r/menslib kisses Gillette's boo boos: "I just fell into the same traps as everyone else does when they're a LONELY SAD MALE in the 2010s."

1  2019-01-14 by wont-take-it


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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Stop hurting my feelings, snappy.

Yeah, that nigga hasn't stopped falling

What exactly is that sub? Is that for men who are virgins or something?

Men who enjoy forced celibacy.

It’s the dawn of a new era for forcecels

Forcecels sounds way rapeyer. I like it.

Involuntary celibacy, you say?

First I wanted that to be a real sub for kicks.

Now I think about what it means for humanity in the long run and desperately refuse to click.

If you are worried that it will make you horny, it will.



welcome to the community

I sell chastity relate erotic fiction, if you want a few chapters for free pm me

This had better not awaken anything in me.

Can someone actually answer this? I remember it just appearing out of nowhere.

If feminism was in charge of the men's rights movement.

So it's as retarded as both of them combined. Even most feminists don't seem to like menslib anymore.

No one hates weak men more than women.

Second only to the "men" themselves.

Like how no one hates women more than women.

It's a MensRights sub but through a soy feminist lense. Basically a bunch of open mouth dudes asking women to correct their behaviour and lecturing other men how masculinity is HELLA PROBLEMATIC and all answers to male issues are conceding all forms of masculinity.

the lunatics from /r/againstmensrights started it, originally populated mostly by y'all-folks from SRS, but they manage to rope in fresh desperate LONELY SAD MALES all the time.

It’s a sub run by women to discuss admonishing oneself of “toxic masculinity.” Frequented by dudes who want to castrate themselves if they haven’t done so yet.

All of the mods there are actually male. The one female mod they had left because of the head mod doing some things.


A leftist sub to discuss male issues (the leftist MRA). Self evidently, due to reddit being made of huge, massives pussies, it filled with people even incels could look down upon.

High IQcel.

Imagine a man...now imagine he has no self respect or self confidence....now imagine he’s so desperate for validation that he’ll psychologically castrate himself...now imagine this man despised men with testosterone because he can’t complete with them....now imagine he’s a feminist. That’s them.

lol that's pretty accurate.

That is a perfect explanation.

Making this a RES macro

But it exists so they can regain their lost self confidence?

That's the beauty of it. How can they regain something they never had?

It's the cuckolding fetish taken to the extremem

It's a sub for men who like to self-flagellate themselves for being men.

It’s proof that a subset of men have a pathological sexual fetish for being humiliated and this is why women will win.

Men whose wives have boyfriends

should be renamed to /r/mensemasculation

It's a sub that exists to attempt to prove the false proposition that feminists give a shit about men. So it's what a "permissible" MRA sub would look like according to feminists and their rapist "male feminist" allies.

Ha, ha!

the true incels

left wing incel sub

r/mensrights but instead of right-wing retards it’s left-wing retards.

Men who gave away their mancards

Feminist sub for men's rights. It's as ridiculous as it sounds.

Even in my most anti-sjw state in like 2014 I would have been marginally ok with this ad. Now I just flat out think it's pretty cool.


it’s pretty much their version of ‘as a black man’

No one on that sub should be mistaken for a man

3/5 compromise?

9/10ths soy

The only time their get touched by other people is when they get their 3/5 version of a dick chopped off by the surgeon.

This thread is so refreshing after coming out of that one that hit /r/all. Can we just opt out of anyone ever seeing this sub, ever?

I don't know about that stuff. I just belittle the users and remove rule breaking.

There's rules?

Minimal ones yes.

if you were 'anti-sjw' you would most definitely not be okay with this lmao

He didn’t say ‘anti-sjw’ he said “most anti-sjw state”

That probably just means that he was only 99% fag instead of 100 today.

but somehow ended up devolving to mean 'anyone who thinks being mean to minorities is bad'.

zoinks, no

I know I'm not as "bad" anymore because I watch some of the same stuff I used to and basically disagree with the way the arguments are framed or just disagree with them entirely.

They are so woke.

Soy works in mysterious ways.

