Local pedo gets in fight with fat boomer with fat wife

1  2019-01-13 by WatermelonMcNuggets


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Disgusting fetishes? like a pisstag of a pedophile who can't cope with the fact that little boy ass turns him on? So he looks for skinny flat chested women who shave their pubic hair to get his kicks?

Man this guy doesn't even know twinks exist, what a loser.

" Never tell a fat foid she's perfect the way she is. Unless she's actually this, she doesn't need the confidence boost. She'll get complacent and start to think she's better than you. Or, she'll lose weight and think she deserves more than you. Either way, she'll cuck you with Chad. It never began boyos" - Dr. Pizzashill's testimony in front of the special congressional committee on Fat Chicks, 1987.

"We're going to build a cuck she'd, and make our Bulls pay for it" - Donald Trump

Imagine making Yamete look like the sane one in an argument

This shortcake dude, even if he's a dedicated troll, is fucked. Like, imagine spending that much time dedicating yourself to being an adamant pedo. Guy needs to be executed inshallah by ISIS and put on /r/watchpeopledie.

this shortcake dude Imagine not knowing who yamete is

Newfriends these days 🙄

I've heard this theory, but I don't buy it

Are there any other r/Drama regulars who are really into fitness and underaged petite asian girls?

That's like 5% of the users at a minimum so yeah. They just don't post on every thread like that fag