My wife’s son loved this commercial.

1  2019-01-15 by wont-take-it


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This but unironically

Inspiring to see you're so open about it!

Props to Gillette for triggering so many faggots.

Men are bad particularly white men. It's even worse when those white men are straight. But fear not, thanks to top gay scientists in the gay agenda we are two years away from The Gay Gun. The Gay Gun will shoot its rainbow energy all over a straight white man bukkake style. Before he knows it he's sucking cock and loving it. This is how we mayocide without firing a (non rainbow) bullet.

Wouldn't it be easier just to neuter boys as infants?


I'm too large and hairy to bottom though.

There are larger and hairier

No such thing

You could be a power bottom

Sexism, racism, heterophobia... very good!

Gay gun?


Gay Ray sounds much better.

How about a Queer Spear?

Faggot Sabot

The Blunderbussy

Homosexual air-petrol

The Gay Gun will shoot its rainbow energy all over a straight white man bukkake style. Before he knows it he's sucking cock and loving it.

I think crack cocaine can have the same effect, can't it? I'm sure there's a documentary where a crack addict warns the interviewer that if he tries crack, he may end up sucking his dick.

Thank you /r/.ItMightBeABrainTumor, very cool!

Here’s one triggered faggot now

If straight black men are the white people of black people, what is the exchange rate for straight white males to straight black males? Am I worth 3/5 of a black guy?

The islamic gay gun

Proctor & Gamble (Gillette's owners) are epic trolls. Here's the commercial about race they made a couple of years ago. They're clearly onside with the mayocide!

That ad was great.

Jesus the comments on that are even worse than the recent one

This isn't any different from reality, I just don't know why they used it to push shampoo.

You are not gonna let that word hurt you

Is that how “the conversation” goes in black homes? Isn’t it more like “if someone says that word it’s your right... no, your duty to start throwing haymakers”?

You are not gonna let that word hurt you



It is a fighting word, you pussy.

That’s not how we do things, ok?

That's not how beta cunskins do things

Lol can you imagine if white people had to deal with that shit.

Sucking black pee pee isn’t really triggering as so much bazaar

Like calling somone rolling in shit and making everyone disgusted an epic troll

Shits just dumb fam

Fucking kek.

totally bazaar i can't understand why they'd do this

Ok lol that’s funny

Oh my god those MR faggots

Compared to them feminists are stoic heroes

Sucking black pee pee isn’t really triggering as so much bazaar Like calling somone rolling in shit and making everyone disgusted an epic troll Shits just dumb fam

And I retarded or are you retarded? Because I don't understnad what you just said

He meant "bizarre" not "bazaar"

so you both are 😘

radical centrism

If not being retarded is centrist then yea I guess

Like calling somone rolling in shit and making everyone disgusted an epic troll

Shits just dumb fam


Go to drama

complain about shit being dumb.

Why would anyone do this?

Props to Procter and Gamble. People need to learn one or two megacorps own your favourite brand products.


I'm ardently pro-masculinity but the reaction to this...😬

Do you think these people are on /r/drama

I havent even watched the thing, yet its still so easy to trigger people with it

Good for drama, bad for making money.

I wonder which one of these the P&G board will care about?

It's great that Wil Wheaton has come back to social media

Shut up Wesley!

What kind of lowlife up votes YouTube comments

Ikr? I only downvote.

Nice attempt at destabilising Youtube. I wonder what this does
Pokes report button

Downvoting does nothing

Not true. A down vote does not change the score, but it does signal "attention" for the comment the same as a like does, pushing it further up so more people will see it. So it's worse than doing nothing

It literally doesn't even make a network request (Last time I checked at least)

Shutup science.

This is basically NPC meme but the rightoids are incensed. If you are upseet, don't worry--it'll blow over in a couple days

The BEST kind of lowlife.

I'm a simple retard faggot lowlife, when see a comment, I upvote. Except when i downvote.

This is good for upcomment.

They’re called likes you neckbeard

Did Gillette's marketing team rent out /r/drama for this whole week?

We are one of the most popular subreddits on all of Reddit, according to such great institutions of journalism as Vice and The New York Times, so it would be totally worth it.

The original thread is so full of non-drama posters I dunno if its a great thing or a dilemma. BPT and GC posters everywhere.


probs gendercritical

We the cool kids table dawg

Wow, /u/AnnArchist replied to mypost. All my /r/Drama dreams have finally come true.