Are there even any alternatives to gillette? Asking for a friend that might want to find an alternative that isn't a bullet through the brain.

Dollar Shave Club has the same quality blades for way less, surprised people are still paying Gillette's prices to begin with.

Even better: buy DSC's blades directly from Dorco. Pace 6 master race.

I recommended buying from DSC's distributor in a comment on the other Gillette post on /r/drama today, glad word has got around about that. :)

Yes use the access code u/lincolncantwin for 5 free blades.

There is no escape from this ad

Wasn't that company bought by Gillette or something?

Start pulling out your facial hair one by one. It's cheaper than the 14 blade monstrosities gillette is going to eventually release.

Grow a fucking beard like a real man?

Beards are lame as fuck unless you're Muslim or a biker.

It’s basically the mullet of the 2010s at this point.

It's over for weak chin-cels

Rip it out of your neck like a real man 😎

A pair of tweezers

Go to a barber?

So they can shave your beard for you?

Saftey razor blades are like a dime a piece on amazon. That + a good German razor + shaving brush + hot water works like a charm.

Fucking hipster.

My girlfriend got me Harry’s for Christmas and honestly they’re great razors and they gave me 4 extra blades for free.

Feather razors are crafted with authentic hanzo steel.

Just retire this account and go with The_Reason_Trump_Will_Win.

It is 2019 after all

I can't believe it's CURRENT YEAR already..

They're also getting brigaded by the type of people that need to be called out for their toxic masculinity.

LEt's be blunt here. Trump will work out the same as every other President:

If there is a recession, he will lose. If not, he will win.

It's kind of sad, but that has been the only thing that can make a President lose even when their approvals are mediocre-to-bad.

Because of rapists and toxic masculinity, yes, that is why the 2016 coup was able to establish the Trump regime.

What does that have to do with trump? Genuinely asking

Culture war for dummies: this general attitude represents leftoids and who represents rightoids? 🤔

Imagine getting this upset over an ad.

This, coming from the people that made a holy crusade over gamergate and titty in anime vidya.

I know right lol

or the mysterious gender wage gap that can only be spotted on a full moon

Is your body "beach body ready"?


Or a god damn shirt.

Literally all you do in this subreddit is complain when other men try to speak up about sexual assault or complain about terminology. Enough is enough. This is your absolute last chance. Stick a toe out of line again and you're banned. I want absolutely no more whinging about other men trying to improve themselves.

Glad our mods aren't as big of fags as this.

Deleting somebody's comments but keeping your own up has to be the faggiest thing a mod could possibly do.

MensLib mods actually love doing that. Oftentimes, they'll quote the comment that they fucking remove and then mock them for it, just to get pats on the back from their users.

Literally all you do in this subreddit is complain when other men try to spread their bussy and get assaulted. Enough is enough. This is your absolute last chance. Stick a toe out of line again and you're banned. I want absolutely no more whinging about other men trying to get laid.

Oh please, we all know you’re going to give out more chances.

Two days from now:

This is you’re absolute 37th last chance. You stick a toe out of line again and you’ll get further warnings.




dude I love this as copypasta potential. something about it hits all the notes. the length, the ridiculous of it, the utterly pointless anger, its just a work of art.

They are but they know their place. Jannies know their worth.

Cept the trannies.

At least you got a warning

You can stop that #NotAllMen shit right now. We know it's not all men. Nobody here thinks that all men are bad. Nobody.

What we're saying is that enough men have been behaving poorly that all men have a responsibility to speak up.

You hear that? We have a gosh darn responsibility to speak up! There are some bad guys out there!

Nobody thinks all men are bad but all men are responsible for the actions of a few men.


Any time someone starts going off about how someone "has a responsibility to speak up" I figure they're just trying to rationalize hiw obnoxious thet are.

Anytime someone tries to bitch at me later for my behavior I saw they should have said something at the time, and claim they're the asshole.

I go even further and blame them for enabling me.

If I had a time machine I’d go back and murder Balzac.

Speak up and say what? “I wish dudes didn’t act like assholes?” People were saying that shit when they lived in caves.

