kids

you’re actually right

Good 😂😂😂

Reddit Incels enjoy stroking off on power fantasies like this.

Vicariously punching all those black people who were mean to me in middle school

You're gonna make it. You too can be a survivor.

Lol the top comment

I remember being a little 12 year old shit and thinking I can get away doing little shinaginas like that... you know what, I was taught a lesson when I messed with someone older and stronger than me. Sometimes a little kids need to be taught they're not invisible and if they mess with wrong person, they're going to get seriously hurt or killed.

I love how obvious it is that most of that sub was bullied hard as a kid, and now they read that sub so they can watch someone else getting beat up for once. 😂

This but 210% unironically. I'm euphoric rn

That sub in particular has a massive hard on for videos of bigger stronger people giving concussions to smaller weaker people

Psychoanalyze that as you please

that was really good to watch

Black women screaming at the top of their lungs and behaving like absolute chimps. Proving the stereotype one public chimp out at the time.

When you have no friends.

Hey look, it's racist inbred trash

but he's not wrong

Not an argument.


They might be foidsbut they are teens lol

Why are black women so loud

Like, I myself am black and I don’t get it.

At first watching the clip in OP, i wanted sound to understand what was going on. Found the video, immediately wanted the sound to be off.

Post hand

Not palm though.

Cultural signaling.

Basically, people are really really insecure about being themselves, so they adopt affectations that put them in groups. Why do you think gay men talk with a lisp? It's not because they have phantom dicks in their mouths 24/7. It's just a (really annoying) way of saying, "Hey, I'm a gay dude."

Is the gay thing real? It’s truly something I’ve always wondered...

It's certainly not genetic.

I sound like Mike Tyson, but I'm a cis man.

That really thuckth

Nah. Just for the look at me I'm so gay ones. I know plenty of gay guys who don't fit that stereotype at all. Then again you'd never tell they're gay if you didn't know, so conformation bias and stuff.

It's not because they have phantom dicks in their mouths 24/7.

It might be

Are there gay ghosts?

Inshallah, brother

So you are telling me at the root of all loud black women there is one loud black woman? Someone had to be loud first.

Yes, this is how memes work.

she stubbed her toe and it hasnt stopped in 10000 years

High test and no dad

Black women actually have high estrogen. Black men too. Africans produce more hormones than other races, but if you want to be an asshat towards Black women then admit we also have more estrogen and are more feminine.

Now you know how the rest of the world feels about Americans.

Luckily we don't have to care what the rest of the world thinks.


Yeah, like that.

You actually downvoted that? You are sad and belong on /r/news posting.

Well no one can argue with proof like that!

Is paranoia another American trait?

Is being unfunny a trait of your country

I don't carry a gun because it's cool, that's just a freedom bonus.

Give it one year


Once they figure out how to use a toilet, they'll be unstoppable


nah I don't believe you, not enough 👏👏💯

It’s to establish dominance and signaling to the rest of the troops that they are in charge. Unfortunately, the rest are doing the same.

I would presume it's cultural because black women raised in middle to upper class white communities don't usually act that way. There could also be an epigenetic element caused by poor diet and lack of nutrition as well.

Same reason Black men in those same neighborhoods tend to be violent and commit crimes.

Girl Scouts employ pretty aggressive sales techniques these days.

On a bright side, that dude probably woke up this morning thinking, Im gonna go down to the mall and throw hands with a 12 year old, girl if possible.

That people cannot see some fundamental issue here is astounding to me.

Lmao. He's a fool.

Oh wow that was so much more satisfying to watch than I expected

can't decide if he was honorably standing his ground, overreacted, or if the whole sub is racist.


Id like to thank you for real drama. This shit is entertaining

Hmm, the Boomer vs Zoomer civil war might be over quicker than I expected.

Time to crack open a celebratory Monster.

The zoomer should fear the boomer

Assuming she still has brain function after that - he did her a favour. Don't be a PoS and square up to people

she’s black, why do you assume she had any brain function before that?

Lets just say she's probably gonna start wearing special underwear.

lord please grant me the confidence of a black woman

they are the most delusional people on earth

Imagine being a 12 year old girl and thinking you can take a dude that is twice your heright and 4 times your weight.

We need to arm 12 year old black girls so they can defend themselves from the mayo menace. Somebody get the NRA on this.

Guys, it's ok. That girl was a nazi.

