It's over for Coultercells

1  2019-01-26 by elephantofdoom


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Is she trans

Nah, a trans woman would be either cuter or uglier

I might watch 11 minutes of Bloviating Bill. I maybe could stand 11 minutes of Cunt Coulter. But together? Come on.


Did it ever begin?

I watched as President Trump sat in the White House, night after night, even canceling Christmas with his family, pleading with the Democrats to negotiate on what is one tenth of one percent of the budget...while Democrats continually left town, even enjoying beach days.

I watched as families of the lost, backed up the statistics on the murder rates, and the drug crisis, coming across our borders, with pictures of their loved ones that they will never see again.

I watched as Nancy Pelosi refused to come out of her office to even look at the moms whose children have been murdered.

I watched as border agents, and the brother of a slain police officer, sat with the President, and said "yes, we have a real crisis", and again, President Trump begged the Democrats just to negotiate.

I watched as Federal workers went without paychecks.

I watched as the GOP put, not one, but three bills on the floor, permitting federal workers to receive their paychecks while the government was shut down. I watched as Democrats voted NO on all the bills.

I watched as the Speaker of the House canceled the State of the Union speech, and flat out lie about security concerns, never actually talking to the Secret Service or Homeland security, and I watched as all these professionals called her out on her lies.

I watched as a President, knowing it would probably cost him approval ratings during an election season, "cave", as many people like to call it, and ended the shutdown so people could be paid...and giving the Democrats more chances to negotiate this one tenth of one percent of a budget.

I watched as the Democrats smugly claimed victory, when the truth is they did NOTHING.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Its over for non-longpostbot-cels

C O P E level: OVER 9000!

Are you telling me that you now support open borders? Think deeply here. Immigration is a beautiful thing, but needs to be a measured process to ensure the economics can support the new citizen, and that only the best get through (basically, they can pay their way and won't just end up on welfare). Illegal immigration is horribly wrong. They skip the line on everyone who is trying to come in PROPERLY. They steal SSNs. They work for less, way less, which drives down the wages but also quality of work. And they're criminals, every single one of them, because they illegally crossed the border. But when they do heinous additional crimes, they don't get deported, they make sure they rape and murder in a sanctuary city so they can be protected by the people who don't give a shit about the actual citizens that were just murdered and raped.


Technically they're not criminals until they get charged with a crime. The government almost never does that because there's a lot of beaurocracy for prosecuting a criminal offense and the criminal courts would be overrun. So most of the time it's treated as a civil offense (I.e. Between two people) against the government. Kind of confusing. Basically the immigrant did wrong to the government by crossing the border, and their deportation is compensating to the government for their wrong. It's sort of simialiar to a speeding ticket, the fine for the speeding ticket is technically civil compensation to the government and the speeder is not considered a criminal.

You expect me to watch 11 minutes of cancer without even telling me what the drama is? Fuck you op

She looks like she has a nice snatch.


Still do-able at fifthy fucking whatever her age is.