Trannie goes medieval with an axe on two people after Tinder date rejection, severely hurting them. Reddit mods: "Totally not a mental disorder guys" and "It's Ms Chopper, not Mr Chopper"

1  2019-01-26 by BernieTrudeau


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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It's scary to be a man. get on a date with a tranny, when you're not cool with that you're about to get murdered.

Is this how women claim to feel? Are trans women the true gender equalizer we have long searched for?

If the tranny actually looks like a woman and you only find out he has a dick when his pants come off, you'd be stronger than him anyway. If he looks like Fred Flintstone in a dress and you pretend you don't know that's a man, I'm afraid you're not straight.

Don't you have some "petite asian women" to jerk off to

I guess but I can't do that all day.

That's quitter talk.


He only jerks off to headless corpses of native women

He prefers chained up Aboriginal women in a Dexter style kill room

I thought he was more into freshly dead girls chained up in his basement

asians make the best traps that's a fact

Not really. If were man then would just stabbed the crossing dressing faggot.

I bet this was written by a chinaman or a pajeet

To be honest I only started giving a little bit of credit to women's complains on cat calling after being cat called by some trannies on the other side of the street while just casually walking. It's even more dangerous when you take it into account they're super predators, and that's why we need concealed carry

I think this incident happened in Australia, judging by the police uniforms.

If it had happened in many US states, Pajeet behind the counter at least might have had a gun. But then, why would he waste a bullet on mayo bullshit?

One bullet = one step closer to mayocide

Few too many bullets too fast and the white Reich wakes up.

You have to slowly boil the frog. Tell him having kids is bad for the environment, then tell him he didn't have enough kids so he has to import a population to displace his stolen kids.

That Pajeet fucked up by calling for medical help. He could have contributed to the mayocide and he didn't.

Her date was with a woman, so...

The creepiest thing about trannies is how many of them feel entitled to attraction. As if a straight guy suddenly not wanting to fuck with a crazy twink on pills makes them a bigot.

See how much they spergout when a lesbian doesn’t want dick because she doesn’t actually give a shit about her partner’s gender: only that her partner is dickless.

This one honestly pisses me off the most.

I've never seen that happen, they mostly just sulk when they're rejected. Maybe it does but it's not typical, it's more likely terfs making shit up and sensationalizing their trap boogeyman. r/Gendercritical is an extreme mixture of outrage and fear mongering

Go on any of the lesbian subs on Reddit, they're filled with them.

Literally only /r/truelesbians has stories about transbians trying to pressure "real" lesbians into ladycock worship.

You got me, I forgot to include TL-lite.

Ehhh, I've had plenty of them freak out on dating apps when I've been upfront and told them no thanks, that's not my thing.

But as soon as they do express attraction, they're insulted and called Chasers.

It kinda proves that are still dudes not so deep down.

The creepiest thing about trannies is how many of them feel entitled to attraction.

Probably just the lingering effects of having been a moid tbh

We're now getting towards the thicker end of the wedge. It starts with 'call me the correct pronoun', now it's 'I will murder you if you don't accept me'.

I see what you did there.

It's scary to be a man. get on a date with a tranny, when you're not cool with that you're about to get murdered.

NotAllTrans unironically since that's what men use. But really I hope this gives a perspective for you guys on how women view men

/#NotAllTrans unironically since that's what men use. But really I hope this gives a perspective for you guys on how women view men

Well, I would be really stupid to take one extremely rare case as any sign of how dating normally works, so I guess that does help me understand women's perspective on men.

Trannies allow men to experience the ultimate dating nightmare- other men

Yes, no, and yes

Seems like a normal female reaction to me. This particular lady just has the muscular-skeletal function to wield an axe.

Muscular-skeletal function to wield an axe

So a man


  • r/teenagers
  • r/CringeAnarchy

In a few years you might be able to manage one.

Twinks will inherit the earth

Yes dear, that's right.

only for one generation

the glorious, cum soaked bookend to the human race

A Burroughs novel come to life.

