Friendly reminder that this is what r/politics thinks is breaking news. Enough so to apparently warrant 50k upvotes

1  2019-01-14 by nayytay


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Imagine actually posting in r/drama

whites don't deserve human rights

whites don’t deserve any rights, let alone human.

Based and redpilled

Based and redpilled

That rhymes!

this but unironically

You literally can't though cause those are all of them, sweaty...

Lolbertarians at it again.

That's why it's known as a meme ideology 🤣

I mean, that is pretty fucking funny.

Friendly reminder that this isn't /r/the_donald you fucking retard.

Imagine not hating both /r/politics and /r/the_donald

Imagine thinking this post is drama.

😭😭I’ve failed you😫😫

Imagine cryposting about r/politics on r/drama

As dumb as it is for you to just whinepost this, the hospital he's goin to is a workd renowned PRIVATE clinic and not part of the government healthcare system so theyre being just as retarded as you.

(((Yes that’s kind of the point)))


They say it receives some public funding.

They recieve some funding because they take patients from the healthcare system but also do purely for-profit intake. They're not a part of the socialized system, is the point.

While private hospitals are not allowed under Ontario's Private Hospitals Act,[2] Shouldice is one of seven private hospitals in the province grandfathered under the Act.

but also do purely for-profit intake

So these 7 private hospitals are the only ones allowed for-profit intake?

Yup. They're the only ones in Ontario you can use to skip the line for a cash payment.

You are actually agreeing with him there buddy. /r/politics is throwing a fit over a private individual going to a private institution to get a procedure. If you can afford the best fucking hospital for a certain condition you’d be a fucking fool not to go. It’s not about socialized medicine or whatever the fuck the lunatics on that sub (and ed) are making this about.

You are actually agreeing with him there buddy

Excellent deduction, champ. Was it the part where I explicitly agreed with him that tipped you off?


shh yourself

that part with dumb shits like you sperg out even when agreeing with other people lmaaooooo

Hmm, a country with socialized medicine spending their tax money to support a freeloading foreigner coming across their southern border? You don't say.