Week old shutdown/furlough drama from /r/washingtondc. Butts are super hurt when someone points out that saying people are "working for free" isn't really accurate

1  2019-01-26 by MajesticReveal


Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


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Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


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Wow snappy, that's pretty redpilled.

Is a russian bot. Don't fall for it's tricks

Imagine not having the money to cover 3 months of expenses parked in a high-yield savings account. 🤣😂🤣

It's over for poorfags.

Do you even Dave Ramsey bro?

3 months of expenses parked in a high-yield savings account.

Still sounds poor

You don't want your emergency money tied up in the market. That shit needs to be liquid. Plop it in a 2% APY account and move on.

More than a month is overkill

Maybe if you don't have a credit card (imagine not having access to a 20k unsecured credit line)

The cash based finance and budgeting the above poster is referring is often the resort of people who got into trouble with four and five digit unsecured lines of credit.

So basically 90% of Americans

People should get paid on time, literally no one should be expected to go for a month without a paycheck. That is good financial behavior, it is not *required * financial behavior. In reality these people are probably having to throw their rent on credit cards.

And what if they have an actual emergency happens in this time and they've blown their fucking emergency fund because Trump wants a throw a bone to white supremacists?

Fuck you fascist animal

Just because 90% of Americans are financially retarded doesn't mean I have to feel sorry for them.

we get it, you're poor.

Reddit is where unemployed college kids come to hang out. Of course this dude doesn’t get the whole concept of responsibilities.

Responsibilities, like paying your fucking employees. Fucking fascist animal.

Inshallah, I’m being forced to agree with you.

I'm really not a lunatic I just get like that sometimes fyi

The original comment of mine was calling the retard who made the argument that “they are still getting paid” an unemployed loser.

No one who works for a living and had actually responsibility would make his argument. I wouldn’t be coming to work if my boss missed a paycheck, and no one else should either, it’s a business transaction and the federal government broke their side of it.

Tbh the federal government should be forced to do more then pay back pay, they should be legally responsible for all the shit they put the employees through. It’d make shutdowns a lot less of a political tool.

No one who works for a living and had actually responsibility would make his argument

Well, anyone who doesn't live paycheck to paycheck and understands that those employees still got paid (for not going to work lol!) would make that argument. It's the poor morons that wouldn't make it.

It’s a pride thing, nothing to do with not having money.

I guess you let your employer just decide whenever they want to pay you right?

It’s a pride thing


It would be dumb to support the crybabies in that thread last week, but this week, when they all got paid either for work they did or for vacation, it's absolutely retarded. As said in that thread, unless you were so stupid that you thought they'd never get paid, or you were so poor that you can't handle two missed paychecks, what exactly are you complaining about?

You realize most government employees (that were furloughed, obviously DoD folks just kept going to work) just got a month long working vacation, right? And that that was the most predictable thing in the world, right? Like the people in that thread crying (and you) are either dumb or poor. Which is it?

Alright, I get that you’ve never actually had a job and are living off your parents, but try to imagine not being a loser.

Not everyone out there is great at financial planning. 2 paychecks, after many people spent significant sums of money on the holidays, is incredibly difficult for a large portion of Americans.

Now I understand you have never had to budget for anything in your life, and that your shitty job forces you to live at home because “it’s just too expensive to move out” but a lot of people don’t have parents that allow them to be parasites on them and society.

That non working vacation is basically a month of stress and having to figure out how to provide for your family while not knowing when you will go back to work to get paid.

Literal retards understand this concept, literal retards get that your job deciding it just wasn’t going to pay you for a month would fuck a large amount of its employees, even fucking communists get it, and they are more retarded than most.

Alright, I get that you’ve never actually had a job and are living off your parents, but try to imagine not being a loser.

lol you little moron. Imagine not being a dumb piece of shit. The irony of you saying this while being like 24 is fantastic

Government agencies are shedding IT workers like crazy.

Doubt it. Only limp-wristed, ineffectual losers work in the government because they can't get fired and they don't really have to do much to maintain their job.

Anyone that has any ability to advance their career at all would already not be working in the government

expected to eat a month without pay every now and again!

They aren't eating a month without pay, they're getting paid a little late. So far the longest they've ever had to wait to get paid is 2 weeks (their first january paycheck was on the 14th, and they're getting paid now). The average federal salary in DC is 6 figures, and while 100k won't get you as far in DC as it will in Idaho it's still more than enough to have TWO WEEKS WORTH OF SAVINGS saved up.

FWIW I work in DC and when I first came out here I made considerably less than the average federal employee and it didn't take me long to have a few months worth of expenses in a savings account. It's really easy if you don't eat out and have cocktails every night after work.

I can’t imagine how they’re even getting by with having to pay for gas and stuff, especially the commuters



I wanted to agree with you but you said 'transport' which means you are British

It's burgerland, how much of a failure do you have to be to not even have credit available for that.