Company previously specializing in shaving razors, decides to pivot to a business model of positive feels. Calmly explains to previous customer base that they need to stop being such rapist, misogynistic shits. (see comments for drama)

1  2019-01-14 by MayNotBeAPervert


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Is there anything more banal than being an edgelord in YouTube comments?

being an edgelord anywhere, tbh

it's bad on youtube but it's bad here, too.

Yes, using the word "banal" in a sentence on /r/Drama.




Wait? What if this really means Boi Anal? Is this a codeword for Bussy?

Everything in this sub is veiled language about bussy. Where have you been?

Linking to YouTube comments on a forum for drama?

Unless on smaller or niche hobby or skill-type youtube channels, one would get the impression that literally everyone who uses youtube is a venomous sperging edgelord with a hard-right lean (except ofc on dedicated left channels, then it's the opposite).

In reality 99% of people have stopped commenting or reading comments because of how much of a burning trash heap of humanity it's become.

The only thing worse than the comments on a youtube video are the live chats on a youtube stream of anything remotely political. A constant torrent of mental diarrhea.

Blessed be those channels who disable the comments sections.

Twitch chat has to be worse. It is like a really dumb machine learning program's output on what it sees/hears + dumb inside jokes.

It's only worse in the sense that it's a largely unintelligable deluge of emojis, pasta, ascii spam, and single word reactions, for channels which have more than a couple hundred viewers. It is at least on many large channels somewhat moderated or forced into sub mode/slow mode. I rank it less bad than either YT comments or YT livestream chat mostly because it isn't even close to as vitriolic and is at least usually just about people playing video games which are ultimately meaningless endeavours. YT it way more socially pervasive and common, and yet at the same time, Allah smite me for what I'm about to say, Toxic.

What the fuck is that, even? What woketard convinced Gillette that this was necessary or even a good business move?

according to a comment in JordanPeterson thread on this

The director is Kim Gehrig, who was selected via P&G's partnership with Free the Bid, a program that launched in 2016 that aims to get more female directors on ads. P&G began getting involved with the effort last year.

Why are you unironically quoting anything from the Kermit B. Memerson sub?

dude asked a question...

Why didn't you answer jubbergun's question?

Kermit B. Memerson sub?

What does this mean?

howdy fellow Vice and/or New York Times reader! Thank you for participating in reddit's most popular section: Drama.

Unfortunately, it appears you have not paid your bussy membership fee. Don't worry, all we need is a high resolution picture of your bussy, the 3 numbers on the back, and expiration date.

No actual discussion. nice.

we need that bussy pic first. Bussy pic and then discussion

Whats honestly the point in having that stance? I also think this ad is ridiculous, but just because you have my account flagged as one that has commented on NYT articles you use high school mockery? How does that further your side. I consume right wing sources as well.

I consume right wing sources as well.

That’s a major Y I K E S from me

If you're actually a fan of Peterson get the fuck out. This is an antifa sub and you are not welcome. fuck off.

Thats pretty fascist of you. (not a troll joke, how can you not realize your hypocracy)

It's not hypocritical to be intolerant to the intolerant, you fascist fuck. Both sides are not the same. Being fascist = being racist, sexist and evil. Antifa = Being against those things.

Again, get the fuck out. Your kind is not welcome here. Fuck off.

So is that the point of this sub to have fights for the sake of fights? Im so confused lol. Well enjoy your game. If you are being serious, I am far from fascist. Unless you can name something oppressive I have done. Goodnight :)

Another fascist bites the dust. Good work, u/Russianagent1234, you only have to self-flagellate for 2 hours as punishment for your cishet status, today.

Unless you can name something oppressive I have done

Well for one, you obviously support and defend Jordan Peterson who is a fascist.

I also assume that you're white and thus you're oppressing POC by virtue of taking up space that belongs to them. Not to mention everyday oppression by things like microaggressions and outright racism which all white people are guilty of doing to some extent.