WhY cAnT i ASsaUlT bLacK kiDS iF sOme NaZIs gOT PuNChEd ???!!11

But she was a nazi and we have to bash the fash. Smh, nazi apologists these days.

this is why boomers will inherit the earth

Hahahahaha. The guys pretty big. What did this little girl really think was going to happen?

She didn’t think he was doing to do anything, because she’s never faced the consequences of her actions before.

and because most 51 year old men aren't retarded enough to do this

yes really unfortunate her father didn't stick around to discipline her and teach her how to act like a human being around other people smh

defending your family from black people is the most noble and brave thing possible

forgot about posting bussy smdh

Someone post this to blackladies with a long analysis about it being a representation of imperialism and white privilege.

I am apparently pre-banned from blackladies.

Somebody already did but they got modcucked.

Oh fuck, that’s the hardest drop I’ve seen since Ray “Elevator” Rice.

Oh fuck, that’s the hardest drop I’ve seen since Ray “Elevator” Rice.

Kids still go to the mall?

That guy was just standing up for himself you fucking savages, stop defending that monstrous little girl, she had it coming!

I'm waiting for the living ruining part of the drama


Good punch, niggers need more beatings, it's the only thing that keeps them in check besides hanging them.

Wow, this thread is full of racist scumbags who delight in seeing a grown-ass man beating a little girl. Grossest "people" here.

Cant tell if newfag tourist or ironic post

Yikes, y'all need to start posting some more wholesome content on this subreddit. Posting such toxic content says a lot about the type of people that frequent this place.


zoinks y'all

Without the usual "whole story" I can't say if he was over the top or not, probably looking at it but he did give a very valuable life lesson. Women don't understand just how weak they are compared to men. Too many 5'5" hotties on cop shows somehow taking down hardened criminals and other media poisoning the minds.

This thread is packed with racist inbred incel pedo losers. This is like their dream thread. Sorry you were bullied your whole life, but it's because you're not as good as the rest of us. You're ugly inside and out, and your life will continue to be miserable until you do the world a favor and die.

The man is married to a black woman and has black children:


Big if true

Narrator: it wasn't true

The girl he punched wasn't even 12

At least she got to experience puberty before she got sent back to drooling and diapers

That's not him.

Got what she was looking for

I agree, well deserved knock out. She pushed him and when he pushed her back, she charged at him. She should be locked up

He's definitely getting jail time.


I don't see what the big deal is. Bitch got out of line and he punched her in the face. If this happened more often maybe we wouldn't have to deal with all these pussy hat parades all the time. Fucking Muslims know how to keep their bitches in line, we should be doing the same.

The scatter like cockroaches lmfao

Should've finished the job smh

Little thug learned a life lesson. Once known as Lawfawnduh, she will now live a wholesome life be known as Lacey.

You know, you’ve got me there!

Uh, fuck, I don't fuck with you

You lil' stupid ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you

You lil', you li' dumb ass bitch, I ain't fuckin' with you

I got a million trillion things I'd rather fuckin' do

Than to be fuckin' with you, lil' stupid ass


I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck

I don't, I don't, I don't give a fuck

Bitch, I don't give a fuck about you

Or anything that you do

Don't give a fuck about you, or anything that you do


I heard you got a new man, I see you takin' a pic

Then you post it up, thinkin' that it's makin' me sick

I see you callin', I be makin' it quick

I'ma answer that shit like, "I don't fuck with you."

Bitch, I got no feelings to go

I swear I had it up to here, I got no ceilings to go

I mean, for real, fuck how you feel

Fuck your two cents if it ain't goin' towards the bill

Yeah, and every day I wake up celebratin' shit

Why? ‘Cause I just dodged a bullet from a crazy bitch

I stuck to my guns, that's what made me rich

That's what put me on, that's what got me here

That's what made me this

And everything that I do is my first name (B-I-G)

These hoes chase bread, aw damn, she got a bird brain

Ain't nothin' but trill in me, aw man, silly me

I just bought a crib, three stories; that bitch a trilogy

And you know I'm rollin' weed that's fuckin' up the ozone

I got a bitch that text me she ain't got no clothes on

And then another one text, then your ass next

And I'ma text your ass back, like…

lmao that punch though

'Fugees are coming out of the wetwork in droves Jesus Christ.

I read that the girl refused medical treatment and was fine. Since there's no permanent damage, I want to take this moment to officially say......


"Flawless Victory."