It's over for Egypt-cels

1  2019-01-14 by aX10mAt1CaL1Y


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Ok, every time I bring up about my fear of traveling as a woman to a place like Egypt (although I want to see the pyramids before I commit suicide), I am met with backlash. ”you don’t have to worry about anything as a woman over there. It’s not sexist over there! How dare you?”

Sorry, I’m not a “culturally enriched” mayo woman with no fear who goes to places like that and potentially becomes a victim of some horrible crime! I would rather be called a racist. I want to die but not in those horrific ways!

If ur being serious, the experience as tourist isnt going to be anything like what Muslim gussies have to deal with. Especially if you're going to see tourist traps like the pyramids.

My uncle has been with this half egyptian chick for over a decade and they tell stories about how they used, the 3 girls and their parents, to go there a few times a year. In the past 5 years or so tho they barely went cause it's regressing into smegma.

Wait, are you planning on visiting the pyramids or are you planning on visiting what's basically the Hogwarts of the Hislamic world?

Mate its pretty safe for tourists around the sandcastles, you would be fine. Now if you decide to go off the holiday areas and wander about in the locals then things will be a little harsh. But they tend to treat westerners fine, if your not a Muslim they tend to not give a shit about you other than trying to sell you crap.

Unless you go to the remote towns then you will likely be fine. Just make sure you always check with your government to see if they consider it safe to travel there. Places like Morocco are not safe, just ask that Swedish lass who got beheaded.

But I’m not mayo

Just stay in the tourist areas then, you will be fine.

Do I have to cover up and will I get catcalled? I’m not a strong woman in that sense. I don’t like sexual comments from some irky men.

Won't have to cover up and they will stare/drool at you provided you are not a fatcel. I wouldn't advise going unless you were part of a travel group because eventually someone is going to try something.

Worrying about stuff like that makes me stressed out. It’s supposed to be a vocation.

Go with a tour group then. There are ones that do Egypt and Petra together and you'll never be on your own. Otherwise don't go. Arabs are literal the worst people in the world. Unlikely you'll be raped or anything but guaranteed to be catcalled if on your own.

unironically don't kill yourself. You have so much to look forward to, like that show you like getting a new season or something.

Also if you kill yourself then the white people win. Consider this.

After game of thrones finale, there’s really no point to life.

what about your family, friends, maybe partner?

Not all people are good people. Therefore, not all families are made up of good people. A lot of people seem to forget that. The main reason I have depression is because of them.

Friends come and go in my life.

My SO is the only thing keeping me going, honestly and of course, game of thrones finale.

I'm sorry to hear that you had shitty parents. Really hope you can find something else in life though that gives you purpose besides tv and your partner. It's probably not healthy for a relationship either when your partner is the only thing that keeps you from doing yourself in.

But it’s really nothing else out there 🤷🏻‍♀️

Can't say I can relate to that. There's so many films I want to watch, novels I want to read, music I want to listen to, countries I want to visit, etc. I'll probably die before getting bored of things.

I was going to give words of encouragement, but honestly, if you're looking forward to more GoT you might as well just end it, regardless of whether you want to or not.

And in 2017 another female pop singer was sentenced to two years in prison on similar charges, also over a video deemed provocative.

Never forget the sacrifices she made for us. 😥

She really fucking sucks at using a mortar and pestle. 1/10 wife material.

Eat shit


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