Sadly, now that I've peaked, it's nothing but agenda-posting from here on out. I'll never top this.

wait you aren't being paid by Procter & Gamble company™?????

imagine being on /r/drama for free lmao

Its just Rightoids chimping out. Did the same with Nike which made their sales go up.

It was such a massive chimpout that they managed to get the thread on all and have a bunch of all posters flood in

Yes. But our only payment was coupons on disposable razors. To activate your discount, go to gillets wepage and use coupon code "triggered."

Dunno what the fuck is going on here at r drama but just dropping by to say Gillette’s soy boy promo team deffo on suicide watch and for good reason with their garbage ads😂😂

Yeah how can a multi-billion dollar company ever recover from a bunch of triggered retards downvoting their ad on youtube

When those triggered retards never buy a single Gillette product again and the vast majority of males becomes disgusted at their public image? Yea that will ruin any business

The vast majority of males aren't fucking losers that care about an add campaign. Guys will still buy Gillette products because not all guys are sensitive little pussies like you who get triggered by marketing lmao

Step off the internet every once and awhile you might learn a thing or 2

vast majority of males

I know. This guy is hilarious.

Well trust me it isn’t woman or males that approve of the commercial disliking the ad... it’s the customers who are disgusted by it. And as seen a VAST MAJORITY are. Hahahaha

The brony in the screenshot and the other anime loving neckbeards in the comments are surely the core demographic of giltette

Core of Gillette are hardworking adult men, which the left lacks and the right has in spades. Despite your sarcasm you hit the nail on the head. 👌

thinking all the butthurt retards in the YouTube comments are hardworking adult men


Hardworking adult men wouls never voluntarily watch an ad on youtube

Yes I'm sure the right wing soyboys who can't grow a beard will truly affect Gillette's sales

I see you’ve compiled a jumble of words here that make no sense. The right wing comprises of the hard workers the middle class the common taxpayer. They are by definition the opposite of soy boys and you can bet yourself they will be voting with their money moving onto a new company. The left wing soy boys however, comprising of multi hair coloured “things” of all brand new genders that surely do have trouble growing beards will however have little to no affect on Gillette , despite their support of the garbage ad😂😂

I mean the right wing consists largely of poor education low income families, with those with higher disposable income and greater education more likely to vote democrat.

So I mean your wrong and then you are assuming that most working class people actually give a shit about this pointless little drama as apposed to some circle jerk on webforum and a couple of youtubers who make their money of those idiots.

Adolf Hitler was literally the original soyboy.

A Hitler Youth manual from the 1930s promoted soya beans, which it called “Nazi beans” as an alternative to meat.

In 1942, Hitler told Joseph Goebbels that he intended to convert Germany to vegetarianism when he won the war.

Go fuck yourself, honestly.

Trump supporters are the hardest working people in the country. These are the people who go to work every day, wipe the sweat from their brow, and still smile in order to save face in front of their children. These are the people who make America great, and even in the midst of their struggles, all they ask for is a hand up, not a hand out.

How dare you generalize about a group of people, and call us meth addicts and high school dropouts. Sure, most people at Ivy League universities are liberal, but that isn't because conservatives are any stupider, we're not, it's because of the difference in values. Conservatives don't see the worth of their child by how low the acceptance rate on the various university that they applied to is, they see the worth of their child as intrinsic, and nothing will change that. For you to mock and demur an entire segment of the population is pathetic. Shame on you.

And fwiw, there are more Trump supporters at any Ivy League campus than illegal aliens.

It's the Youtube echo chamber. Youtube's users have long thought that the YT user base is representative of the entire planet.

When you multi account with three other people who are all doing the same thing and have nothing else to do all day, it can feel like there are a lot of other incels out there who feel the same way as you do.

Sadly they haven't figured out the enlightenment that is meth and bussy yet as we have here in drama.

I mean this is every website.

If you followed reddit in 2015 you actually thought Bernie’s Sanders had chance of doing something.

The kinds of men who like ads like this all have hipster beards.

still believing that people support your leftoid shit outside of your bubble

Oh sweetie, you should try going outside sometime. The workers don't want to be comcucks who touch kids.


I’m sure that normal people will stop buying their razor brand because of a commercial. Everyone is as interested in culture war bullshit as people who post on Reddit.


EA shares literally went up in value

Well they didn't when Duce fucked up. Ea won't die as long as they hold Fifa and Ever other sports game. But they will kill DICE if they cause another major fuck up. That's kinda my point mashalla.

