r/Chapotraphouse isn’t enough of a tankie ocho chamber in one comrade’s opinion.

1  2019-01-13 by Ghdust2


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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50/50 this a /pol/ troll trying to rile them up


Gee how did you figure that out

He's been at it for 2 years though

Some "people" are that autistic

Takes dedication to increase it.

Nah he’s legit it’s too much obscure tankie knowledge to be a troll

Two years is impressive

nah hes legit, there are tons of guys like this on the far left. /pol/tards dont read enough to fake this sort of character anyway

you mean "DAE (((JOOZ)))?????" doesn't cut your intellectual mustard?

The thing is there are plenty of tankies on reddit who wholeheartedly believe that Stalin, Mao, Bashar-Al Assad, Castro, Kim Jong-Un, etc. not only deserve support because they are being "persecuted" by the US, but that they are also moral, fundamentally 'good' leaders. His post is seriously no different than what many of the people in Marxist-Leninist circles would write, so I don't even know if we can construe it as bait more just spot-on imitation

good job on the title spelling, dumbass.

Ocho chamber

I guess it's similar to kancho chamber.

‘Twas hoping no one would notice :(

Where do you think you are, Cletus? We'll jump on that shit like a goony beard-man on a $70 nintendo cardboard toy.


my favorite riverdancer

told that bitch give me head ocho cinco

I never thought I’d read a thread an unironically want to reply with “fuck off liberal” to multiple posts. I think I’m ready to make the final push to becoming a full on tankie wtf.

Someone recommend a book to push me over the edge I wanna see how far this rabbit hole can go


There's a lot to unpack here

lol and then he gets recommended grover furr and a fucking podcast, these people are living cliches

Socialism is when the entire country is run my a totalitarian hereditary monarchy. The more totalitarian the monarchy the socializer it is.

Just cannot forget how these people literally can't agree on what retarded version of their retarded ideology they want to use

You’re a fucking idiot liberal that doesn’t know anything about the Bolivarian Revolution. Maduro isn’t a fucking dictator. Otherwise the CIA-backed opposition wouldn’t be as successful. Fuck you. Imagine taking at face value what the NYT and WaPo and the CIA-backed fascist opposition has to say about the government.

Why did he bring Bolivar into this lol leave my gran colombian daddy alone

State Capitalism: on

Anarchists, socialists,and other dissidents: purged

Means of production owned by workers: none

Yep, it's tankie time

What is your "support" good for besides your own personal emotional satisfaction?

My support means not repeating imperialist lies about Venezuela on the Internet, all you people whine about is “internationalism” and “solidarity” and when it’s time to stand up against imperialist propaganda about socialists in other countries you don’t do that

thats a hell of a long way to say "my support is posting"

Imagine being so fucking braindead that you unironically defend Juche, aka Nazism for Koreans.