Alt right rape advocate Mike Cernovich accepts boxing match challenge from fat failed actor and pee tape advocate Tom Arnold aka racist Roseanne Barr’s ex

1  2019-01-13 by EnduredEverything


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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2019 is off to a great start for dramacoin

This is going to be better than that time War_of_the_fanboys challenged some overweight comedian to a fight and got his ass kicked.

some overweight comedian

That's one of the dudes being sued by Maddox 😂😂😂

Asterios right? Didn't know he was suing Maddox. I've been out of the loop since biggest problem ended.

Asterios right?

That's right, /u/asterioskokkinos

Didn't know he was suing Maddox.

No, the other way around. ButtMaddox is suing him

Oh I'm stupid, that's what I meant. I went and read up on all of that Maddox is such a whiny bitch! Kinda upsetting because I had followed the guy since 2000 or so. How ironic that the guy who wrote a book called the "alphabet of manliness" is a fucking crybaby manlet that sues people for hurting his precious feelings.

How ironic that the guy who wrote a book called the "alphabet of manliness" is a fucking crybaby manlet that sues people for hurting his precious feelings.

Right? It seems like the lawsuit itself proves he's a cuck. Kinda undermines his defamation case.

holy fuck lmao. The comedian was fat as shit and WOTFB just had no idea how to throw a punch. Neither did really but WOTFB seems so uncoordinated he could have some debilitating tumor or something. he just let the fat guy walk at him wildly flailing.

The full version is great because War talks so much shit about what a badass MMA fighter he is and then gets his ass kicked 😂😂😂

Nothing bad happened to him. Barely took any hits. He did get chased around though.

If the guys took turns giving each other free shots straight to the chin, neither would get knocked out.

Gets knocked on his ass repeatedly.

Never took any hits.

Imagine coping over WotF 😂

you’re retarded. Just because he basically got pushed over doesn’t mean it was a hard punch.

Calls others retarded

Copes for War_of_the_fanboys

I don't think he's going to ask you out on a date, no matter how much you White Knight for him.

projecting your faggotry

yikes y’all

Be honest with me. Do you honestly believe i. your heart of hearts that WOTF went home that night bruised up? There was no clean contact blows, just sloppy shoves.

Im not white-knighting him I just think you give the fatso to much credit on his punching prowess.

Bruh, are you blind, or just willfully stupid? War got hit hard enough to take him off his feet, multiple times. He was also body slammed. Body slams hurt. Yeah, he probably had bruises.

projecting your faggotry

I don't fuck dudes that sleep with weebs. He's all yours bby.

And his goofy cat lady who keeps trying to get $20 for admission

She's easily the worst part of the video. The comedian is pretty funny and War takes his loss semi-graciously but that fucking weeb gussy made me want to claw out my eyes and ears.

weeb gussy


I think they should both have to hit meth out of a bong ten seconds before the match begins.

I'm pretty sure Tom will have snorted a baby's weight in coke by the time the bell rings

Tom's already coked out of his mind 24/7, if Big Mikey C doesn't drop a few 8-Balls before the match he'll have a severe competitive disadvantage

Yes but equal meth for equal mileage. Coke will only help in the first 1-2 rounds

I hope they beat each other as savagely as Uwe Boll beat Lowtax, and then in an inspiring moment of the brotherhood among rivals, hang themselves.

Mike no

You had a win after trolling James Gunn off of a major Marvel movie, this is not the way to follow that up

Why not? I'm pretty sure my 9-year old nephew with a Pewd haircut could take Tom Arnold in a fight.

I predict TA has a heart attack by the end of the third round.

Alt right rapist*