That doesn't sound right. I'm pretty sure it was just a rape free-for-all until they invented feminism in the 60's.

Let the record show that I am officially taking a stand against the bad guyz

Imagine any other group saying this about their own kind. “Shut up about not all blacks already, we know when the alt right says hey hate niggers they only mean the bad ones”

But dont you realize that's fAlSe equivalency??????11

The funny part is that saying “women are hysterical” or “one explanation for the wage gap is that women are not as good negotiators" makes the worwt, most chauvinist pig on the face of the earth, even though there is an obvious implication that no one means "all women".

But don't you dare say "not all men!!!!!" Its obvious it's not all man and if you say that them it definitely means you must be taking a hint!!!!!

Dont make that argument different context and it's just... really gross.

And boy do they hate the "not all x" comparison with any other group

If there is one thing these twat danglers know best, it's hypocrisy

lol I just threw one down. Let's see how they react. I'm betting their soy-drunk mods are too incompetent to delete it before I get a couple nibbles.

its its iTS ITS FUCKING DIFFFFEREEEENTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They never say that about Muslims or black men.

Marketing is all women, this ad makes perfect sense

They probably did a marketing study and found out that it's wives buying their husbands' razors or something like that.

Bingo. Single men buy their own razors, but most married men probably have their wives buy their razors along with other household shopping. This ad makes them think about raising their sons to be good men (from a woman's perspective) and they go buy Gillette razors.

It’s current year, women do not do the household shopping

Stop by a store around midday lmao

Shut up, misogynist.

I doubt most men would let their wives buy their razors because if they did they would end up with shit bargain bin blades that chop up their faces. Men are generally choosy about the razor sharp blade they scrape over their exposed necks.

They pick their favorite brand/type of razor first and then have their wives buy refills.

Hmmm....maybe....would you trust your wife to pick your porn for you? Would you trust her to select the right woman to have an affair with? Of course not. I wish women could do these sorts of things for men, but they can’t.

Idk maybe it's my dumb ladybrain but I don't see the big deal with razors. I use "male branded" razors (paying for pink frilly razors with lotion is retarded) and they are all pretty much the same as long as you don't buy crappy cheap ones.

Yes, but Gillette razors now have added pretentiousness and 50% more judgement.

Imagine buying some 6 bladed monstrosity

"Honey, don't pick up Gillette razors for me anymore, they're part of the cabal of faggots that are trying to turn little Jimmy into a soyboy bitch."

And then your wife realizes that she married a loser online culture warrior

Implying that all mayo women aren't on Twitter posting "yaaaaas, queen slaaaaay!!!" whenever a chick with a dick says something sassy.

not being married to a beautiful Nubian queen or Latina princess

That's a yikes from me fam

a woman

Lol wtf

It's only temporary to encourage race mixing. Once she squirts out a few mixed babies you can leave her for superior bussy.

In that case you two deserve each other, but please don't reproduce.

Mom buys my razors and she buys the ones with the most blades so its soft on my sensitive skin. But if there's a metoo brand she'll probably buy that because she hates Drumpf.

Every single bit of this woke plague of retardation that is being visited upon us is because femoids control the majority of the household budgets.

People complained for decades that society catered to white middle class dudes, well now the shoe is on the other foot and this is what it looks like when society panders to white middle class gussy. Enjoy the ride into hell.

Women hate any man who isn’t a rough dom chad.



Also is that sub even more of an echo-chamber right now? Literally they only accept positive comments that agree with their unreflective position, whats the point of it?

When you’re as fragile as the average MensLib poster, any form of negativity can be enough to send you on a downward spiral of self-loathing and lead to suicide. The mod team need to keep their failsons alive because what’s the point of doing it for free if you have no one to do it for?

what's the point of it?

The entire reason for menslib's existence is to try and claim feminists care about issues facing men.

But the only "men's issue" feminist men are allowed to talk about is how much men suck. So, that's pretty much all they talk about.

I refuse to believe there are actual male people posting in menslib. This reads like it is straight out of 2X.

