/r/ChaserTrapHouse thirsts for underage strasserist

1  2019-01-14 by BlackHeartKabal


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Looks like a little kid

She looks like a little kid, but she's above the age of 18, so it's LEGAL.

Imagine having this disappointment as your son

I didn’t know there were Libertarians on chapo 😂😂😂😂

Wow, discord tranny with meme political opinions #900909031. At some point in the near future discord will be treated as a harmful drug and banned for people under 21.

As shortly after, Allah willing, for those over 21

Actual Nazbols are pretty cool though. They were dying for what they believed, unlike "revolutionary liberals" from Chapo.

I think their recent congress was pretty fun:

  1. Teenagers are the most oppressed class. We should decrease adulthood age to 14 years.

  2. We should partition Ukraine.

Teenagers are the most oppressed class. We should decrease adulthood age to 14 years.

Sounds like zoomer nonsense to me but OK.


Ideally both arms would be white for maximum accuracy

She looks like a cuter version of me. I love her hair.