*Punisher* creator criticises police and military using the character's logo, triggering a police response

1  2019-01-14 by Tagesausbruch

The Punisher is a vigilante veteran violently killing criminals who was first invented by Gerry Conway in the 1970s and is also known from a more recent series. In this recent interview Conway expressed disagreement with police or military members using the character's skull logo, equating it to "putting a Confederate flag on a government building".

Angry about this criticism "Sgt. A. Merica" wrote a response.


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. this recent interview - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  3. wrote a response - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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Wow these pigs are actually more retarded than the comicels

this tbh

Punisher Logo Creator Blasts Police, Gets School By Sgt. A. Merica

It's over for capeshit Policels.

I mean, you're talking about a profession that overwhelmingly attracts the kind of aggressive dumbshits that we won't even let onto the battlefield.

I had a stereotypical aggro-dyke cop go on a completely unprovoked rant about how she thinks people ought to be able to beat the shit out of the homeless and how she believed in "street justice" the other day. Although I kind of agree with her it was highly disconcerting to hear a uniformed officer talk like that to a total stranger. The only thing the anarcho-kiddies got right was ACAB. Nobody who isn't a raging dickhead signs up for that job.

beat the shit out of the homeless

I'm waiting for the issue?

Yeah like I said I agreed with her but Charlotte Bronson was obviously such a hate-filled, aggro cunt that she was not the kind of person you want walking around with a gun and a license to kill. The other guy who was working with me was like "cool cop" and I said "hell no, that bitch can't wait to pull her gun and start mowing people down. That's exactly the type of person you don't want as a cop, especially in the suburbs where nothing happens."

I'll bet some semi-anon cop forums are pretty interesting to look through for drama. She's probably on one right now writing a diatribe about purging the human refuse that plagues the seedy underbelly of Gotham.

Top 10 anti-heroes, who did nothing wrong

They prune people who score too well on placement tests, what do you expect?

Written at about the sixth grade level. And if this guy's name isn't Dirk, I'll throw my cat out the window.

Do they not make punisher vests in xxxxl? That one is really constricting his fat rolls.

You're in the club, and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass, what do you do?

Literally beat him up and take his underwear. Without even thinking. He's just a fat nerd.

Yeah but what if he’s wearing his Punisher undies?

Then I scored some capeshit undies for eBay :)

Thats a Todd if I've ever seen one.

I did chemistry in the Navy. Our mascot was the Totally Xtreme "Rinsey the Good Rinser"


That's good advice. Thanks, Rinsey!

Rinsey has also been known to advise that rinsing a probe with a reagent may yield better results than rinsing with dionized water, but that lacks the brevity of his original advice.

I want to make a joke about rinsing mayos but I don't have time/creativity

This is so dumb its amazing.

Always remember to bring a towel!

I will.

Rince twice?

Its pronounced nuclear.

My old roommate gets all credit and blame for the actual magnet (that's what the graphic wasade for).

thank you for your service rinsey

I hope someone got a medal for creating Rinsey.

Wish I could take it, but it was my old roommate.

The Rinser sounds like a bitchin' hitman name.

"Where normal cleaners fail, the Rinser takes over."

I was in a Charlie company in the army, our mascot was Charlie the unicorn.

I once knew a pilot who had a Punisher decal on the hood of his car.

Fuckin' pilots, man.

Don’t forget to bring a towel

The mortal enemy of prince_kropotkin.

Gotta apply that to pizzashill.

yo cops, when you use the Punisher logo you're actually comparing yourselves to a violent criminal, who's only a "hero" because actual police is even worse, it really doesn't shed a good light on you

Fuck you we'll wear what we want, fucking retard lmao letting us know we're comparing ourselves to criminals, nobody likes a smartass.

Big guy wears capeshit huh

Shocker. Another guy who has never been shot at.

That's the standard for an expert on police matters? That means I could be one of those guys news stations drag in to weigh in on shootings.

On the plus side, kids growing up today in America's schools are going to be experts on law enforcement

Remember kids, policing is a statistically dangerous job because they spend so much time driving. The number one killer of on duty cops is a car crash, not violence.

idk if this is true, but its funny, so ill believe it.

