We Asian guys don't need to rot in prison in order to make our Anime fantasy come true, stop being jealous of us Asian guys!

1  2019-01-14 by AsianGuy22


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Just for info I will reveal in which Asian country I'm if there are more than 100 followers of the anti western cosplayers movement https://plus.google.com/117850404800846575560 or there is just 1 fundraiser on the anti western cosplayers movement fundraising project https://www.antiwesterncosplayers.blogspot.sn/2018/02/anti-western-cosplayers-movement.html

Know that the reason you follow the movement or participate on the fundraising not because you want to know in which Asian country I'm but purely because you agree with the anti western cosplayers movement. Knowing my country location is just a bonus, also there is a time limit until the end of this month January 2019.

Didn't you promise us a topless photo? 🤔

There is no such thing especially I'm a guy, I'm an Asian and we Asians have dignity so I will never do nude stuff just to get something except if maybe it will save someone's else life.

I'm gonna fucking kill myself if you don't post bussy.

That does not count, what could will be something like me naked will earn me millions of cash which I then can donate to peoples who are dying.

I am the dan schneider to your miranda cosgrove: show me your naked body and I will make you rich. You can donate the money to cancer research or something, up to you.

Why r u wasting ur writing talent on r/drama? U have such beautiful metaphors

Give dick pick

Pretty sure there are videos out there of Asians girls spraying diarrhea into each others faces.

we Asians have dignity

Japanese porn.

Google+ doesn't have 100 people on it lmao

Exactly, dude promises so much but offers so little.

Kinda like his dick.

No one supports your movement, and no one will eversupport your movement. For your own good, give this shit up and do something in the real world

You're a Filipino Mudblood; we already know.

This. Dude has his own ED article. Why does he still act nobody knows?

I would blind myself with bleach after seeing just a single one of these three pictures, but after seeing all three I'm terrified of the image being burned into my brain for all eternity.

That "over 17" Asian girl looks like a 5 year old white girl being held captive by OP

who can pull off Anime characters correctly including by age

that makes the asian girl 9, according to the caption

Top text says over 17

that's what she told me, your honour

God that image is creepy as fuck.

The pic on the left utilizes extreme shoop while the one on the right might just have a filter. Not sure about other Asian countries but China and Korea have a crazy shooping culture, e.g. here. I wish I remembered what the respective cultural terms are because that shit is insane

Shoop? 🤔

just humour grandma

I cant tell if this sentence is missing a comma or not

if you don't know what a "shoop" is, you're either too young to be here or need to lurk moar

It’s only mentioned 5 times in a search of this sub, 3 times from snally, ranging from 1 month to 2 years. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/search?q=Shoop&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all

If 6 years in this shithole isn’t enough lurking I dunno what is.

Can you tell me if you ever heard this before? https://www.dialupsound.com

Yes, that sweet sound

That shit looks like a human Bratz doll with fetal alcohol syndrome, wtf.

Is the crazy shooping related to the plastic surgery fad they have?

Is the crazy shooping related to the plastic surgery fad they have?

Probably, but it's also big in any community with a huge online presence (the features that they create/exaggerate differ heavily by culture tho. If you want some extreme Western examples, look up 'Micky Deer' and 'Raychiel'; the first is an example of primarily white 'living doll' shoop and the second is an example of black (and white copiers) big booty instathot shoop

Yeah, no human looks like that, and definitely no adult human.

Explain shopping? Is it a makeup technique?


Seriously? What kind of retard refers to it as shooping?

Well, /u/snallygaster , /u/CucksLoveTrump and /u/shitpost953 . So a diverse range of retards.

epic memers

People old enough to ostensibly know better, but here we are anyways

Are you new to the internet? It's a really old term.

I have only seen shopping

It's an old 4chan term that also stuck in other communities

Fuck those people.

For some reason, you have really overestimated amount of shit people (ironically or unironically) give about your cause.

I am Japanese. I demand you post bussy

In b4 shortcakespecial says something creepy and pedoish

he banned atm

Nice 👌

Huh, what'd he do, and how old was she

I mean he already posted a five year old dressed as what I can only assume is his waifu. So yeah.


You all can thank me later

Fuck off back to reddit.

Ah, a fellow Logan Pauler. A man of culture you are.

I can never tell if AsianGuy22 is my favorite troll or my favorite schizoid.

Asian girl [Over 17]

Press X to doubt

Pressing X now, sir

X has been pressed

Look at those weak chink wrists, although with the tiny little dicks her fellow Bruce Lee's are rocking I am sure they are enough. The cracker has big hands for big white cock, thats science.

So was this unironically made?

this fellow is very special

That western Girl, looks suspiciously like an asian man

This may be the most autistic thing I’ve seen so far this year and that says a lot for a fag like me that is on this subreddit all day

Manga - Anime - Netflix

Seems clear, we should treat pedophilia with arranged marriages to asians.