Have to mention the drug experiences if its a Burroughs novel iirc.

If there is a god, they will

Shut the hell up and don't ruin the secret plan.

close the sub again, folks

Let me in first, thanks.

Any amount of subtlety is too much for this sub

Please close the sub

Typical Lizzie Borden apologist.

That was the joke you literal autist

My mom says I’m special not autistic so checkmate

Your mum says I'm special too so I think we both know she's a liar


One tranny who got a gold medal in a cycling competition against real women said something like "I'm genetically better at growing muscles"...

Well yeah that’s just fax


Violence instinct like a woman, and the muscular-skeletal ability of a man

Truly the worst of both worlds, the perfect predator

Sounds like a shitty situation all round. I feel bad for Amati, but more so for her victims. I have mixed feeling about her sentencing. Four and a half years before parole seems like a short time for someone who just attacked people randomly with an axe. On the otherhand, for whatever reason, she only struck them once and didn't continue to attack them while they were down. She could have easily killed them both if she chose to. She needs help. I hope she gets it in jail so that we don't get another story like this a few years later.

Why are people so retarded

This is where virtue signalling will get all of us.

The comment you're quoting is supporting a four year sentence tho.

4 years aint long enough


Rehabilitation, not punishment, bro

When some crazy chick hits you with an axe trying to chop your head off, turn the other cheek

Rehabilitation not punishment

This but unironically unironically

There's no rehabilitating an axe-murdering tranny tho

You don’t know unless you try

Keep soneone insane and a threar to thexpubluc isolated isnt punishment per say

It's a dude not a chick.

It’s both!

That's some crime and punishment shit right there

That lady had dreadlocks, she deserved it. That's probably why the sentence was so light

It said the dreads actually helped protect her head

You'd at least need a few more hacks to break through the crust

Bro she could of killed them with one axe hit you piece of shit

Reading's difficult huh

Yea when you have a life you don’t wanna spend too much time on reddit do you huh you snarky smart ass? Go eat some junk food while you lay in bed on reddit all day and talk shit to other people to validate your intelligence

Epic dude xD

Imagine supporting a potentially 3-year sentence for cracking someone's skull open with an axe and hatcheting an old lady from behind

Why wouldn’t they? I mean, they probably should be locked up right?

It's ma'am.

The reign of tyranny of the trannycels in approaching

wait was that Romanian I was arguing with yesterday trans?

Who turns their back on someone carrying an axe in public?

Especially one who has visible mental problems like being trans.

Statistically he is more likely to kill himself than either of them but I wouldn’t rest easy on those odds

Where's your CringeAnarchy main tho?

Tranny defence force out in full swing, why are you so upset sweaty?

Why are you so nonapproved, nonapprovedcel?

Who hurt you?

The mods did, by allowing non-approvedcels like you back in.

Rapefugees out.

seriousposting this hard

You sure you're not lost? SRD is two blocks down

Thank you!

why did you delete it? i wanted to save it

This reply is like 200 characters too long.


How's that?


All anyone should say.

This thread is 6 levels too deep


This is too serious of a post to be allowed

Mods please ban


Not reading this shit.



Bauer, et al., 2015:

>Transition vastly reduces risks of suicide attempts, and the farther along in transition someone is the lower that risk gets.

Moody, et al., 2013:

>The ability to transition, along with family and social acceptance, are the largest factors reducing suicide risk among trans people.

Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment:

>A clinical protocol of a multidisciplinary team with mental health professionals, physicians, and surgeons, including puberty suppression, followed by cross-sex hormones and gender reassignment surgery, provides trans youth the opportunity to develop into well-functioning young adults. All showed significant improvement in their psychological health, and they had notably lower rates of internalizing psychopathology than previously reported among trans children living as their natal sex. Well-being was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population.

>The only disorders more common among trans people are those associated with abuse and discrimination - mainly anxiety and depression.

Early transition virtually eliminates these higher rates of depression and low self-worth and dramatically improves trans youth's mental health:

>Trans kids who socially transition early and who are not subjected to abuse or discrimination are comparable to cisgender children in measures of mental health.

