Girlfriend admits to her boyfriend that she gave birth alone then killed the baby out of panic but she's wife material so no biggie

1  2019-01-15 by charming_tatum



You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. This Post -,,,

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What a trainwreck of a bot.

Don't you dare talk to Snappy like that!

Fuck off normie

Fuck off faggot

lmao, we should encourage him and crowdfund him some diapers and a crib, and see what happens

Oops I panicked and killed my newborn

The one who has never killed a newborn should cast the first stone.

This but as it is


that happens, people make mistakes from time to time, give her a break

Abortion is legal you misogynist. Her body her decision.

I thought you were exaggerating about some abortion.. You ain't..

I think its real too. If it were bait or someone trolling I imagine he'd be in there responding and rousing retards

Jesus christ I hope it's not. He may end up dead too if she finds it he fucking blabbed about it on the internet.

she gave birth by herself (which is pretty cool)

What's wrong with this kid that this is one of his takeaways? If he does marry her and she kills the kid (which would be totally surprising) at least this dumbasses genes won't live on.

It's such a weird takeaway. "Hey, turns out my girlfriend kidnapped and tortured the neighbors kid (who knew she was so good with knots LOL am I dating an Eagle Scout or something!?).

"I was really surprised how quick the kid turned purple when she strangled him. I love a girl with a good grip!"

What the guy said was even worse though.

Not going to a hospital is reckless to your baby's life anyways.

One could argue that so is killing it.

Lol exactly!

Infanticide is just sex in reverse tbh

It is just an abortion done late

As expected of whitefoids.

The baby was a boy. She did the right thing.

Just imagine if /u/MasterLawlz 's mother had done the same.

How do you know this isn't Lawlz' mom? #theboywholived

Low-key bait or authentic retard?


Poe's law is fucking terrifying

She's a keeper. You'll never know when a talent for murder might come in handy.

The conservtards have been trying to take this right away from women for decades!! We cant let them do it!

not sure if the best part is '(which is pretty cool)' or that guy calling this girl 'wife material' when they're 18 and she's this

I mean I like crazy girls too but

(Maybe some advice for women out there)[

Could maybe put it in a Tampax commercial for women to behave better

IRL yikes

Send her to confession, it's like therapy without the mandated reporter.