DANGEROUS FAGGOT seeks asylum in the USA to OWN FEMINISTS and SUCK BLACK DICK epic style.

1  2019-01-15 by Oh_hamburgers_


You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


  1. This Post - Outline

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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

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I swear this bot is sentient, sometimes.

Fuck off, we're full

Common sense immigration policy right there.




Always room for one more bottom

Imagine a Jew fleeing oppression like it is 1941 instead of 2019.

Sea wall now

I saw a guy on the sidewalk today with bleached hair and sunglasses. Apparently the Milo look is still going strong today despite his financial troubles.

I'm sure BLACKED will take him in if he dresses Luke a soccer mom

I could squeeze my hog to that tbh

this reeks of desperation lol. do you think this stunt's even gonna get picked up outside the conservative rags? the whole "sharia britain" angle is so played out, i just dont think anyone cares anymore.

Honestly I'd actually prefer to see the Britbongs under Sharia Law cause those lobster cunts have it coming for decades.

By Allah and the queen I will behead all those that stand against the empire

Be me


Rule the waves and shit

take colonies all over the world to get the shekels for the queen

loose it all

Even potato redheads beat me

streetshitters flood my country, ghandis revenge

country gets mayocided

Lock him up in a cage (but not the same cage with the kiddies) for 18 months and then ship him back.

Milo, an example on how to blow up your career in a minute.

This is just getting sad.

Your time is coming Milo.