Need I go on? I also remember telling you to fuck off so why haven't you done that yet? Again this is an antifa sub and your kind is not fucking welcome. Do you understand?

You can be anti fascist while reading both sides. For instance I really detest Tucker Carlson. But I also find the one from MSNBC pretty obnoxious. CNN and Democracy now is much more tolerable.

You poor sweet thing. You just really are this thick.

Awe you sweet summer child. No discourse like so many others.

Read the fucking sidebar, dipshit. This is a sub for making fun of retards and you couldn't see that people were joking with you, so guess what you became?

But you're defending actual fascists. Just because you watch "the other side" doesn't mean you aren't fascist. It's like "I hate blacks, but at least I listen to Kanye West!" like no, you're still fucking rascist.

Where did I defend him? I can understand the reasons that Mao purged religion from china. A country in the absence of religion is able to create scientific innovation. I am not defending someone that committed mass genocide, but I can recognize an outcome that came of it. Am I a communist now for saying that?

stop being so white you smoothbrain hick

shut up overwatch player

Same goes to you. Antifa will not lie down. They will come after you. Lock your doors at night, we will find you. For now, get out.

no u

Take that nonsense outta here. This is a Mecca of RADICAL CENTRISM and we won't be having any of that limp-wristed faggotry here.

Antifa are taking over and there is nothing you fascist boys can do about it. Prepare to get dabbed on, nazi.

Antifa are taking over and there is nothing you fascist boys can do about it.

History says otherwise, friendo.

this but unironically

Antifa can't even take over their own protests lmao

right wing sources








Why? You can be anti fascist while reading both sides. For instance I really detest Tucker Carlson. But I also find the one from MSNBC pretty obnoxious. CNN and Democracy now is much more tolerable.

Well you see, we also support the mayocide and censorship of all media not explicitly containing bussy. Why would we listen to that which we want censored?

tucker carlson is a drama machine, thus making him good.

You need to go back.

This here is Jeb! country, stranger.

eww no.

Normcels are the worst OUT!OUT!!OUT!!!

This is your brain on /s

Hey there,
Welcome to Drama, the most highly regarded subreddit in existence. Please be aware that although The NY Times may have cited us as popular, that is not due to any easy entry method to our tight-knit community.

I am afraid you have stumbled across one of our many inside jokes, and I regret to inform you that we cannot explain the joke to you at this time, as such information is only handed out on a "need to know" basis.

If you are here as a journalist, hoping to capture some hot NYT readers by reporting on our dear community, please consider contacting one of our moderators over on the right-hand panel of the sub, who are highly qualified and will no doubt aid you in gathering any information you require. They WILL NOT entice you in, get you to interact with material we consider humorous and then post it to the sub for our amusement, where do you think you are?

Please, ensure you tell your colleagues all the best qualities of our inclusive sub, including the hate-speech we love to throw at any passing mayos.

Thanks for visiting!

you sound like you bend over for nigger dick

you sound like you don't

bussy lmao

Shut the fuck up honkey

Ill stop trying

got em boys 😂👋


What does this mean?

It means you should take a picture of your ass for us to masturbate too. We all posted one, it's how you know one is a regular here.

Dr. Peterson, hallowed be his lobster, is a walking, talking meme. He also sounds a little like Kermit the Frog. Thus the nickname: Kermit B. Memerson. He is an /r/Drama favorite because, despite being a milquetoast man so dull that he makes Mr. Rogers and his sweater collection seem exciting, he somehow makes people go full retard with such mundane advice as "clean your room" and "you should get your own shit together before you start telling other people how to live or inserting your opinions about how to organize society/government." He is the Philosopher's Stone of drama, seemingly able to transmute absolutely normal things into a festival of REEEEEEEEEEEEE, creating hate and discontent from thin air. The only downside to Dr. Peterson are the people who take him seriously, like the ones that inhabit the sub dedicated to him, which is why unironically quoting anything said there isn't a good thing.