Dr. Ryan Gorton

>"In a cross-sectional study of 141 transgender patients, Kuiper and Cohen-Kittenis found that after medical intervention and treatments, suicide fell from 19 percent to zero percent in transgender men and from 24 percent to 6 percent in transgender women."

Murad, et al., 2010

>"Significant decrease in suicidality post-treatment. The average reduction was from 30 percent pretreatment to 8 percent post treatment. ... A meta-analysis of 28 studies showed that 78 percent of transgender people had improved psychological functioning after treatment."

De Cuypere, et al., 2006

>Rate of suicide attempts dropped dramatically from 29.3 percent to 5.1 percent after receiving medical and surgical treatment among Dutch patients treated from 1986-2001.

UK study

>"Suicidal ideation and actual attempts reduced after transition, with 63% thinking about or attempting suicide more before they transitioned and only 3% thinking about or attempting suicide more post-transition.

Smith Y, 2005

>Participants improved on 13 out of 14 mental health measures after receiving treatments.

Lawrence, 2003

>Surveyed post-op trans folk: "Participants reported overwhelmingly that they were happy with their SRS results and that SRS had greatly improved the quality of their lives

>The scholarly literature makes clear that gender transition is effective in treating gender dysphoria and can significantly improve the well-being of transgender individuals.

>Among the positive outcomes of gender transition and related medical treatments for transgender individuals are improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction, higher self-esteem and confidence, and reductions in anxiety, depression, suicidality, and substance use.

>The positive impact of gender transition on transgender well-being has grown considerably in recent years, as both surgical techniques and social support have improved.

>Regrets following gender transition are extremely rare and have become even rarer as both surgical techniques and social support have improved. Pooling data from numerous studies demonstrates a regret rate ranging from .3 percent to 3.8 percent. Regrets are most likely to result from a lack of social support after transition or poor surgical outcomes using older techniques.

>These anecdotes are few and flimsy, and those who stir up fears of regret have no excuse for relying on them so heavily. Rigorous studies on transition outcomes and regrets have been available for years. In a 2003 study of 232 trans women who had received genital reconstruction from the same surgeon, none were consistently regretful, and 6% felt regret sometimes. Eight respondents were regretful because of inadequate surgical outcomes, five were regretful because of social and family issues, and two occasionally returned to living as men on a temporary basis. This pattern is consistent with the personal accounts we’ve seen citing social difficulties or shortcomings of transition treatment.

>Another study in 2005 found that out of 162 trans adults, only one reported that she would choose not to transition again, and another had some regrets but would choose to transition again. Five participants only felt regrets during treatment, and did not want to return to living as their assigned gender.

>A study in 2006 similarly found that out of 62 trans people who had undergone surgery, one woman said she occasionally regretted it, and continued to live as a woman. And in 2009, a study of 50 trans women who had received genital reconstruction found that only two felt regret sometimes. It’s no surprise that Walt Heyer has to reach so far to find so few cases of regret: all of the available research on the subject indicates that this is extremely uncommon




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Because it’s a fun and easy argument to win

Go back to traaa you retard.

Go back to CringeAnarchy you retard

Trannies have always been allowed here

You deleted the image retard

umar4812 is a longtime /r/drama user lol.

Who says they're not allowed? Women are allowed here, but you have the daily REEEEEEE females posts. Where people get into a frenzy over stupid fucking stuff like a woman on twox complaining her BF doesn't help with the housework. Go back to sleep. 😴😴

what's with the rise of the word "tourist" in the past month?

is it "newfag" for a more politically correct era?


yes, but there’s also the connotation that they don’t intend to ever stop being newfags

It's 'newfag' for people who can't say the no-no word.

post hog

gatekeeping /r/drama

And here we the best argument for the sub going private again

Imagine thinking anyone on /r/drama is seriousposting

No I know you're shitposting, it's just unfunny

A bloo bloo bloo

Imagine posting that shit fake crying noise

Imagine getting triggered by shitposting

Imagine imagineposting

Imagineposting is bannable iirc, right?

