User 1: "Kill all cops" User 2: "Don't kill all cops" Guess who got upvoted in cb2? The answer may not surprise you at all!

1  2019-01-14 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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You fucked up on this one, bot.

30 but still has the mentality of a teenage anarchist. The fucking state of internet commies, arguing that the police should be replaced with “negotiation squads”. I wonder how that would work in Southern Chicago or Camden

They aren't wrong about cops being shit at deescalation, tbh. Too many cops want to be the bad-ass.

The nice thing about commie police is instead of shooting you in a rare event on the street, you can instead be oppressed for far more minor crimes and be beaten to death in a secret police holding cell where afterwards they dump your body in a drainage ditch.

Or, if you fancy anarchists, you can be falsely accused of a crime then lynched with no trial! Yay!

I support that as long as only former government workers are subject to that treatment.

if you fancy anarchists, you can be falsely accused of a crime then lynched with no trial!

If you're lucky they'll just expel you from the community and let you go 9ff to die in the wilderness somewhere

How long before all the sane people get expelled and form a working government?

What do they do if you dont want to leave the community? (Even if that sounds like a social hierarchy that need to be abolished)

Who the fuck would volunteer to be an (I'm assuming unarmed?) "negotiator" for random, often armed criminals?

Or if the commie squads are armed and ready to shoot to defend themselves, what's the difference from cops? Couldn't we just accomplish that thru reform of current cops vs. fucking killing them?

God commies are dumb

I wonder how that would work

It won't work, isn't that the point?

Another post from you. I'm sure this one will be great. I'm sure I won't be disappointed in the least.


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16? I'm pushing 30 and I still want to shoot a cop.

Thats much worse than being an edgy teen.

Yeah but still an edgy 90s kid

Them arguing that the police didn't always exist is my favorite fucking argument. Like the last time that actually ever happened was feudal Europe where instead of police they had landed knights who just went around and murdered peasants for fun. That's their ideal lmao.

they had landed knights who just went around and murdered peasants for fun.

Where do I sign up?

You don't. You were born as a Bohemian peasant during the 30 Years' War. You lost half of your teeth when a Swedish Knight bashed your face with a pommel and now your wife is hung by the neck for giving birth to his son. Also they brought a random disease down with their invasion and your entire livestock perished so you starve to death next winter.

It's the medieval version of Commie's thinking they'd get to the Commisar but really they're waiting in breadlines.

Ok thats nice but where do I sign up for that murdering part though

You can do it right now.

But it has to be state sanctioned though

So become a cop. For fucks sake do I have do everything for you?

But I am muslim and pigs are haram

What is it with commies of all "people" calling people bootlickers? Maybe in their fantasy of gommunism they wouldn't be executed instantly for not licking party boots

In their fantasy they aren’t immediately executed after the revolution: That’s why it’s a fantasy.

Every time I see the term "bootlicker" it just makes me think of some BDSM shit.

Ugh lick my boots daddy!! 😩🍆💦😫

A comment so good you posted it twice

No you lick daddys boots

Ugh lick my boots daddy!! 😩🍆💦😫

A comment so good you posted it twice

Police work is done on a local level, so all commies have to do is organize to the point that they can set up their own town and then they can demonstrate how good/bad of an idea it is to abolish the police office.

Kill all cops and deputize the population imo

kill all people and deputize me imo

Just create robot deathsquads who murder anyone who commits crime.

Some dumb fuck showing order being maintained in an union strike to for wage increase in the period of five days as the example of why cops shouldn't exist.

Tbh just make Minority Report real and we won’t have to worry about any of this nonsense.

Kill half of the cops