This has been a /r/Drama PSA. Suck my balls, /u/longpostbot.

Lurk harder

Get out

This comment might be peak retard.

Imagine being so low IQ you can only prop yourself up by shitting on Peterson’s sub

Ooooh, so that explains why a running /r/Drama gag is getting downvotes. I triggered Daddy Memerson's little sycophants. Shouldn't you little lobsters be cleaning your fucking rooms? Don't tell me you're done. We all know you didn't vacuum.

Don't get on the bad side of le based buckaroos. You don't wanna go down that road.

/kotakuinaction /jordanpeterson and /mensrights and pretty much every manlet support sub is SO ANGERY right now. Literally thousands of boys seriousposting on r/drama and just SEETHING


You're telling me! Do they have any idea what kind of stuff gets trapped in a carpet? That's where most of your allergens are, I tells ya.

going on a memerson sub


Marketing majors are about as connected with reality as people like op who are defending gaming and magic the gathering from feminism.

Middle class white women are detached from reality? Say it ain’t so.

Basically a pre- apology for when some woketard breaks out his VHS recording of the cheers finale and sees a problematic commercial.

Whats even funnier is that Philips just launched what is perhaps THE best shaving tool I ever saw, the oneblade. Any competitor with a brain will capitalize on that massive brainfart of theirs.

Hard to capitalize without looking like a rightoid - easy counterattack.

Just make the guys in your counter-ad black. This shit is easy.

just rip off the product, make a generic ad that stays the fuck away from all this political crap, and they will win.

Make your ad about thoduct anotbout woketard politics. Easy.

If your rates razor has batteries or more than one blade it's shit.

Development peaked at the safety razor and has been going backwards since.

Not quite, it's a very good razor. You don't even need water to use it, let alone shaving cream.

Wow that's a nice razor, they have a new model? what one did you buy

I only found out this was a thing this year (been hearing a lot about this handy boy as of late), mine is like the one in the video so I must've confused myself about it being a new model.

it said he was a early model tester or something,i bought some like $5 Dollar package ones from the local grocery store and it's just been a shaving apocalypse, i've cut myself more with these 3 i've used out of the like 15 than the rest of my life.

Been looking for a upgrade.

Well worth the price, shaves smoothly, quickly and nicely. It pays for itself after some months as well

yeah I got the premium one and it's niiiiice

Get woke go broke.

When will they learn.

Ah yes like all the other massive companies you amazing trendsetters managed to bankrupt, remember Nike?!?! HAHA

Oh right

Issa joke.

Commercial is way over the top but the sheer outrage in the comments is fucking hilarious. Imagine trying to call yourself a manly man and getting upset at a razor commercial.

Reminder that these are the type of people who call women hypersensitive lmao

I don't think it's outrage so much as it is that some people just like to say "fuck you" when they've been insulted.

lol dude it's a platitude about being a nice person in the form of a razor commercial, it's not an insult. And the comments come with the exact same pearl-clutching and claiming to boycott a product you see from liberals.

The only thing that bothers me is that they included perfectly ok behaviour like the bikini videoclip or the dude that was gonna talk to the girl in the street

The first minute of the stupid thing sets up the premise that men are morons who have clumsily enabled systems that hurt other people, and are therefore bad and need to get better to be "the best a man can get." If men need to "get better," there is an underlying implication that men were not good enough and must improve. They are telling men they are flawed. Now, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and we all know it, but I don't expect platitudes and preaching about it from my razor blade. "Hey, you suck, improve yourself," is a great way to sell a twelve-step program. It's not a very good way to sell much else.

> the premise that men are morons


Is it really an insult if it's true though?

We're talking about men, not women, sweaty. The official /r/Drama axiom is "men are better at everything a woman can, including being a woman," which is why so many of our threads are about ugly trannies.

Men being better than women doesn't preclude men from being morons dum dum.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about the soyboys, who are (I guess) technically male (did I just assume their gender?). You have a point.

