r/fantasy poster pisses off elfshit NPCs when he points out that a shitty black author who only won awards because she's black sucks at writing

1  2019-01-14 by CJ_from_Grove_St


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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Was that post on your screen when you came out of your coma?

No. Let the White Kids say Nigga was.

And then OP backpeddles hard in the comments

I just want something a bit more when I crack a new book open. I need to adjust my expectations and I'll be satisfied like I used to be. I was so easy to please, goddamn it! lol I actually like the book so far so I'm giving it a go.

This happens a lot when you jump from series to series. After I read the 1st 3 books in the Gentleman Bastards I moved onto The Realm of The Elderlings and was not enjoying Robbin Hobbs writing at 1st because her pacing is so much slower but about half way through the 1st book i realized how beautiful her prose are.

7 month old post.

Anyways, what the fuck is up with all the "it's subjective" shit ? Is it because in early years of high school, teachers are so desperate to get the kids off the streets and crime that they feed them any bullshit to make them feel like they won't get bullied if they read a book?

Some books are better than others, it's not subjective, there is in fact a quality to writing, prose, plot, pacing, and a tonne of other metrics you can discuss, dissect, quantify, qualify. Just because you enjoy when a pre op tranny shits in your mouth doesn't make the taste of shame "subjective" and no amount of "well that's like your opinion, man, i got mine and it's just as valid" is going to change it.

I'm not a bookcel, I can barely read, but it might be because of the author politics, if you look through the thread, they keep saying I don't like it but I can see why peoples liked it, it's bold and different. And her wiki says :

Her fiction explores a wide variety of themes, including cultural conflict and oppression

She wrote that stuff 10 years ago, the mayos ate it up, and now that it's all they talk about, they realize her writing is dogshit.

How many stars did u give fifth season op!

sheeeeit I gave it 5 Wakandas

Fantasy has been shit for ages and scifi is getting that bad fast, miss me with that

I think its less that subs individually are getting worse, but that reddit as a whole is getting worse. Twitter can only sustain the ego wank for so long, the shit will spill out onto here in the end.

over last year /r/fantasy mods have been banning anyone they find to participate in 'bad' subs, regardless of their participation in /r/fantasy.

Personally, received my ban a few months back without even posting there in last 2 weeks prior to that.

So while you have a point about reddit. r fantasy in particular transitioned to full-on political echo-chamber specifically in 2018

I meant just books

Depends on your age for that one.

There is some good sci-fi still coming out. Or at least not boring shit.

examples? I like scifi but most of what I see in bookstores sucks.

Depends what you're looking for. Something in the vein of traditionally good sci-fi? Try the newish translation of the Three body problem, it's originally Chinese but I think it competes seriously with stuff like Asimov and Clarke in that. I can reccomend some more contemporary works that are sillier but the majority of what I read is at least 10 years old even though I recognize some good stuff is being published I just want to let other people separate the cream from the crop. I do like the 'bobiverse' and 'destiny's crucible' series as guilty pleasures but am not under an illusion that they're good. 'Children of Time' is at least pretty interesting sci-fi, I'm not going to claim it has the chops for long life.

ah the three body problem, that did look interesting to me. Ill try it out, thanks.

Inheritance trilogy was a bit meh, but the Broken Earth series was actually good.

If you want a terrible black author that wins awards because she's black then see Nnedi Okorafor.

for anyone who missed out on that particular bit of drama, do a search on 'sad puppies' campaign and HUGO awards

(the summary would be that the awards went fully woke and started pre-screening fantasy and sci-fi candidates based on their politics - when that came out, there was a lot of ongoing drama over it, which ended up changing nothing)