Think about it. How many people die in car crashes every year? Its a common cause of death. Per unit time spent, the most risky thing the average person does in a day is drive a car. People who have to drive for their jobs are spending more time in their cars and taking on more risk.

I’m putting my life on the line to get you guys your pizza.

You boomers do just have to bring it back to pizzagate don't you?

What the other guy said, plus they spend a lot of time standing around on the side of highways at night after they pulled people over, so when drunks run off the road, they're the bowling pins.

Years ago this dumbfuck cop in my state walked in the middle of the road during a traffic stop and got Darwin'd and now everyone has to move over for them.

Cars are the biggest punks

I don't know who said this, but it always makes me laugh:

I always believe people with dangerous professions. It's why I do whatever Ice Road Truckers tell me.

Or something like that

Also because they rarely wear seatbelts

Ive had people shoot in my general direction a couple of times. Good to know I can now argue with pigs without their version of the "check your privilege" response.

What’s hilarious is that’s in response to shooter bias, he doesn’t have a comeback so he’s resorting to “you’d shoot the blacks too if you were me”

lol imagine always whining about authority figures

alexa play star spangled banner

Alexa, play BUSSY LMAO

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Star Spangled Banner lyrics ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀⠀►►⠀ 0:58 / 1:28 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️

The entire police department in Solvay, New York had the logo put on their patrol cars and refused to remove it when citizens requested it be taken off.

“The Punisher symbol on the patrol vehicles of the Solvay Police Department, while similar to the symbol featured in Marvel comics, is our way of showing our citizens that we will stand between good and evil,” said a statement from Chief Allen Wood and Lt. Derek Osbeck in 2017.

When your police department rejects high scoring applicants a little too aggressively

Yeah that's pretty damn autistic. Its one thing if a couple of people have personal logos, but quite another when all of the police cars on the force are using a comic book skull. Its like "we paid tax dollars for a bunch of nerds?"

Nothing says professionalism like capeshit skulls

lol thinking the fucking punisher is an unambiguous guardian of virtue is peak cop

If police officers want to be soldiers in a war, it should be legal to kill them as soldiers.


Who knew that a national gang of alcoholic wife beaters, who steal more money from Americans via armed highway robbery than actual thieves, in order to pay for tacticool gear to match their roid muscles and get their dicks hard, would think like this?

It appalls me that someone could be so retarded as to be so offended by being called out to write the saltiest most childish article i have ever come across in my life

Over the past month or so, millions of readers at Law Enforcement Today have read articles by Sgt. A. Merica. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the good Sergeant was using a pen name of sorts.

We’ve been inundated with people asking… just who IS Sgt. A. Merica? Is he a real person? Does he exist?

The truth is that he does… he is YOU. He is each of US.

When we were actually the stupid idiots the whole time

Australian military isn’t allowed to use the punisher. Been outlawed by the powers that be

this is why they call America land of the free

What a fucking nanny state

Let the nerds embarass themselves

The less seppo crap the better.

"Sgt. A. Merica"

Haven't even clicked the link yet, but I can already tell this is going to make me ashamed to be an american.


The vigilante anti-hero is fundamentally a critique of the justice system

It’s a comic book character for children and man-children. Give me a break, your critique is lost on your audience. Makes sense that cops would like it though.

🐷🐽oink oink🐽🐷

it is a fictional comic book character

The entire police department in Solvay, New York had the logo put on their patrol cars and refused to remove it when citizens requested it be taken off.

Showed those stupid plain clothes. I am the law.

Haha it was mainly the special forces that were putting them on their shit. But now they can’t. They are bad ass mo fos nigga

What's that stupid sub that is all cop mods? Bet they'd love reading this.

/r/leo I think

It's over for E-4cels.

This should come as no surprise. These are the same people who literally argue in favor of the mayocide. Did you forget about that? I didn't. /r/Drama posters are literally pro-mayocide. That's not even me being hyperbolic or making insults, it's simply a fact.





They are autists. And they are completely irredeemable.


  1. this recent interview - Outline

  2. wrote a response - Outline

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“So you, an agent of government order, wear a symbol of a wanted fugitive who dicks around doing extrajudicial killings?”

“I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir.”