They won't kill DICE as long as they make Frostbite.

I wouldn't want them to die, that's bad for drama coin.

Bioware is one fuck up away from being EA'd.

For like a day. They're down 50% since because Battlefield V was a massive failure, SW Battlefront 2 was a massive failure, and all they seem to be doing lately is falling massively. But that's because EA's core audience is gamers. Doing what they did is like a lit mag hiring Steve Bannon as editor in chief, it's not relevant to most companies

Also most stocks went down late last year. It's like Diablocels were dancing on ATVI's grave at the same point despite literally no one on wall street giving a shit about their phone meme.

That’s the beauty of marketing to 12 year olds who can steal mom’s credit card and making micro-transactions a core mechanic in your games.

good thing that nothing the free market wills can ever be bad

Sold over 7 Million copies and made profit.

600k downvotes though.

"made profit". If you know shareholders you know that "making profit" isn't enough for them. It's expexted. And BFV didn't really score that good compared to BF1.

👌🙌🏾C 🤣 P E🙌🏾👌

Yeah, the downvotes don’t matter at all. I matter what EA did, the man-children will still buy the space capeshit special edition.

Star Wars

Yet it’s still one of the best performing franchises in the world

Disney literally reported Star War non profitable.

31 October 2018

Believing film studio tax hijinx to own the libs

Unironically believes beeing against mega cooperation is somehow a magatard opinion

Day of workers revolution when?


Can I get a bussy Pic before your mental breakdown?

Thanks sweatie 😘

Before Hans Yolo

Yeah because liberals like to buy shit games it's only the right that didn't.

Liberals don't equal all of the left, sweatie. 😘


Imagine trying to sell couple razors for $50 and telling people to man up.

Given the traction this is getting, the boys at the marketing department at Gillette are getting a raise, if anything.

hahahaha you’re high as balls friend. They getting fired without a pay check. Gillette got scorched

God I hate tourists

Upvote this if you’ve been here for more than 1 month 😎

GTFO if you've been here less than a year tbh

I cant even be bothered to post here anymore

Have you ever heard the statement “there is no such thing as bad publicity?” Retards like you are the reason they make ads like this, because it gets them talked about.

tell that to kevin spacey

No such thing as bad publicity is true to an extent, not in and out a 100 percent fact. Good publicity beats bad publicity. Gillette alienated a large portion of their customer base. Now tel me that adds up with your regurgitated statement 😂😂😂👋🏿

Like .1% of their customer base might stop buying their razors for a month or two and then forget about the whole thing. The billion dollar company will be fine.

20k likes 300k dislikes. I imagine much much more than “ like.1 “ will stop, and once you stop as you say it’s that easy to forget about Gillette and continue with the new razor company you’ve picked up! Billion dollar companies maintain themselves by learning from mistakes. Gillette will never, ever make this mistake again, so on that basis I agree they might be alright .

People like to go with the crowd and dislike stuff. I’m guessing the vast majority couldn’t really give a shit though, and will maintain their razor buying habits.

Listen tourist, no one cares about a commercial. The vast majority of people who buy their disposable razors are not going to make the effort to switch disposable razors over a commercial. Only retards who are super invested in culture wars will have this affect them, and since most of those people don’t shave their legs or neck beards, this will have a negligible affect on sales.

Now, do you wish to be enlightened by the light of radical centrism?

If United Airlines could get away with ordering security to beat up an old man until he begs for death and drag him off the plane, and still manage to increase their profits in the same year, I think it's safe to say that Internet outrage is thoroughly toothless to megacorps.

America is very invested in a cultural war boy so as you yourself said, this will impact them and their opinions heavily. This all have a huge affect on sales and will undoubtedly have taught Gillette a huge lesson on advertisement , should they ever get the chance to rectify it . Glad I could educate you, civilian.

You are dumb. Your views are even dumber.

No drama

Be the drama you want to see.

Bought some Gillette to support the drama. Hope they continue to do so

I am out of the loop, what's this Gillette talk on r/Drama all of a sudden? I'm too lazy and dumb to google this on my own.

They made a woke new ad campaign.

Most importantly, the post got onto r/all and lots of normies are invading r/drama

January 2019 will go down as the moment r/drama officially jumped the shark. Between having posts with thousands of comments and getting mentioned in the Guardian and NYT, there's no going back now.

