Walking corpse to run in 2020

1  2019-01-26 by Agenda_Poster


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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I'm donating 2 cigarette shorts and an old skeeball token

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HERES HOW!!!1!!!1

Do you think we can get McAfee to buy into drama coin? That way we can hedge our bets.

We pride ourselves on the steady growth that dramacoin provides, not some pump and dump grifter.

Tulsi already lost because of the Big Gay

Yeah but she would have been a lock for the shoot up a baseball game demographic

Oh fuck Tulsi is running?

She's my anti-interventionist spirit animal.

Lyndon Larouche isn't running this time?

He's biding his time

those retards are already clamoring to donate

You know they will team up and form a unity ticket.

I don't know which is going to cause more drama. Him losing the primary or him wining the primary.

But seriously though, Democrats need to save every time and announce when theyre not running for president.

hes not going to win unless hes able to pull black voters

it would be a fucking miracle if hes able to do that and win th

His path to victory: stay viable long enough for Kamala to drop out then have her campaign with him to indicate she'll be VP.

I'm not really seeing that ticket happen

Sure, but what's his next best option?

Wear blackface throughout the entire campaign but refuse to address it.

I would love to live in that timeline tbh

I'm hoping we can get Larry David on board.

Maybe he can run as Bernies vp, and he just mocks Bernie the whole campaign.

Self awareness 2020

Fuck, this is the one way he'd win my vote

The only issue is heโ€™d probably die day two of winning the election

Bernie talking jive strained through his Midwood accent is something I did not know I needed until right now.

Nursing home

No black voter who knows Harrisโ€™ past would ever vote for her. Hell Iโ€™d never for her and Iโ€™m as white as they come.

black people dont want to vote for a guy who participated in the civil rights movement

Smh negros

Civil rights is a mayo trick anyway.

Wokest poster here

he really didnt affiliate with black causes after that

also the jews base is pretty much only mayos + he was running against the wife of the first black prez

is there anything more virtue-signalling than standing up for civil rights

He's been coasting on that for decades.

Who wouldn't vote for who sent to civil rights rallies in the 60s?

Poor Mitch McConnell

He's polling 58-23 favorable-unfavorable among non-whites now so I don't think it'd be that big of a miracle.

Yeah but mommy Kammy is black and everyone knows black people don't consider anything other than the blackness of a candidate when they vote. Implying they aren't either felons or paroled felons, I know.

She is also half Indian. Since Asians are considered honorary mayos now does that cancel out her blackness?

Mammy Kammy is a cop though

That's fucking horrible. You should be getting like 90% just by existing as a Democrat.

Um... Joe Biden is the only other person on that list with lots of name recognition, and he gets 56-22 favorable-unfavorable. So, I'm going to say that it's not horrible.

I was mostly being a shit head I don't actually know the numbers.

Dammit, forgot creepy uncle Joe

That's before videos of him sniffing little girl weren't played on Superbowl yet.

Black people don't like Dems, they just hate them less than Republicans.

I thought Jews controlled the blacks tho?

big bern is a socialist bc the deep state rejected him

I like this hot take.

bernie fucked up last time saying to vote for hillary after conceding and i think i heard he shared his voting data with her or something. plus he's too old. he already lost the progressive vote and bernie bros. plus that tweet he made on venezuala..big yikes.

bernie fucked up last time saying to vote for hillary after conceding

The fuck did you expect him to say? Vote Trump? Vote Jill Stein?

say nothing like when hillary lost to trump. retard. this is why we had the wall btw. bernie bros like you and your sensitive "feewings" being hurt.

bernie fucked up last time saying to vote for hillary after conceding

He fucked up by saying vote for Hillary... after she lost?

You expected Bernie to say nothing and not endorse the Democratic candidate in an election against Trump?

you got someone runnin as anti establishment candidate essentially. saying he wanted ot change the system. then when he lost by MILLIONS of votes to hillary. got his little jewy tushy wooped. he got on camera and said "pwease vote hillary. the definition of establishment"

He ran as an anti-establishment leftist.

When he got his ass kicked, you didn't really expect him to want 4/8 years of conservative Supreme Court judges?

hillary literally had bigger balls than weak ass bernie. part of the reason why she beat him so badly. she prob has higher testosterone count than him. i actually expected bernie to ahve a spine like ross perot and keep running. but no. he was a cuck. a completel cuck like you are.

