Loony Laura Loomer chains herself to Nancy Pelosi's house, tries to break in

1  2019-01-14 by seshfan2


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Now Pelosi has evidence that fences don't work. Good job Laura

Pelosi’s SF house doesn’t even have s fence. This must be in DC.

This is the kind of thing only someone who plans to chain themselves to Nancy Pelosi's house would know.

I was forced to do some googling when some retard busted out the "This is Pelosi's house" meme with some walled SF mansion thing.

Fact checking DDF is just too satisfying, sue me.


It was almost rape, really.

Is that you pizzashill?

Just doing my part to fill the pizza-shaped hole in our collective soul.

I like that if you go to literally any gated community it's going to be full of old boomers who would call the police on literally anything, yet the Trumpets convinced themselves it's a lib thing mainly.


Oh, (((she))) wilding again?

News at 11.

a slang term that refers to the practice of marauding in bands to terroize strangers and to swagger and bully

sounds right

Well keeping people out is "waycist", isn't it?

It's not racist if it's against Laura Boomer

Sorry man wrong sub this isn’t cringeanarchy



Oh look, the unbearable shrieking faggots are shrieking unbearably again.

I'm so sorry someone said a correct thing that hurts your fragile snowflake feelings.

You’re seriousposting all over this thread. What’s going on big guy?

His feewings are hurt

He gets mad before anyone else does but then calls everyone snowflakes lmao

The slightest disagreement with his beliefs get him in such a melt down

Much appreciate you saving those links

CAtard being a crybaby

Literally who is surprised

those two links are really good, thanks for sharing

You sound like you were picked on a lot on high school.

Understandably so

and yet still not enough somehow

If the wall to keep browns out is as thick as your skin, I don't see it helps at all.

Typing the word "racist" like an illeterate baby is neither funny or creative. CA "humor" is retarded and should be discouraged here in favor of highbrow humor like "bussy lmao" and emojiposting.

unbearable shrieking faggots

fragile snowflake feelings


Don't be so hard on yourself

racism isnt real lmao

racism isnt real lmao

racism against white people tho

well yeah its the only legal group to discriminate against

Because they aren't people.


Go back to the /r/drama border wall and wait in line with the chapotards and MDEfugees

Fuck off back to srd


Zoinks! 🤢🤢🤮🤮

That's a big zoniks from me, friend.

I'd ask why people hate Discord here now, but I forgot it's kind of an endless hate parade one way or the other.

>not realising drama discords are just meta faggotry

How new are you?

drama discords

I wasn't aware there was a magical meta drama Discord.

How new are you?

I was born yesterday obviously.

newfags 🤢🤢 out!

I'll be born tomorrow just to spite you

UwU thank you

He is on the discord?? 🤮🤮🤮

Fuck off back to srd

NPC malfunctioning, you used this weak ass one at-least twice in this thread. Throw a faggot or something in there. Mix it up, I'm barely crying my snowflake tears.

You have to go back to your shithole sub.

Fuck off back to srd

no u

This is an interesting situation.

One of r/conspiracy's more obsessive *cough* 'anti-zionists' *cough* shows up to defend one of the Chosen People. 😲😲😲

> waycist

Ooohhh lil baby wulfie nulfie got his diaper wiper in a tangly wangly??!? Momma gonna helpie yelpie u out lil baby waby

keeping people out of her yard?

Loomer has claimed the guys in yellow jackets she brought with her are undocumented immigrants. It's not clear whether that's true, but they are getting a lot of attention from the police, appear unable to give ID. One cop says Loomer has really put the guys in a tough spot


So, is she getting fined for employing undocumented workers? 🤔🧐

We should build a wall around Loomer and make Dildoboat pay for it.

You don't understand she can't find any mayos to do the job and thus deserves them

I wonder if she picked them up in a Lowe's parking lot

Nancy pelosi hates guns until she needs some cops to solve her problems for her.

Did that sound poinent in your head?

Literally a boomer-tier Facebook meme talking point lul

That you can't disagree with

But sneer harder, that'll fool everybody

Some people shouldn't have access to guns. Fact.

Actually guns should be mandatory at birth.

I'm not in /r/drama to have sincere political discussions like all these serious posting faggot conservatives lmao.