😩 I was merely pretending 😩

It happens more than you'd think...

It was just a social experiment, bro!

SRDine account. Of course it wants the sub to go private again.

if the sub going private didn't force you into srdine refugeedom then you don't get to pretend to know our struggles

I went to r/freedrama, I'd rather commit seppuku than post in that utter shithole controlled by SRS rejects.

Some of us weren't so privileged as to know about that sub, you presumptuous inner-circle dramatard.

lol I'm not inner-circle I just followed the bread crumbs. But I digress, the point is that I'd rather not post at all than post in that shithole, honestly it's nothing like this sub. SRD is for normie gossipy bitches getting their panties in a twist about everything and this one is about autistic people making fun of the mentally retarded.

Presumed jokes have literally never once been funny

The reason the sub went private wasn’t so SRDines like yourself could moralpost all over the sub


The reason the sub went private wasn’t so SRDines like yourself could moralpost all over the sub

Lol I was an approved submitter and almost never post on srd.

Also I'll moral post where i want bae

Wow an approved submitter! How important! Let alone the fact that any retard that begged to be let in the sub was approved as long as they were sufficiently autistic.

SRD is that way, sweaty

You sound like a faggot

u sound like a mod

Holy fuck you actually made an alt just for this

The srdine cries out in pain as he censors you.



scardick tho ewww

Unironicallty complainign about censorship.

Participation implies enthusiastic consent to being mod abused by unstable alcoholic bullies.


Yikes who turned down mircy

Mircy isn't that petite or feminine

Also added bonus, mircy autocorrects to mitch on my phone lol

mircy autocorrects to mitch on my phone


Most people

And yet Trump wants to keep these mad dog killers out of the army! We should be sending our axe wielding trannies against our enemies abroad. Vote commie mommy 2020.

Isn't she not eligible until 2028? And do you think they would really run her?

She isn't eligible until 35. I hope they would.

Nah, she'll become eligible (35 y/o) in Oct 2024, a month before the elections.

Well the transgender batalion got 40% casualties even before engaging the enemy

The issue isn't that the axeperson is Trans, it's that they're Mayo. being Mayo is a mental illness and should all be gassed.


why tho

because here at Drama we do not choose sides. they are axePERSON because they choose to be, you fucking bigot.

you could've just said axewielder tho

refer to my earlier post where i said i suck at writing and need personal handlers to write my thoughts for me


get well soon💐💐💐

but that’s gay


Someone strolls into a store with an axe and these people casually go about their day.

This is not ‘Murcia where the people expect to be shot daily

I'm from canukistan

that's not how axes work sweaty

What yes it is

TIL Open Axe Carry is a thing in the LandDownUndah

We ought to ban all axes for any use whatsoever.

They call it open-blade, normally machetes are the preferred tool

severely hurting them

op is so very gay

What's with linking the whole fuckin thread? Show the drama you cunt.

I'll tell you what, she got a hell of a swing, I'll give you that.

lmao, your move now, gamestop ma'am

Where's the drama? Everyone in the sub agrees she's crazy and deserved prison.

There is this thread where total badasses talk about how they would shrug off the axe hit and shoot her dead.


No drama, just a retard agendaposting.

The drama is that some dude went out to literally axe random people in a store maybe

In this thread as usual.

Where did you get that one?

mirs trap house

And who posted it there?

idk, stole it from ryuuuugen who got it from the house

at least he doesn't have a massive square chest like you, "Sarah"

Don't be rude


the u in saruh is intentional tyvm

>forget about this sight

Wow trans mommy


Volcel if you wouldn't


I'm gonna hijack the stickied comment to ask everybody to sign the petition to have Evie Amati's sentence increased.

trannies doing their best to top nigger naming conventions

Trussy is haram. Why would you fuck it (or gussy) when God has created something as perfect as bussy?


This is what peak lesbian looks like. If you wouldn't suck a feminine penis how can you even call yourself one.

