Retard from The_Donald breaks down his definition of a meme then tries to ironically use the n word

1  2019-01-14 by charming_tatum


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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It’s subtle and sarcastic and actually funny” Nigga are you dumb? you just threw your whole argument away. How do you make a fucking joke with a picture of 9/11?

[you don’t unless you’re a fucking dick head like you are.

[And my nigga like, do you not know what a meme looks like? Top text bottom text, black border around white text. Are you a fucking degenerate with type 2 diabetes dick riding a hypocritical and contradicting president? I like what he’s doing, for what he’s done to this country is amazing, but god damn he’s a full blown idiot with 0 respect for others and you praise him like a god.

A full blown libtard over here smh.

How about you don’t fuck up your argument next time nigga.

You’re probably going call me out for saying nigga even though I’m white. I can careless. It’ll effect less people then this image to all the victims families. It’s painful to see how moronic your brain is and how little IQ you have. I’m only on this sub to point out the flaws, not its rights. cAuSe THaTS mEDia TelLiNG fAKe NeWs.

Well bad news for you nigga, this sub is full of contradiction like trump has a problem with it. It’s sad and ironic that human intelligence has stooped to an all time low. And when trump gets called out on that shit he calls in fake news.

Like nigga you said global warming isn’t real and all of the sudden he’s like “yeah nope sorry California rip you ded”

Trump is only doing this for his business and his friends in politics to get money, and it’s plain to see. All presidents are corrupted, and have been, and for some reason this one isn’t. Like no nigga he is. I’m definitely not trolling, I’m giving my humble opinion since i won the argument and it’s entertaining to see how fucking stupid and racist this sub is.

On one hand i got to correct some Nigga had the audacity Ghandi wanted guns for his people. With research or just simple fucking knowledge, and if the guy went to world fucking history and not dropped out, he would know that’s not what ghandi wanted. Ghandi wanted the right to bare arms, like the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bare arms. Cause India was dealing with its own shit in 1917.

Then there’s people saying Muslims kill. No are you fucking mental challenges? Did you mom not vaccinate you and drank and smoked and did all sorts of drugs when she was fertile with you? Muslims do not fucking kill people. The Quran was heavily based off the Bible. And there’s just this little bit of quotes that are like “kill them” or some shit, while the actual phrasing on the violence is for defensive against oppression of Muslim culture. And guess what, when the Quran was written, people were killing Muslims, because of who they are.

Muslims are nice people, super generous and should be treated with respect. The Islamic state part of it... not so much, as that’s where the actual violence is, but you know, fake news is just going to say it’s all Muslims to cause wide panic, a brainwashing technique. And as a person who’s agnostic, but still goes to different churches and chapels, i love to learn about religion.

but don’t throw you argument out the door by supporting the opposing side, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about because that’s the last thing you would want to do when you’re in court 😘

Steve Buscemi.How do you do fellow kids.jpg

Except Islam isn't a religion, it's a stupid rule book from the 7th century that rules every aspect of a person's life.

Islam is literally one of the worlds largest religions, you twat basket

Holy shit are there seriously people here defending the death cult that is Islam?? Pedes time to start downvoting/reporting. The leftist shills are out in force.

If Islam is a religion then why haven’t I been molested by an imam? Explain that, libtards!

peak christcuck coping, lmao

Is there anything more pathetic than a call to downvote wrongthink?

Except Islam isn't a religion, it's a stupid rule book from the 7th century that rules every aspect of a person's life.

Not to expose my fedora, but isn't this every religion ever?

5 hours


This is why rapefugees need to be deported.

[Except Islam isn't a religion, it's a stupid rule book from the 7th century that rules every aspect of a person's life.(]

Imagine being this retarded.

We didn’t. We always had freedom of religion and speech. Since day one. If you got a problem with that then get the fuck out you commie.

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