Lawyer files an absurd-sounding lawsuit against Gearbox claiming that the CEO left behind a USB drive at a restaurant containing child porn; CEO now admits to the drive's existence but swears the girl was 18

1  2019-01-13 by dongas420


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Age is just a number

-Lil B, Flexin Maury Povich

Dont forget Drake

Don't forget Juan de la Chrènne...

Or einstein.

Learn from this, kids. This is why you keep your child porn on a dropbox account.

This is why you RSA encrypt your dark secrets.

> chooses the technology endorsed by the NSA

Don't expose the Deep State Agent again or you get the van.

Ron Rivest is qanon.

It's also asymmetric so this is the wrong use for it anyways. It was the first encryption thing I could think of. I should have said AES tbh.

If the NSA has cracked RSA that would be one of the most significant discoveries in math and computing, possibly ever

I highly doubt they have done this

The more likely scenario would be a backdoor.

The NSA is way ahead of you, having successfully pushed Dual_EC_DRBG as an RSA standard random number generator over a decade ago.

That was one of the bases of of my comment.

This is why you RSA your self.

Ecliptic curve encryption or you might as well just get a face tattoo of it.

>not using a one time pad for you computer

Lol pleb

The FBI wants to:

Know your location

"Technically it's ephebophilia."- Gearbox CEO

going to prison for pics of a 17 yo or something would be retarded, there's barely any difference and that will vary a lot from person to person anyway.

now 12 to 15 or something, different story

Ok freak

Next week it'll be there's no difference between an 18 year old and a 12 year old, ut's only 6 years!

This is how they always argue.

that'd be nice

Why is it legal to fuck a 16-year old but illegal to keep pictures of them? As a pedophile you're probably qualified to answer.

It's not?

I'm Ron Burgundy?

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it is in some places, admittedly. Age of consent is often not actually 18, people just associate 18 with being legal because you can't share photos or video of people under 18 in America, so all the porn here is "barely 18, just legal!" etc.

In many places, the age of consent is in fact 16... but if you actually have an encyclopedic knowledge of precisely where and at what age someone is legal... let's be real, you're probably a pedo.

Speaking with regards to the US, it's federally illegal to posses pornographic content of minors, with "minor" being defined as someone under the age of 18. It's also illegal to cross state lines to have sex with someone under the age of 18, because interstate commerce is regulated by the federal government. However, if both parties are in a state where 16 is the age of consent, and interstate commerce isn't involved, then having sex is fine.

If you'd like to read more about this:

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If you're going to risk jail time might as well go as low as you can.

as low as you can would be a lot younger but that'd be disgusting 🤮🤮🤮

The people on this sub can't tell the difference between fucking a 17 year old and fucking a 7 year old, and they think that somehow makes other people the monsters.





I'm liking where this is going. The accusations sound absurd on their face right? Porn drives, "peacock" parties? Then it turns out... well there was porn on the drive... and that chick did look pretty young. And uh, well randy does kind of own something called the "Peacock Theater", and its a private, invite only venue. No sorry, we can't show you the videos from the event, but we swear it was all fine. Both items can be neatly explained my randy loving stage magic, which is not a creepy thing for a grown man to love at all.

People were saying that there was no way a lawyer would throw those kind of accusations without being able to back them up, and its looking more and more like there's something to it.

Randy is the name of a pedo artist too.

Might as well be named Chester.

As someone who will soon be a lawyer, I've thrown around way worse accusations about way less. Pretty sure I'm always right though.

SRD mods would be big fans of "peacock parties" just sayin.

I meant in terms of filing them as part of a lawsuit.

"This was before I learned I should probably have password-protected memory sticks," Pitchford says, before admitting that he had indeed left a USB flash drive at a Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament restaurant.

How did some serf from the 12th century figure out how to access a USB stick?


and he fucking says he had the porn because he was trying to learn magical squirting or something

developers are the worst kind of gamers

He had one video of one specific woman and claims he downloaded the video and put it on a USB to figure out how she did her magic squirting trick.

Of course, this doesn't explain why he filled that same USB with a bunch of underage porn.

Absurd stories to cover up your degeneracy is one thing. When your own lie to cover it up proves your degeneracy?

developers are the worst kind of gamers

Lol that's like saying totenkopf is the worst kind of SS. True but ultimately meaningless.

How did they determine that the USB drive belonged to him? Was it named "Mr. Gearbox CEOs Porn Stick" or something?

It had confidential company information

He (pitchford) also literally confirms that it's his, and confirms there's porn on it. But the porn was for magic research.

I bet his lawyer wants to hang himself right about now, if he has one

Why? He's going to get paid even more now

Lawyer listening to podcast: "Maybe we can salvage this. Okay, the magic story is absurd bu-"

...while looking at my USB they saw all this other child porn on there but ignored the one legal video I was using the USB for...

Lawyer: "FUCK!"

He wanted to find out how to make his penis disappear into a vagina

anyone else get the advertisement for a free usb drive?

Pitchford explained that he was "a consumer of this content." He confirmed that he copied a specific video "to this memory stick" to, as he describes it, "work out the method" of how a camgirl host faked the act of female ejaculation.

pfffffft hahahahahahhahaaaaaaa

Its piss

I don't blame him. Have you seen his wife?

U: drive




Trickle truth. By Monday he'll be explaining away his 4k/60p video of him getting railed by underage Thai ladyboys as an art project.

I don't get the 'absurd-sounding' nonsense. People do absurd and even flat-out retarded shit all the time. Accusing people of doing fucked up retarded shit isn't absurd, it's basically the norm in a lawsuit.

And it never occurred to any of them that the reason why there was just that single porno was because of the magic trick, not because of [pause] I don't know whatever the fuck they thought."

Yeah "whatever" they thought there's totally a range ideas floating around these people's heads and not the one very obvious thing

Imagine my surprise when a gamer developer turns out to be a pedo 😴😴😴

You know, I really tried to give that man the benefit of the doubt, but he is not helping his case over here.

And what kind of defense is that? Why would a man need to learn the "magic trick" of girls faking ejaculation? Just be real and say you like young girls, man.

That would be a hell of a lot less weird and probably not even worth the ink it takes to write a story about. I get the feeling Pitchford is kind of dumb.

I get the feeling Pitchford is kind of dumb.

Given the cringe-worthy guitar performance he had a few years ago, I know for a fact that he is dumb.

For anyone who like me, is unfamiliar with this particular performance.... here.

The fact that this dude is rich as hell seems like a pretty clear indication that capitalism has failed. I dont fully understand how or why, but someone go let the folks over at /r/latestagecapitalism know theyve won.

So this faggot wrote the 'dont be a bigot" song and has been acting like a typical SJW woketard on twitter. But he also like barley 18 porn and has parties where people flash each other. Also he didnt know what squirting is and need more research. He is a man of many contradictions.

Internet wokeness and sexual depravity go together like peanut butter and jelly.

I don't give a fuck about the kiddy diddling. If this fucks with Borderlands 3 coming out I'll firebomb both the lawyer's office and Randy Pitchfords house.

Uh oh, Gearbox is one of those companies that g*mers tout for still making "real" games. How will they spin this?

Isn't this the opening scene from Mr robot?