Actual Dave Rubin fan finds out r/DaveRubin is filled with people who hate Dave Rubin.

1  2019-01-13 by shadowbanned2


This is why we need mayocide.


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A lot of phony criticism, fabricated things, that I've seen before, aimed to cast him as what a koch brothers propaganda arm, I don't know if he gets money from the Koch brothers but even if he does doesn't mean they have total control over what he does,

My issue is that this place is masking as a dave Rubin FAN subreddit, which does not seem to be the case

The supposed moderator u/rubinreport or whatever it is, people have said that's actually dave Rubin but that account hasn't been active for years

Again this sub either needs to be deleted or renamed because it is certainly not a dave Rubin FAN subreddit, again I've seen all this before and reeks of duplicitous behavior, fabricated outrage and astroturfing

I smell new pasta

What is there to love or hate about that guy

He is as bland and deep as a puddle of spilt milk

he's a great lolcow, he fancies himself as an intelectual and tries to insert to the IDW (which in and of itself is pretentious but he takes it to next level), but is so dumb Joe Rogan beat him in a debate about construction regulations

i go there mostly to laugh at him, but there are a lot of Chapo chaps that take it way too seriously and are genuinely pissed off that he left the left or whatever

He's alright. Could be better.

spastics hate him because they think this genuine nobody is going to influence anything important.

stupidos love him because they dream of a world controlled by milquetoast nice guys.

Yes, but he has an excellent collection of aglets.

More like Depraved Bilirubins

Lol that sub is just chapocels and leftists who are obsessed with every single right wing e celeb culture war figure.

One of the comments says Sam Harris' sub doesn't have that problem but someone just posted this the other day and look what subs are active there

Literally who

If you make a video for PragerU or find their videos to be factual, you are a certified fucking retard. Its that simple.

I mean they have a point, Rubin is a complete idiot

How does Rubin have a dedicated hate forum? He’s so boring and like warm compared to his associates.

A brigraide

Then what the hell is the point of the sub? It's a hate sub but they are linking to his show in the sidebar?