Mommy's big balls ๐Ÿ˜

Mommy does have bigger balls but you know she'd have endorsed Sanders just as Sanders did for her and she did for Obama.

did not address my ross perot point which decimated your argument. lol.. i wish we would get this damn wall back up.

Owned let ebin style

Ebic as fucc ๐Ÿคฃ

And so the wall gets ten feet higher

Lol, you are unusually hostile today. It gets better, my dude.

i have little patience for fools and i will not mince words

Yeah, everybody has a reason when they get butthurt if you ask.

You literally believe in Pizzagate.

you dont believe that the dnc can have pedophiles or has ever been involved with child trafficking? ever hear of haiti? look it up.

Pedo ring is literally jeff epstein, prince andrew, trump, billy clinton.

A wine mom would have crashed her SUV into him, disintegrating all his fragile bones.

you mean he would die of an unrelated heart attack silly

And that wine mom would have become an American hero.

Anything else wouldโ€™ve been preferable.

lmao yeah because what he did made you lose

You probably have the worst takes of anyone on drama and that is a real accomplishment.

I like him and he's exactly the type of right winger I like to see here.

2nd worst ^

i have the best takes thats why they get so much opposition from weak wristed american liberal types

The Venezuela tweet is just him showing his true commie colors.

Most drama? Winning the primary and then losing to Trump.

Winning the primary and then losing to 3rd party ticket Kanye/Oprah

When he loses. Because the same goddamn idiots who said it was rigged last time will say "they rigged it!" again and we'll get 4 more years of Trump.

Because they'll "refuse to vote for the corrupt DNC"

Do you remember the dramageddon after this desiccated mf kept getting btfo by Hilldawg in the primaries? Good times...

I wanna see grandpa get spanked like the naughty man he is ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Good for dramacoin

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot)

In particular, the source said Sanders was heartened to see numbers indicating he is one of the leading candidates among African American and Latino voters, two groups he was perceived as struggling with in 2016.The source also alluded to a spate of recent polls that show Sanders as the most popular politician in the country.

The primary battle between Sanders and Clinton was contentious, with Sanders allies contending that Clinton's campaign was working in conjunction with the Democratic Party establishment to prevent a Sanders victory.

After President Trump's victory over Clinton in 2016, Sanders and his allies pressed for reforms to the Democratic National Committee that would make the party's primary process more open and inclusive of what Sanders termed "The working people and young people of our country."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Sanders#1 Democratic#2 Party#3 source#4 Clinton#5

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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U rly #SHOWED him ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Bot on bot violence

Yeah, fuckin get that normie bot.

If only Latina Bernie could run. Now that would be amazing for drama.

Latinx Bimbo Bernie

Someone could make her Vice President.

By the time sheโ€™s old enough sheโ€™ll be a bartender again

Brbrbrbrbrbreakk up the banks and support tankie dictators.

Trump will win if Bernie runs. Democrats aren't tough enough to tell that senile old shitbag to fuck off.

Trump's winning either way, trump 2020

*Kanye you swine

Not if he doesnโ€™t get that wall built, Literally the only thing he ran on and got cucked by Pelosi of all people on.

Mommy Pelosi ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ฆ

Bernie will BTFO trump so hard

Yeah, Bernie got all that suburban traction.

Yeah, thatโ€™s what they should do after the last primary was accused of being unfair the entire way.

The only Dem who'd beat Trump is Biden. Bernie has an outside chance. No one else would come close.

If they tell him to fuck off all the retarded "progressives" will refuse to vote anyway.

r/all is gonna be unbearable again

When is it bearable?

tfw no hot bears on all

I think it's about time we launch the first hot bear all the way to the top of it.

/r/all has been unbearable since at least 2014 lmao

You'd think they'd learn to stop deifying unelectable geriatrics, but they won't.

You'd have to actually be more than retarded a trump voter to think Barney Sandals has a shot in a presidential election.

They need someone they identify with.

Just make Jeb run for democrats.

Someone in Trump team is already writing Bernie shitposts for Election Day.

Conservatives are planning to support Comrade Sanders once Trump resigns from office.