I called the mod out on being a cuck and was banned less than 30 seconds later (not an auto-ban, I got a custom message).

Do these fags just sit on reddit all day refreshing their notifications constantly?

They mod menslib. The fuck do you think?

^ Ayy lmao

i've noticed that all the "safe space" kinda subs ban you like, fucking seconds after you make the post. i too concluded they have no lives and probably spend all day online.

Imagine needing a giant corporation to tell you how to act. That's how you know someone grew up without a father figure

corporations are the good guys now, get with the times

I'm banned from menslib, so could one of you fucking commies do me a favor and go explain to them why BigBusiness taking over their message is a bad thing?

I used up my one post there to sper some equivalency shit, srry bb.

It's similar to how, recently, when people praise honesty and kindness, and all of the sudden that's a political statement. Which, sadly, it basically is.

Says the person who probably flips their shit if they see the phrase "all lives matter."



All these fucking retards arguing about what the commercial is supposed to mean but at the end of the day the company doesn't give a flying fuck if you, me, fuckin Ted Bundy, whoever, is buying the product.

They just want people to buy the product. These people are deranged if they really think they give a fuck about any social problems. The CEO of Gilette probably has his legs propped up on his desk, with a cigar lit, browsing r/WatchPeopleDie and laughing his ass off.

How did this fucking ad get so many dramatards to write essays?

Love how it’s only white men harassing women and brave blacks stepping in to stop them.

Also, the white guy sexually harassing a black woman? At least be realistic.

I wonder when the sjw machine will turn on women. That will be interesting.

They've already started, that's where /r/gendercritical comes in. People criticize white women for being white all the time too. They eat their own.

my bet is some trans drama in the olympics. the stakes there are a lot higher then some petty bathroom bs

Can't. The "sjw" machine is basically intersectional feminism and mayo women hold all the power in that movement. The "intersectional" part of that is where the middle class college educated white woman gets to use some random latina or gay kid as oppression "black face".

I can't decide if chapo, r politics, or menslib is the bigger stain on human history. By the logic of this Gillette ad, it's wrong to approach a woman on the street. We can look forward to the same low birth rates as Japan if these trash bags get their way. What's their solution to finding a mate if approaching one under any circumstance is wrong?? Wait for the girls to come to us? Because they totally do that.

it's wrong to approach a woman on the street

This is true but only if you're a mayo

Men are frothing at the mouth over suggestions that they not rape and bully people. Wonder why society looks down on them.

Wow, is it wrong that I want every single person in that thread to be set adrift upon the Endless Ocean?

So there I was, putting on my rape shoes, and practicing my sexual harassment pickup lines this morning. I just got done cyberbullying my coworkers. It was time to shave, I yelled at my wife to smile because I demand it, while pinching her butt right after she told me she didn't consent to it. Putting on the shaving cream and thinking about how I can get my son into a fight at the next BBQ, I replaced the worn Gillette brand Mach3 and began to chant "boys will be boys" as I started to shave. Then suddenly my daughter burst into the bathroom holding her phone. As I began to mansplain to her why she isn't smart enough to know my shaving time is my time she showed me the new Gillette ad. I realized how my every view and behavior I've ever held dear was wrong. I'm calling in sick at the toxic masculinity factory today and registering Democrat. Thanks Gillette, now excuse me while I help to impeach.

I wish we all had like Roman emperor style haircuts bring those back imo

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy"

I would not be surprised if they consulted with psychologists and educators in making this video.

Fucking snorted my morning coffee because of this retard.

Remember Procter & Gamble owns Gillette.

They see a 2% downtick in Gillette sales, big fucking whoop.

They see a 2% downtick across all brands and it's a fucking disaster

Men who think this way must know how tiny a minority they are? Only like 8% of men identify as feminist. 60-65% of men vote Republican. And while wives spend a lot of money, they don't really pick the brands their husbands buy for things like this. Those men already had preferences before meeting their wives. The wife is just the one who physically goes to the store and hands the money to the teller.

If this was a brand of cheese, or detergent, or even something like shampoo, they'd have a point. But men already have razor preferences.