Not nearly a radical centrist enough take. Please get the fuck out of my drama and take you learn to be a proper misanthrope.

Yeah but like anything Youtube commentators take the retardation and turn it up to 11.

Normal reaction: Haha, that's a pretty dumb ad! Well, time to move on and do literally anything else with my time.


This comment may be the greatest thing this sub has ever produced.

Of course that means it is a steaming pile of garbage, but let's focus on the positives.

Haha the most epic comment of all time 😎

It's so accurate it's almost a serious-post, but I know it's not because it's actively mocking retards. It truly is a work of art.

lol well memed

Your forgot the WHITE GENOCIDE part.

This is a Mayocide-friendly subreddit. We never forget the white genocide part.

It takes the same time to type

What about the message of "be nice to other people" insults you?

i agree it's a good message, they should do one for black people too. like we'll show clips of news reports about black violence, and it's a public PSA for black people everywhere to stop being so violent.

There are plenty of PSAs about gang violence in urban communities.

/r/watchpeopledie isn’t really the same as a t.v advert with a huge budget being pushed out to millions of people.

black people are mean and scary

MDEfugee out out

i was actually trying to make a comparison to how the video is essentially "all men bad" because like 5% of men are creeps, by comparing how horrible it would be to make a video about black people.

it's usually the best argument to defeat these sjw types with since "generalizing based on gender and race bad", but "all men evil".

How insufferably woke it was


The part where you assume I'm not nice to other people by default.

There's an agenda to feminise western men, so we sit limp and docile as they import millions of Non-Whites into our countries. Gillet is in bed with the globalists. Get Woke, go broke!

Seems a bit more spergy than "fuck you"

Yeah, there are definitely some cherry comments to pick out of that morass of hate and discontent, and that one is peak /r/conspiracy, but for the most part I still think it's just people saying "get fucked."


folks who get triggered by a PSA announcement.

Public service announcement announcement

"Libtards always whine and overreact"

rushes to make multiple angry threads about meanie consumer goods ad

Shat poor sacks of shit still see ads?

They put Ana Kasparian in it. 😹 😻 Somebody in their marketing department is a master at generating internet controversy publicity. People will actually talk about Gillette again outside of their old commercials, and the autistic spasming may actually last for years. Give your marketing department a raise, Gillette.

"A well know caveat of marketing states, 'There is no such thing as bad publicity.'

And today, we shall definitively prove that theorem is completely true."

  • Gilette marketing team after accidentally mixing up their 'Marketing in Business' and 'Break Out Big In Rap Music' educational material.

All of this time people just bought Gillette products without thinking about what the brand represented. Not sure why they decided that they had to tie their brand to a political identity.

You're talking about them right now because of it

Yeah their stock just tripled.

And the vast majority of them will keep buying them without knowing/caring about this ad

Gillette is losing market share, I do think this will only get worse (and should get people fired at Gillette).

Here is a grade A idea, lets take a genders study concept and market it towards men (who traditionally do not participate in genders study concepts). Holy shit, how could it have ever gone wrong?

Their primary customers are men who want to have less facial hair than they currently do. In other words, trannies and other sexually-confused weirdos.

This is why I don't shave. SJWs have taken over basic grooming

Which is ironic considering they generally don't personally engage in any sort of basic grooming.

Another video proving that men are better than women. There are exactly 0 women out there calling into question their own toxic behaviors and trying to curb it. Women also do not care about sexual assault against the opposite sex, whereas men do.

Being reflective and having empathy, oftentimes to a fault, is something women are incapable of.

I love that they put a hot broad wearing white short shorts in. She's sexually signaling and when a dude attempts to make a move he gets told by another 'man' that's not okay.

Why aren't they brawling for her attention?

This is why women should be dressed in hijabs.

You get it my brother, praise and love allah.


Haha got u fucker I used taqiyya against u.

Haha got u fucker I used taqiyya against u.

You're a dirty twelver heretic???