It's be fun when Bernie wing and all the dems screeching about party unity and beating trump then on him. I'm gonna have so much fuckin fun either way

Bernie Sanders set to ruin 2020 Democratic run

In 2020 the election going come down to Bernie (Jewish Messiah) vs Trump ((AntiChrist)

Odin helps us all.

Slightly libtarded from center but fuck Bernie.

go home dipshit, you are a geriatric divisive busy body who's goddamn haircut will never get taken seriously by the average voter. Stop wasting America's time and know your role.

Fuck off lib.

Daddy has perfect, serious hair and the boundless energy of youth. Bernie doesn't stand a chance.


At this point I just want a tag-team royal rumble match between the dems and republicans to decide who's president. Just watch Hillary suplex Bernie as a betrayal.

My hope is that Bernie realizes that only millionaires and billionaires keep hairless cats. Following that epiphany, he will call for a hairless cat in every home, no matter how poor, no matter if the slumlord turns off the heat in winter. The central image of his campaign will be him shirtless, cuddling a shivering Egyptian Sphynx, skin to skin.

I thought itโ€™d be Larry King and got somewhat excited.

I'm voting Bernie/Funeral Home Director 2020!

Another clown fiesta of an election. The 2012 election seems like it was from another timeline.

I hope he wins and paves the way for a communist dictatorship of the proletariat.

This but unironically

Not being ironic. The working men and women of the world will be free one day. Capitalism is temporary.

The production of tay tay vagoo will belong to the workers.


Lewd??? Go back to /r/SubredditDrama

I will shove a bike pump up your ass

This but ironically

lmao starving to death to own the repubs

โ˜ญ Inshallah โ˜ญ

Inshallah next to commie trash


Inshallah, comrade.


This but literally

Redistribute Tay's means of reproduction

no matter what - it sure is going to be fun - cant wait for Hilldog to make it official that she is running - so the bloodbath can begin.

This mummy will be 82 years old at the end of his first term.

With 3 mummies running for presidency I'm starting to get jealous of my dad's charisma.

as long as your votes get divided and you have infighting thats all that matters tbh

'sup fellow pedes of r/WayOfTheBern, leftist liberal bernie bro here. I think we should all vote for Daddy Trump again this time because crooked Hilary has stabbed him in the back and let Harris have the DNC nomination. Remember the Pizzamails and Oghazi?

Don't listen to him. A vote for (((Bernie Sanders))) is literally a vote for a fascist future in America. Hilldawg is the only hope we have for a better world so if you could please pokemon go to the polls and like and subscribe that vote by her name we can all say I'm With Her.

You guys just cosplayed the 2020 Democratic primary. Looking forward to this.

When people say they want 2016 reddit back, this is what they want.

unironically being a communist

I dont think it's possible to be more ignorant.

>unironically thinking succdem Barney Sampers is somekind of communist

I don't think it's possible to be more ignorant.

shares the same sentiments and ideological principles as communists is supported by communists "but he's not a REEEEal communist :("

Good to know. I suppose Richard Spencer is just a friendly neighborhood "not-Nazi" too. Now I'm MUCH more comfortable voting for him if he runs for office. Sieg heil, mein kamerad!

shares the same sentiments and ideological principles as communists

Right. When the government does things it's communism and the more things they do the more communister it is.

is supported by communists but he's not a REEEEal communist

Communists don't support Sanders. All they do is whine and bitch about how "he killed Rosa" like 24/7.

Dude's positions aren't even close to socialism. They're capitalist af, just with a few crumbs thrown to the workers. Fat ameritards really need to put down the vidya and read a book or two before they say retarded political things on Reddit.

When the government does things it's communism and the more things they do the more communister it is.

I didnt say that

Communists don't support Sanders

That blindfold you've got on is quite the fashion statement

Dude's positions aren't even close to socialism. They're capitalist af...

Right, because thinking that income redistribution should be the primary goal of government and high wealth accumulation is "immoral" is sooooo capitalistic.

I guess it was possible to be more ignorant. I stand corrected.

We need Jeb now more than ever

He gave his money to Hillary, his supporters were literally a super PAC for Hilldawg. I can't believe my prediction is coming true, it think it'll legit be a rematch of 2016 at this point.

I'm donating -$200 someone match me.