*blocks your path*

1  2019-01-15 by Ed_ButteredToast


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Ban me from /r/wickededge if you want, but the fusion proglide is fucking great.

the fusion proglide

imagine being rich enough to afford those kinds of blades regularly 😭😭😭

Ah, a man of culture

Hydro 5 > Fusion tbh.

Real men use straight razors. Nothing helps you achieve a good shave like knowing one mistake can end your life.

More quality content from Ed, I am unironically thankful you absolute faggot.

Thank you, daddy!! πŸ’ž(β—‘β€Ώβ—‘βœΏ)πŸ’ž

Pube-faced incels on suicide watch

Real question here, is there actually any point to your razor having five blades?

Not that I can tell tbh.

In fact, I have switched to double-edged razors and they don't seem to shave any worse. In fact I like double edges more because the blade region doesn't 'flex'. Plus the blades are much more affordable.

That said, when shaving places other than the face,

He means his nards

I was implying the bussy


You can shave my bussy any day sweaty 😘

You cheating slut! πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘

It's 2019 sweaty! You guys can tag team πŸ˜‰


If you're able to shave your sack then there is something wrong with your balls.....or maybe mine actually? Fuck, now I'm worried.

You gotta be really gentle with it 😘

Plus it's better than using trimmers, I've had those nick my funsack before. It was NOT FUN.

Different strokes for different folks I guess πŸ˜…

Stroke me 😘

It really helps if you have thick follicles and pores. If you have thin facial hair (less of a man) then probably not

The chad hypertrichosis vs the virgin normie


Hypertrichosis is excessive hair growth over and above the normal for the age, sex and race of an individual

Thickness != hypertrichosis

Says the man too feminine to grow a full body beard


less of a man

Okay foid

yeah they really help to cut through the tree-trunk thick stubble that a real non-cucked man ha- hold on touches earpiece

i mean they're necessary for cutting through the bullshit of the patriarchy and toxic masculinity

Finally a corporation that supports mayocide

Where's the joke

to your right

Dude gillette lmao.

πŸ™ŒπŸΎEd creating quality content as always✊🏿



Be the best man your wife will let you be.

totally not triggered

Gtfo normiecel. Only men insecure in their own masculinity could be so triggered by this.

NO! I prefer BIC!

Get over here bic gurl

They're absolutely SEETHING.