Ismailis? In my /r/Drama? It's more likely than you think.

When you're a freak in the sheets but a Lord and Savior also a freak in the streets.

Why would they brawl? That man is correcting him! White knighting: truly The Best A Man Can Get ™

She's sexually signaling

Imagine being a disposable razor pleb and not using a safety razor like a true gentleman

Lol safety razors. katana swords is where it's at.

Whatever. Everyone knows you’re supposed burn the hair away with a blowtorch.

Imagine being a pleb and not having your slave pluck hairs from your face with tweezers like a true patrician.

>Imagine not using an electrical one.


thinks hes getting good shave with an electric shaver




>Caring about getting a good shave when you just need a three day beard.


All anyone needs is dorcousa. If you aren't buying your razors from them, you are wasting your money.

People upset about this are actual retards, and probably are exactly who this ad is targeted at. If you're getting mad at it, maybe it's because you see yourself in the shitty stuff depicted.

Get over it, y'all. It's a limp dicked attempt at wokeism that doesn't even scratch the surface.

It could have been marketed a different way. Maybe just focus on how men can be leaders, maybe show vids of men taking part in their daughters lives and doing things equally with women. It would still be a little agenda-yyyy, but atleast it wouldn't be so in your face.

because you see yourself in the shitty stuff depicted.

I mean yes, I have talked to hot women on the street trying to fuck them. Whats the issue with that?

Ew, gussy.

Your lack of self awareness is astounding.

I got numbers that way bro

That's a shit marketing decision. The men who this marketing would appeal to are incapable of growing facial hair.

well, it was directed by a woman apparently

A perfect razor to shave my non sexist, feminine penis

This is why I use DollarShaveClub promo code H3H3

May Allah break the backs of these leftist emasculated cuckolds trying to take away our birthright of toxic masculinity.

But... Male feminists don't shave. They'll keep anything from a neck beard to a dirt stash.




Praise Be, His Zozziness has spoken!

another feel good sjw message that does nothing to actually deal with any real problems in our society, and gives us no real solutions.

"men bad", then calls it a day.

the same company that was caught using child slaves a short while ago..... ironic

Implying you wouldn’t have child slaves too if you could get away with it

I love how sjws are so easily indoctrinated, that they can watch an ad and be bought.

like, there was a "Dove" commercial supporting women to love themselves, and people were so amazed by it, when it was selling products to "beautify" yourself.

virtue signalling is something sjws seem to not understand

How does this sell razors?

you dummy, this ad is clearly marketing the razors towards men who like to go tranny

Other Discussions (19)

Literally all manlet support group subs. Repostedike 8 times with over 1000 comments

Oh god you retards are pathetic. Keep pretending you're not SO MAD on behalf of Men are you're all totally 6' or taller

what better way to empower women, then by hiring a female director who makes a retarded ad, and then have her ad roasted like a burnt turkey by majority.

So there I was, putting on my rape shoes, and practicing my sexual harassment pickup lines this morning. I just got done cyberbullying my coworkers. It was time to shave, I yelled at my wife to smile because I demand it, while pinching her butt right after she told me she didn't consent to it. Putting on the shaving cream and thinking about how I can get my son into a fight at the next BBQ, I replaced the worn Gillette brand Mach3 and began to chant "boys will be boys" as I started to shave. Then suddenly my daughter burst into the bathroom holding her phone. As I began to mansplain to her why she isn't smart enough to know my shaving time is my time she showed me the new Gillette ad. I realized how my every view and behavior I've ever held dear was wrong. I'm calling in sick at the toxic masculinity factory today and registering Democrat. Thanks Gillette, now excuse me while I help to impeach.

you forgot the requisite black eye for your daughter when she didn't listen the first time about shave time being daddys time.

This is inspiring and amazing

Props to Gillete

What? Nike can do motivating advertising, but you can't do this? You can motivate people to believe in themselves, but you can't motivate people to be less of a shitty person?