Lindsay Shepherd calls out degenerate who is using trans identity to perv on girls in change rooms, gets censored by Twitter. Remember folks its a hate crime not to call pedophiles by their preferred pronoun!

1  2019-01-15 by zenmasterzen3


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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fuck you retard

This video is well worth the watch:

  • obvious pedophile
  • "if there's like 30 girls in the change room, how many of them would you say are out there changing freely with their vaginas and tits out?"
  • takes selfies in toilet showing women
  • sues women who refuse to wax his male genitalia
  • reviews female sex toys despite having male genitalia
  • politician defends this freak and insists women can "have balls"
  • brags about getting Meghan Murphy banned people from twitter
  • demands she get prosecuted for hate crime

sues women who refuse to wax his male genitalia

The guy has already won a bunch of money from this too. He asks for like $20k for him to drop them from the suit and a few companies have already paid up and got dropped.

Sounds like easy money until you get a place that will do it.

He may be in some shit because the one case he dropped, the woman and her lawyer pushed for it to be re-opened. I really don't think JY is understanding the streisand effect because the more I see this stuff get shuttered, the angrier people will get. Genuinely think it's a matter of time before someone unhinged enough try's something

That tard went after the farms when he got a thread of his own there. Now they've been making his life a little harder for the last month or so because he DMCA'd a youtube live stream that was set up to dunk on him for being a sicko.

Absolutely wouldn't be shocked to find this thread eventually deleted by admins once that guy threatens them.

And to top it off, he's a fucking leaf

Day of the Rake when

This is the same faggot who demands women wax his junk?

Have you seen the Kiwifarms thread about this creepy fuck? And I'm surprised it took them as long as it did to take her tweet down

Who is this chick. She seems to be Canadian which makes me question whether anything she says is worth listening to.

She was a graduate or post doc student that was 86ed for showing a Kermit video to a class during a supplemental lecture.

Memerson is what Kermit the frog will become when he snaps and kills Mrs Piggy

Lindsey Shepard. She was in the news like a year ago for being fired from her TA position at a Canadian college for playing a youtube video of a literal nazi including Milo.

Milo wan't even in the vid, he was just one of the two people that they compared Kermit to. The other being Hitler of course.

She exposed kindergarten college students to lobster man, and was then star chambered, and is now being sued for it.

A qt.

Fucking 🦊

One of those canuck tradthots people throw money at. I think she has a Muslim husband or something? Heheh.

I don't understand why a lot of these activists say that "biological human female" is controversial and needs to be changed but they ignore it when it comes to "biological human male"

Who the fuck are these people and where's the readable parts

Your title is legitimate cancer

lindsay, i would kill for you. my queen.


fuck off no one cares. Your title is cringeworthy as fuck and belongs in /r/the_donald

Lol u mad bro?

It's a well known fact the LGBTXYZ community is full of pedophiles.