The Last Jedi is two years old and nerds are still REEEEing about it smh.

1  2019-01-26 by Ghdust2


Jews did this


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george lucas looks like my dad.

Lmao imagine knowing what your dad looks like


imagine if my dad WAS george lucas. i would buy you a nice shirt.

Thank you. The thought counts.

Never watched the last Jedi but I agree with the post 100%

Uh, sweatie, it's only 1 year and 2 months old, m'kay?

Star Wars was a mistake

Spaceballs is unironically better than any piece of Star Wars media.

When are we getting Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money

I got downloaded heavily in some sub where I commented that neither TLJ nor all the new star wards was not made for the "Star Wars Fans". It was made for the current day kids by disney to rake in that sweet "I liked this movie, so my kids will too" nostalgia. They included the characters from the old movies just to superficially link them to the current movies. I mean, how is "The death star is gone but here is another same death star but its in a planet now" even original.

It was made for the current day kids by disney to rake in that sweet "I liked this movie, so my kids will too" nostalgia.

I'm not sure they were going for the nostalgia. I think they were targeting their broad Disney audience at the expense of alienating Star Wars "super fans". It's not like the new movies were that great either. Star Wars is probably going to become a shitty franchise like Pirates of the Caribbean.

It was attempting to create a Marvel Universe for Star Wars, but they’re too big of pussies to try to make anything that isn’t just sucking off the original trilogy.

I mean seriously we’ve had 8 movies about rebels v alliance and there is a whole universe to make stories about.

That's why they've got all that "Legends" shit (Literally everything that wasn't part of the movies) that they can pull from any time they want.

Pirates is dumb fun like james bond movies fk u

Yeah, they are. Because the movie systematically destroyed everything they lived about it.

It destroyed their favorite hero’s characterization (Luke)

It destroyed respect for the series (besides twelve year olds)

That’s only two things and that’s enough to rage about.

These nerds literally watched their entire culture burn to the ground. It’s a big deal to them.

Good. Fuck em.

Tag yourself I'm 23 and have respect for the series lmao. Nobody cares about Luke except middle aged men with binders for him.

Respect for Star Wars?

Even before the recent pile of dog shit movies they weren't respected in any way lmfao. This is the series that put Jar Jar as a main cast member and had emo Anakin crying for 2 movies straight. It's been garbage for at least 20 years.

Lmao I said I had respect for Star Wars not respect for every fucking Star Wars title or release ever made. It's an interesting world with a lot of potential and cool aspects, you don't have to be up the ass of every creative decision or storyline to respect what Star Wars and the cultural force it's become.

But he wasn’t old when the event that ruined his character occurred.

In the OT, Luke still tried to save Vader. (The dude who slaughtered children, and blew up planets)

Why would he try and kill a Palawan for having dreams? It makes no sense

It's almost like living through a war and seeing tons of death can slowly eat away at you and change your perspective after the fact, particularly in regards to your levels of paranoia.

But that wasn’t even mentioned. Rian could have easily put in a bit explaining that PTSD was affecting Luke.

Also remember, Vader cut Luke’s arm off and he still said that there is good in him.

Kylo is Luke’s nephew. So the familial bonds are still there.

What would have made for a better plot line was if Snoke was so friggin powerful (as in powerful as Darth Plagieus) that he actually managed to corrupt part of Luke’s mentality from across the galaxy as he did Kylo.

Then of course not have him randomly chopped in half mid trilogy.

There was so much potential in Snokes character. And it was wasted. There was potential in Rey’s character, but she’s not being utilized effectively with character development. There was a ton of potential with Kylo. But he’s now just seen as a pussy. There was potential in Finn’s character. But he’s just the sidekick who makes jokes.

Tell me, who out of the dozens of characters has any real character development?

For the record, Rey does not. Kylo does not. Solo does not.

The only ones I can think of are Finn, (a little bit). Luke, a little bit. And that’s all I can really think of.

There was more character development in Rogue One than both Episode 7 and 8 combined.

That degree finally paying off

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Yup, and it's one thing to say Luke's mental state is poorly written, it's another thing entirely to say it's unfathomable or makes no sense when it takes zero leaps in logic to conclude why he's so grouchy and bitter. I'm under no impression TLJ has great writing and it was lazy in plenty of ways but people acting like Luke could NEVER become that person is fucking annoying.

And as for Rogue One, agree to disagree. Awful film, awful characters. It's the worst SW film and I ha e no idea why people love it. It's Pompeii in space and all of the "character development" you're talking about was clearly missing from my version. It didn't need to exist.

Also if you think Rey confronting her delusions about her past and parents, deciding to pass up a peaceful life and instead fight for what she believes in, confronting temptation and passing it up, and finding her place in a group while harnessing her powers and talents is somehow not character development, then, you know, you literally did not watch these movies. Argue she's a Mary Sue if you want but she's a Mary Sue who has changed and grown since we met her. As opposed to Rogue One where literally the only character who came close to growing or changing in any way was Jyn, whose development was largely told and not shown. TFA and TLJ have various flaws but I'll take either of them over Rogue One any day without hesitation.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Bad bot

That's fucking pathetic Starwarscels should be gassed

Imagine thinking a series of spacecapeshit movies made up by someone with probable ADHD is "culture"

Idk what you’re trying to get at


But I thought Reddit loved that movie

CTR Disney shills only get paid for first few months

Stupid fucking capeshitters smh.

If I may seriouspost, even just for a moment

Fuck TLJ, it's really saying something that it's a worse movie than Attack of the Clones. And I say that as someone who loves the Prequels over any other Star Wars movie, those first two suck.

But TLJ, it's a different kind of bad. It's well made bad. It's not understanding your material bad. It's shoehorning conflict for the sake of conflict bad. It's tear down a trilogy of character development, and a movie for Finn, Poe, and Rey, bad. Fuck man, I love me some Kylo and I don't even think I enjoyed his arc in the movie


I know I'm ashamed of myself

Imagine unironically caring about the quality of space capeshit.

I still don’t understand why TLJ gets the most hate when it is FAR better than the prequels, and debatably TFA. It’s got its problems for sure, but I didn’t think it was bad enough to warrant an angry hate mob.

It's misogyny then

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