It would be a hate crime if they didnt

This has also convinced me. All Lesbians are transphobic if they refuse to suck and get fucked by penises

The angle of the shot helps a bit but still, those are some very fine hips.

i agree very nice 👌

Is that what Mircy has been up to?

Trannies are insane

At least she'll be able to get some action in prison

The trannies will be the first to go in the Purge.

They have no real use in a normal society.

Good gourd

Tranny_Axe_Murderer secured

better luck next time, chuds

Lord. There was a discussion just the other day where it was said that a simple fix to this issue is to sort on biological birth.

Instead, you’re sticking dudes in the females stack and are getting shocked when they are instarejected by straight men.

When it comes to dating it isn’t about what the trans person identifies as, but what the opposite person is attracted to. Most define that via XX XY. Saying you’re one when you’re not is decietful and never ends well in relationships.

That person likely wouldn’t have felt near the rejection or frustration had tinder just been intellectually honest and provided a catagory in which he is properly identified and sorted such that he doesn’t have to continually get rejected by men looking for biological females.

I know they slip through on my tinder every now and again and I’ll usually get insta messages by them. So i have to unmatch because I know they’re not gonna let it drop.

That wouldn't stop trannys from selecting biological at birth woman for their profile. They genuinely don't give a shit about anyone but themselves is what I've come to notice.

Might help Tinder's liability though lol

birth ain’t gonna cover your bases either

you need a gender category for the straight people, a genital shape category for the gynophiles, and a fertility category for the conservatives

I hate when people confuse my gender pronouns.

And here I thought Macho Ma'Am Tranny Savage would take the cake and win most unstable tranny of the year award; I was wrong.

Can't decide whether the axeman is a mentally ill degenerate for being a tranny and attacking randoms with an axe or a hero because he/she took a swing at a dirty hippy's nappy dreads.

Mentally ill degenerates can still be heroes, haven’t you read Watchmen?

This person deserves THE DEATH PENALTY.

death penalty is for cowards

kinda makes up for all the men who murdered trans women 🤷🏻‍♀️

y’all jump on a couple wack stories involving trans ppl and start throwing bigotry around like it’s candy. yet we have cis ppl who are constantly raping and actually killing ppl in ways more brutal than this hit. get a grip.

Yeah. Violence solves the problem.

i was waiting for this response, lol.

no shit violence solves nothing. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but if there’s no change, no love, no acceptance. then what else u gonna do? constantly get beat on? let ppl walk over you? get murdered? yeah ok

Why should I use violence against someone who isn't showing any love or acceptance towards me? Will I defend myself? Absolutely, whether they're trans or otherwise. Why should I use violence against someone who isn't assaulting me? If that isn't what you're saying, that's on me.

many others should be asking themselves the same thing. i don’t condone violence on anyone unless it’s deserved. i don’t know what words were exchanged here, there’s not enough to even try to understand the rage. but one individual does not generalize the group. and the ignorance can become a form of violence.

why do we care more about catching crazy trans ppl and attacking the community instead of all the crazy cis killers who already exist?

Of course when a disliked minority group does a crime, it's aways used as a way to shit on the whole group.

The only group they can't shit on are muslims cus they are too many billions of them. But of course they can say all trans people are mentally ill because 1 person is a murderer.

Just human retardation like always.

I'd get more years for smoking weed or raping someone.

that just means the sentences for those are bullshit.

21st century

still supporting a sentence over 3 years for literally any crime

As much as it sucks as a trans person to be rejected for being trans, jesus christ don't go and fucking try to kill somebody with an axe for it you fucking retard

Yes it is insane how radicalized people are now. The person has his owns preferences and they should accept it if they are not interested in them.

Do you believe everything transphobes on /r/drama say? This was an unstable person randomly killing someone. There's absolutely zero proof that they did this because they were rejected on tinder.

Tbf, just because trannyism isn’t a mental disorder doesn’t mean trannies can’t have mental disorders

Is this the same event I posted about some months back, or is there a full-blown epidemic of axe-wielding trannies in Australian convenience stores?