Just keep commenting slurs they would flee

Then you’ll get a bunch of Nazi LARPers and autistic neo-pagans instead

They are already here :(

That's why we need to be inclusive with our slurs, so they don't feel welcome either.

you hit the jackpot there

No one is safe. When some retard leftist or Magacel sees a retarded post here and thinks it’s their home, they’re immediately hit with slurs directed at their nigger mindsets too. And that’s usually enough to get em to leave I believe

Yeah... Those slurs are totally equal in terms of weight and social context..

They don't have to be equal. We use the nuclear options in this sub.

Fair nuff

Holy fuck you're so gay

No, comrade.


Sadly mayo can't compete with nigger

this lol

i laugh everytime people say "/r/drama is a second T_D!"

no u fools /r/drama mocks everyone equally

no one is safe

First our pings yet taken away. Then we get invaded my normies. 😭😭😭.

It's time to end it all.

Mayocide now.

Get the nooses lads

Say normies again, I want to cringe harder.


normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies normies v


I am a bot. Contact for questions

Abysmal bot.

le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD le cringe XD

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

The truth hurts 😢

Good bot.

This level of autism.

Alright faggot 😂😂😂

Cringe is crigiest word

Cringe Oof Welp Yikes

Back in the olden days this was a high quality subreddit full of joyful pinging and artistically reposting nudes of powerusers

This is the way it was always going to end.

We gotta get this shit quarantined. It's the only way.

As long as I don't get left out I'm down with going private

What did drama do to "jump the shark"?

This is about as real as the Sourceforge's "My son loves it. Thank you for your work guys!" comments on software projects.

I really don’t know why ppl hate on the video tho. I genuinely like it, it’s saying let’s break the fuckin repetition of “men” and treat ppl fairly and not be after “ bitches”and material things, or bully ppl, and be the husband that cooks dinner most nights,. How is that bad?

I genuinely like it

Did you're wife's boyfriend like it too?

Lmao I get the joke. But just because I like the video and think men can be more than what the majority of white men make us out to be, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t beat the shit out of someone. So stfu and let me have my opinion.

Lmao I get the joke.

I dont think you do.

Explain it to me then since I don’t get it

The.only.people. upset. by. the. add .are.closet.clobberers. who.secretly .want. dick. in. their. mouths.

Woaw sorry not everybody can understand your high IQ cuck jokes that have been endlessly spewed since 2015

If only we could be as intelligent as you

If only we could be as intelligent as you

Well, apparently consuming soy and sperm boosts IQ - so keep doing what you're already doing. You'll get there eventually.

Oh I’m sorry was that supposed to be insulting or hurt my feelings?

Well, I’m not the kind of sensitive little snowflake to get triggered by an ad from a razor company. so you’ll have to try harder than that.

Oh I’m sorry

Appology accepted. Now go drink your soy.

Repeating the same joke since 2015 again?

Lmao I bet you think the leftist npc meme is hilarious too and can’t find the irony in it.

Peace out dork, don’t forget to take your Vitamin D pills or your mom will get mad.

Repeating the same joke since 2015 again?

One day you'll get the joke.

We get cuck and soyboy jokes. We always have. We just never have thought they’re funny.

At least 4 years ago they were original.

Come up with something new at least, other than getting your feelings hurt over a commercial.

getting your feelings hurt over a commercial.

I'll just leave this here.

I think getting upset over any ad is stupid. That one included.

If I was angry at that ad, then oooh you sure would’ve got me. But I wasn’t. I didn’t even hear about it until now, and I don’t care.

being angry at an ad is fuckin stupid. Grow a pair and some thicker skin.

Vitamin D pills

*Brain Force Plus

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cuck jokes. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of their own dicks most of the jokes will go over a typical redditor's head.

Oh no, I got the cuck joke, I just wanted him to say it since he thinks I didn’t get the joke

white men specifically make men seem violent

there is no other demographic of men that would contribute to this perception

Absolutely galaxy brained


Gottem rekt lmao

It's a classic case of 'if the hat fits'. Males who subscribe to toxic masculinity and are defined by it, feel targeted and singled out because they identify with the negative attributes being shown, and whine about being lectured, because in their mind being a man innately qualifies them to know better and be right about everything.

Then there are mature and mentally developed adult males, who identify with the positive attributes being shown, and nod in approval.

They totally know. They have finally learned sarcasm.

being this cuck

Banned for screenposting.


When will people realize companies dont give a shit about anything expect making money and pretending to care will get you paid.

I'm surprised they didn't have an anti meat message in the mix given all the BBQ-ing.

Make me.