【 C O P E】

nice brackets !

But sneer harder

Okay. Lol look at this fucking idiot.

I'm with you on gun ownership. Loomer should have been shot in the head for trespassing.

Tone down the cope bud

I'll never tone down my love of freedom ❤🇺🇸💵

Were guns used to remove Laura from the property?

Imagine being so dumb you think it dignified a response

Did this shitty pseudo comeback sound witty and cutting in yours?



Damn you really turned that one around on him.

You better pseudo take that back before a pseudo deport your pseudo ass back to pseudo

How have you been posting on drama for so long and still have the shittiest bants?

You mean licensed and trained professionals? Wow so brave.

Tell me where the non-mayos touched you.

"Nancy Pelosi believes in the government monopoly on violence especially when the government employs that monopoly to protect her.


Loomer chaining herself to things is my favorite part of this timeline.

When you get your bondage fetish and your exhibitionism fetish mixed up.


There's a difference?

I want to know who is paying Laura to chain herself to stuff.

Gotta be (((them))), it always is

i mean loomer is literally (((them))) so yeah

She barely counts as one of us. A true Jew would cancel because of bad weather.

She barely counts as one of us. A true Jew would cancel because of bad weather.

If only she would jump into an oven.

one of her crew has....

imagine what your life has come to if you spend you time being in this wackadoodles 'crew'

Just desperate, thirsty dudes who didn't grow up with daddy's checkbook negotiation skills.



tries to break in

Is anyone actually surprised? Honestly, his parents should have seen this coming, letting him keep the family name, despite how hilariously creepy it is, these days.


Let me know when she's arrested so I can laugh.

They just kicked her out without arresting her 🙁

Rightoid priviledge. Just because they're retarded "they cant be held responsible for their action"

Unironically, one could write a decent article about how not being arrested for such demonstrations is white privilege. And for radical centrism reason, one could next write one about how it's gussy privilege.

Laura Loomer is why people hate Jews

You don't know who montel is?

I do, but I'm an oldfag and he hasn't been famous in years. Was a joke about his relative obscurity these days.

One of her crew is claiming that it's legal to jump the fence because there were no "no trespassing" signs.

Hope we include No Trespassing signs into the wall budget else that's a big oversight.

Lo siento, oficial. No sabía que no podía hacer eso.

Conservatism, not even once.

Conservatism is literally a mental disease

Having opinions is actually.

Loomer is as conservative as Alex Jones isn't controlled opposition.

you wanna try that again?

Alex Jones can't be controlled because he's a pioneer

I hear he likes to eat meat.

Back to T_D you go.

You’re a sperg

I just want to say how heartwarming it is that people with your condition are able to use computers and post on reddit. What a time to be alive!


Now Laura Loomer is back and saying she tried to open the doors to Pelosi's house, but they were locked. This seems like an unwise thing to be admitting!

This bitch is crazy


Nancy Pelosi has a fence around her house? 🤔

And it didn't keep this lady out? 🤔

Why are stupid right wing bitches always hot?

Because right wing women, by definition, cannot be smart, so they've gotta have some kind of marketable skill, like being fuckable, or nobody would listen to them.



Right? Even her crazy eyes says less "She'd be up for anything" and more "You ever seen Misery ?"

We need to send these Canucks back up north where they belong

Hello fellow Maggie Thatchercel.

You looked at that ventriloquist dummy and got a boner?

Good god at least use a half decent example like Tomi whatsherface not this troll

Yeeesh she’s barely an LA 2 https://i.imgur.com/z4xwJLh.jpg

yeah but that’s an indianapolis 500

I'd gild this, but you know (((me)))

This isafter plastic surgery mind you.


She looks like a tranny in that pic 🤔🤔🤔

She's actually gotten super fat. I'm surprised more NEET conservatives aren't calling her out for this.

Also, the brown hair completely washes her out. The blonde was more forgiving of her harsh features. This gussy needs a makeover and I'm just the fag to do it.

I love fat chicks

lol you read will sommers twitter feed


with a guy reading political twitter? lmao how does that hurt me

i dont even like laura loomer shes way too jewy

I'd marry her.

Imagine planning this gay op for weeks only to get no airtime because of a gay razor blade commercial and an old man ordering from McDonald's.